četrtek, 2. avgust 2012

Sleek Monaco I-Divine

Pred časom sem vas vprašala, kaj bi rade najprej videle na blogu. Upoštevala sem vse omenjene želje, ne le po eno, in zmagala je Sleek Monaco paletka. Evo jo na ogled. 
Some time ago I asked you what you'd like to see on our blog first. I counted all the mentioned wishes and Sleek Monaco palette won. So here it is. 

Sleek Monaco I-Divine

Zelo sem vesela, da sem jo še lahko dobila na Moji drogeriji, ker je res krasna! O kakovosti Sleekic sploh ne bi razpravljala, ker so na mojih čisto neubogljivih vekah res dolgoobstojne in nikoli nimam pretiranih težav z nanašanjem, pa sem daaaaleč od mojstrice. Barve so super. Všeč mi je, da je nekaj živahnih in nekaj bolj umirjenih. Na prvi pogled so mi sicer izgledale nekoliko "razmetano", vendar super izgledajo skupaj, pa še nekaj - črne v tej paleti ni. Glede na to, da imam že tri, res ne potrebujem še ene. 
I'm really happy I was able to get it, it's great! I won't even start about the quality of these palettes, all the colours are really long-lasting on my eyes and I've never had much trouble with applying - and I'm far from a professional. The colours are great. I like how there are some more colourful and some not so much. The colours looked a bit over the place at the beginning, but they really go well together and what's great is the fact that there's no black in this palette. I already have three of them, so I really don't need another one.

Sleek Monaco I-Divine

Sleek Monaco I-Divine

Pa še swatchi. Vse barve so dobro pigmentirane, tudi druga v spodnji vrstici, le da ta ni dobro vidna na moji roki. Kombinacija mi je zelo všeč in mislim, da bom tole paletko kar pogosto uporabljala. Zdaj pa imam nagledani le še PPQ in Chaos. Ampak ne rabim več senčk! 
And here are the swatches. All the colours are nicely pigmented, the second in the bottom too, it's just not that visible on my hand. I love the combination and I see myself using this palette very often. Now I only want PPQ and Chaos. :P But I have to stop myself from buying more eyeshadows! 

Sleek Monaco I-Divine swatches

Sleek Monaco I-Divine swatches

Make up s to paletko pa sledi v prihodnjih dneh, če mi ga le uspe poslikati. Resno, fotkanje nohtov je toooooliko lažje! 
A look with the palette will be on in the next few days - if I manage to take a photo of it. Seriously, it's soooo much easier to take photos of nails! 

7 komentarjev:

  1. wow, awesome palette, really cool colors! giveaway has started, go check it out! =D


    1. Yeah, colours are great! :D
      I'll go check it out right now! :D

  2. These colors are gorgeous! I have been wanting to try a Sleek palette forever, I may have to get this one!

    1. You have to try Sleek, all the palettes I have are really great :)

  3. Nice shades. I didn't get this palette. Love the lilac and pink shade.


Hvala za komentar! Z veseljem ga bova prebrali. :)

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