nedelja, 6. maj 2012

Hanson Day

Vesel dan Hansonov! Grem stavit, da vas 80 % ne ve, o čem govorim ... Ampak mislim, da se boste spomnili, ko si ogledate tole: 
Happy Hanson day! I bet 80 % of you don't know, what I'm talking about ... But you'll remember as soon as you see this: 

Jaz sem jih sicer začela poslušati šele nekje okrog spodnjega spota, ampak sem bila takrat dovolj nora nanje, da sem nadoknadila še za vsa leta nazaj. Brat mi je kupil CD za rojstni dan in mislim, da v enem letu ni minil dan, ko ne bi vseh pesmi preposlušala vsaj 5-krat. 
I started listening to them around this video here though, but I was totally obsessed then, so I compensated for all the missed years. My brother bought me their CD for my birthday and I think there wasn't a day in the following year that I wouldn't listen to all the songs for at least 5-times. 

Kar je pri njih super, je to, da so se vseskozi razvijali in vsak nov album je bil malce drugačen od prejšnjega, tako da se jih je težko naveličati. Vsaj jaz se jih nisem. Penny & Me je verjetno moja najljubša njihova pesem že odkar sem jo prvič slišala. Vedno je idealna, ampak najraje jo pa poslušam, ko se kam vozim na kakršnikoli način že.
What I like about them is the fact that they continued to make their music better and better and every album was a bit different than the previous so it's hard to be tired of them. Well, at least I think so. Penny & Me is probably my favourite song since I've heard it for the first time - and that hasn't changed since. It's perfect for any time, but I really like listening to it while driving, going on a trip, vacation ... 

In zakaj dan Hansonov? Na današnji dan pred 15 leti so izdali CD Middle of Nowhere, na katerem je bila tudi pesem MmmBop. Zaradi vsega uspeha je takratni guverner Oklahome ta dan razlasil za dan Hansonov. 
And why Hanson Day? Middle of Nowhere album was released on 6th of May 15 years ago (MmmBop was on it ;) ). Because of all the success then-governor of Oklahoma declared the day for Hanson Day. 

Pa še 2 novejši: 
And two newer songs: 

Ste jih kdaj poslušale? Poslušate še zdaj kakšno skupino, ki je bila popularna, ko ste bile ve najstnice? 
Did you ever listen to them? Is there any band you still listen to since you were a teenager? 

2 komentarja:

  1. OMG that is Hanson overdose...when is Westlife day????

    Btw, I am from the 90s...unfortunately I did live through the Hanson era... =P


    1. Hahaha, that's nothing, you should see me like 10 years ago, Hanson all days XD
      It's still Hanson era! :P


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