četrtek, 31. maj 2012

Pošta! Mail! :)

Iiii, kaj me je nekaj dni nazaj pričakalo v nabiralniku! Pred časom sem sodelovala v Tayinem tekmovanju. Ne, nisem zmagala. Moja manikura je bila najbolj všeč nekomu, ki Tayi veliko pomeni, zato se je odločila, da še meni nekaj podari. Le da je rekla, da bo malenkost, in res nisem pričakovala toliko lakcev pa še glos! Taya, zlata si, hvala, komaj čakam, da vse sprobam!
Look what was waiting in my mailbox a few days back! I participated in Taya's contest a while ago. No, I didn't win. But someone who means a lot to Taya liked my manicure the best, so she decided to give me something. Just that she said something small, and I really didn't expect to get so many polishes and a lip gloss! Taya, you are the best, thank you, I can't wait to try it all! 

Tole je bila moja manikura:
This was my manicure: 

sreda, 30. maj 2012

e.l.f. Friday Favorites glasovanje/voting! :)

Včeraj sem vam pokazala manikuro, ki sem jo naredila za e.l.f nagradno igro. Zdaj pa vas lepo lepo prosim za pomoč. ;) Začelo se je namreč glasovanje, ki bo trajalo do 31. 5. do 11. ure. In če vam je moja manikura všeč, ji prooosim oddajte svoj glas. Glasujete tako, da po tej objavi  http://elfukblog.blogspot.com/2012/05/friday-favourites-elf-spring-time-nails.html in pred komentarji poiščete mojo sličico (9. po vrsti) in pod njo kliknete vote. ;) Mislim, da niti ni treba imeti blogger računa, da lahko oddate glas. 
Yesterday I showed you my manicure with which I participate in e.l.f. giveaway. And now I have a request for you. Pretty pretty please, if you liked my manicure at least a little bit, vote for me on this link: http://elfukblog.blogspot.com/2012/05/friday-favourites-elf-spring-time-nails.html After the post, before the comments, there are 9 picture, mine is 9th (Mateja) and you just click on the "vote" under it. ;) I think you don't even need the blogger account to do it. Voting ends on May 31st at 10 GMT. 

Že vnaprej hvala vsem! <3 :) 
Thank you soooo much! <3 :) 

ponedeljek, 28. maj 2012

Gremo v hribe. Let's head to the hills

Gremo v hribe ali Zlatorogovo transverzalo ponosa organizira pivovarna Laško. Gre za družabne dogodke, kjer se ljudje skupaj odpravijo na pohode.
Let's head to the hills is organized by one of the Slovenian companies and it's about socializing through hiking. 


nedelja, 27. maj 2012

e.l.f. Friday Favorites

Pri e.l.f.-u nas vedno razvajajo z nagradnimi igrami, ta petek pa so se odločili, da moramo za osvojitev nagrade pokazati svojo najljubšo manikuro, uporabiti pa je treba vsaj en njihov lak. Pa sem si rekla, zakaj pa ne, poskusit je treba. 
People at e.l.f. are so nice that they always organize something to give away. This Friday they decided that we need to show our favorite manicure in order to win a prize and use at least one of their polishes in it. Why not, let's try it! 

Odločila sem se za packasto manikuro, ker mi je izmed vseh vzorčkov ta najljubši, uporabila pa sem e.l.f. laka Fire Coral in Metal Madness (tega za vzorček). In nastalo je tole: 
The decision was easy, I'll make a smudgy manicure! I love this pattern. I used e.l.f. polishes Fire Coral and Metal Madness (the last one for the pattern). And this is what came out of it: 

e.l.f. Friday Favorites smudgy manicure (with Fire Coral & Metal Madness)

četrtek, 24. maj 2012


Jupi, drugi polfinalni večer Evrovizije se bliža in mislim, da bomo danes slišali kar dosti dobrih pesmi. ;) Ampak jaz komaj čakam, da slišimo peti našo Evo. Boste gledale? Kako vam je bil kaj všeč prvi polfinalni večer in kdo je vaš favorit? :)
Yay, the second Eurovision Song Contest semi final is almost here and I think we'll here quite some good songs. ;) But I can't wait to hear our Eva sing (#9!). What do you think of our song? Will you watch the semi final? Who is your favorite? :) 

četrtek, 17. maj 2012


Tokrat bom z vami delila preprost recept za tiramisu, ki sem ga pravkar pripravila. Zaenkrat še "počiva" v hladilniku. 
This time I will share with you a recipe for tiramisu that I recently made. For now, it's still in the fridge. 

Yummy yummy!

ponedeljek, 14. maj 2012

Shranjevanje čopičev. Brush holders.

Vse svoje čopiče sem imela kar v Nutella kozarcih, ampak mi ni bilo všeč, kako so vsi nametani skupaj. Brez očal težko najdem pravega. Tole rešitev sem videla v videu od RachhLoves in sem se odločila narediti nekaj podobnega. 
I kept my brushes in Nutella glasses, but I didn't like it how they were all together in a bunch. I had trouble finding the right one without my glasses. I saw this solution in RachhLoves's video and decided to try something similar. 

sreda, 9. maj 2012

Najljubši. Favorites

Naj vam pokažem nekaj svojih najljubših izdelkov, ki jih zelo pogosto uporabljam. Sicer bi jih lahko naštela še več, ampak recimo, da so tile najboljši med najboljšimi. 
Let me show you some of my favorite products I use almost every day. I could count many more but let's say these are the best of the best. 

nedelja, 6. maj 2012

Hanson Day

Vesel dan Hansonov! Grem stavit, da vas 80 % ne ve, o čem govorim ... Ampak mislim, da se boste spomnili, ko si ogledate tole: 
Happy Hanson day! I bet 80 % of you don't know, what I'm talking about ... But you'll remember as soon as you see this: 

petek, 4. maj 2012

Prijatelja. The Intouchables

Če ne veste, kaj bi šle prihodnji teden gledat v kino, vam zelo priporočam film Prijatelja (The Intouchables). Jaz sem si ga ogledala pred nekaj dnevi in me je res navdušil. Veliko humorja, drugačen pogled na temo, pa vendar se najde v njem nekaj drame - proti koncu le pripravite kak robček. ;) Pa naj vas akcijski začetek ne zavede. Temelji na resnični zgodbi. Res priporočam! :) 
If you don't know what to do in the next days, I recommend you watch movie The Intouchables. I saw it a few days ago and am really impressed. Lots of humor, a bit different point of view to the topic and you can still find some drama in the story - get your handkerchief ready at the end. ;) And don't let the action movie start mislead you. It's based on a true story. I really recommend it! 

Ste ga že videle? Kateri film pa je vas navdušil v zadnjem času?
Did you see it yet? Which movie impressed you lately?

sreda, 2. maj 2012

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