Prijatelj Matej je bil ponovno na koncertu. Preveri, čigavem. =)
My friend Matej was again on a concert. Check whose. =)
Pozdravljeni! V soboto sem se znova podal na Dunaj, kjer sem bil priča pop spektaklu, ki ga lahko uprizori le Lady Gaga, ena najbolj vročih pevk zadnjih nekaj let. Kot najbrž veste, je Gaga svetu poznana šele dobra tri leta, njen prvenec je le en dan po koncertu praznoval 3. obletnico izdaje, v tem času pa je dosegla več nagrad in rekordov, ki jih marsikateri pevec doseže v svoji celotni karieri.
My friend Matej was again on a concert. Check whose. =)
Pozdravljeni! V soboto sem se znova podal na Dunaj, kjer sem bil priča pop spektaklu, ki ga lahko uprizori le Lady Gaga, ena najbolj vročih pevk zadnjih nekaj let. Kot najbrž veste, je Gaga svetu poznana šele dobra tri leta, njen prvenec je le en dan po koncertu praznoval 3. obletnico izdaje, v tem času pa je dosegla več nagrad in rekordov, ki jih marsikateri pevec doseže v svoji celotni karieri.
Tickets. |
Hello! I went back to Vienna last Saturday – I was a witness to a wonderful pop spectacle, which only Lady Gaga, one of the best selling pop artists of our generation, can provide. As you probably know, her fame started just a little more then 3 years ago – her first album actually had its third anniversary just a day after the concert. In such little time she achieved more awards and records than many singers do in their whole careers.
The stage; castle changed it's form many times. |
S svojo turnejo The Born This Way Ball potuje po celem
svetu in ljudem preko glasbe sporoča, da ni nič narobe, če so drugačni in da je
največ, kar lahko storiš zase, to, da si srečen in zadovoljen sam s seboj.
Turnejo je pričela konec letošnjega aprila v Aziji, nadaljevala je v
Avstraliji, vse do oktobra se bo mudila po večini evropskih držav, nato pa jo
čaka še Afrika in tako Severna kot Južna Amerika. Turneja naj bi se končala
marca 2013, ko bo izdala svoj novi album ARTPOP.
With her tour, called The Born This Way
Ball, she travels around the world and telling people through her music that it
is OK if you are different and that it is the most important thing that you are
happy with who you are. Her tour started back in April 2012 in Asia. She also
visited Australia & New Zealand and now she came to Europe. She will be
touring here until October and then she is going to tour in Africa and in both
Americas as well. Tour will come to an end in March 2013, when her new album
ARTPOP will be released.
Lady Gaga talking to her fans. |
Polno dvorano oboževalcev je začela ogrevati glam rock
skupina The Darkness, ki je s tršimi rock ritmi poskrbela za stopnjevanje
razpoloženja, ki je svoj vrhunec doseglo deset minut čez deveto, ko se je
skrivnostni srednjeveški grad na odru osvetlil v temačno vijolični barvi,
jeklene rešetke so se spustile, ven pa je v spremstvu oboroženih varuhinj na
konju (seveda umetnem) prijezdila Lady Gaga, ki je v glamurozni opravi zaokrožila po celotnem odru in vmes odpela
pesem Highway Unicorn (Road to Love).
Gaga is floating right next to me, during the song Bloody Mary. |
Glam rock group The Darkness were the ones who started warming
up the crowd with their harsh rock rhythms. Mysterious medieval castle on the
stage glew in dark purple color ten minutes after 9 PM, steel gratings were
lowered and Gaga appeared on a giant (not real) horse, accompanied with armed
guardians. She was wearing a glamorous outfit and she bypassed the whole stage
while singing the first song of the evening, Highway Unicorn (Road to Love).
Strong energy during the song Scheiße |
Sledila je pesem Government Hooker, med katero je uprizorila
seks in umor z varnostnikom, nato pa se je hitro preoblekla in prijezdila na
ličinki, ki je uprizarjala rojstvo nove rase in s tem posledično celotno
sporočilo, ki ga imenuje Born This Way. Sledile so še druge pesmi iz njenega
najnovejšega albuma, seveda pa ni pozabila niti na svoje največje hite, npr.
Bad Romance. Vrstni red pesmi ni bil izbran naključno, saj so se povezovali v
zelo zanimivo zgodbo, ki je govorila o spoznavanju samega sebe, večkrat pa je
tudi nagovorila oboževalce, se jim zahvalila za podporo in povedala nekaj o
svoji poti.
Gaga becomes one with a motorcycle during Heavy Metal Lover, a dancer rides her. |
Government Hooker was the next song and while singing it she
acted as she is engaging in oral sex with her guard and later murdering him.
She quickly changed outfits and came back to the stage in huge larvae, which
represented the birth of a new race – consequently the whole message of BornThis Way. Other songs from her newest album were also sang and of course her
biggest hits as well, one of them being Bad Romance. Setlist wasn't random, it
was all placed in an interesting story about self discover. Gaga also talked to
the crowd many times, thanked them for support and talked a lot of her journey
as an artist.
A wonderful costum for song Bloody Mary; while she was singing it, she was floating on the stage. |
Zamenjala je tudi več kot 10 kostumov in seveda so bili vsi
več kot izjemni. Tako kot na večini drugih koncertov je tudi na Dunaju ob
klavirju zapela svojo novo balado Princess Die, ki se bo morda pojavila na
njenem novem albumu, in tako znova dokazala, da zna peti. Z vsako pesmijo je
bolj in bolj stopnjevala energijo med občinstvom, pravi glasbeni vrhunec pa je
dosegla z zadnjimi tremi pesmimi, ki tudi med njenimi oboževalci veljajo za
najbolj vroče – Scheiße, The Edge of Glory in Marry the Night. Od 17 pesmi, ki
jih najdemo na albumu, ni zapela le dveh: Hair in The Queen, sicer pa je skupaj
zapela 23 pesmi.
Lady Gaga singing Bad Romance. |
During the concert she changed more than 10 outfits and of
course all of them were really unique. She also sang her brand new ballad
Princess Die, which will perhaps appear on her new album and by the piano
proved the she has a lot of talent once again. She enhanced energy amongst the
crowd more and more. The true peak of the evening were the last three songs,
which are fans favourite as well: Scheiße, The Edge of Glory & Marry theNight. Out of 17 songs that are on the new album, she left out only 2: Hair and
The Queen. She sang 23 songs altogether.
Beginning of the concert; Gaga is at the back on a horse. |
Dve uri in dvajset minut dolg koncert smo vsi zapustili
navdušeni in prepričani, da smo pravkar videli prihodnost popa. Prav tako je
Gago poimenoval tudi organizator našega izleta, ki je dve leti nazaj, ko smo se
podali na Gagino prejšnjo turnejo, še kako udrihal čez njo, zdaj pa je bil tudi
on več kot navdušen in tudi sam potrdil, da je bil Madonnin koncert, ki smo si
ga ogledali tri tedne prej, nič v primerjavi z Gaginim šovom in talentom.
There were a lot of dance routines as well. |
We left 2 hours and 20 minutes long concert all excited and
assured that we just witnessed the future of pop. That were the same words
organizer of our trip to Vienna called Lady Gaga and I was really surprised by
that, because two years ago, when we went to her last tour, he hadn't had much
nice words about her. Well, now even he was more than excited and assured that
Madonna's concert which we have seen three weeks before, was nothing compared
to Gaga's show and talent.
Dancers. |
Sta mogle to objavt, ane? :(
OdgovoriIzbrišiJs sm pa jokala, kr nism mogla it :(
Paws up!
Seveda, da je potreblo objavit =) hehe =)
IzbrišiDrugič prej povej, Matej te z veseljem povabi zraven :-P
Ojojo, takoj grem! Kamorkol! :)
Izbrišiwell, I kinda like Gaga's music, but I really wish she cut drown the whole act and just sang, because she has a great voice...
OdgovoriIzbrišiyou write wonderful concert reviews, by the way =)
Ohh tudi jaz si zelim na njen koncert! Zame je ona carica!! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiDržim pesti, da ti kmalu uspe =)