ponedeljek, 30. december 2013

Four Hills Tournament - Oberstdorf 29. 12. 2013

Prva tekma na letošnji novoletni turneji je potekala v Nemškem Oberstdorfu. V soboto, 28. 12., so potekale kvalifikacije, v nedeljo, 29. 12., pa prva tekma.
First competitions in this years 4 hills tournament was in Germany - Oberstdorf. On Saturday 28. 12. there was  a qualification round and on Sunday 29. 12. first competition.

... ist es wieder Zeit für die Vierschanzentournee
Source. Oberstdorf.

nedelja, 29. december 2013

Čuki v Novi Gorici 28. 12. 2013 // Čuki in Nova Gorica

Včeraj sem šla na koncert skupine Čuki v Novi Gorici.
Yesterday I went to a concert of our group Čuki in Nova Gorica.

Čuki in Nova Gorica - 28. 12. 2013

sobota, 28. december 2013

New beginnings giveaway

Iskreno. Tale giveaway bi se moral že zdavnaj zaključiti. Ampak nisva imeli časa, da ga spraviva na blog in urediva še vse ostalo. In *vstavite približno 50 izgovorov, ki jih res nočete slišati in sploh nimajo veze z ničimer*. 
To be honest. This giveaway should be closed by now. But we just didn't have time to put it together and be done with all the things it comes with. Also *insert 50 other excuses you really don't want to hear about and have no meaning*. 

Kakorkoli, imava veliko novico! No, veliko za naju. Mogoče ste opazile, da sva bili zadnje tedne (khm, mesece) precej odsotni. *Spet vstavi milijon izgovorov*. Ampak nama je bloganje všeč in res ne bi radi vsega kar zaključili. Zato sva se raje odločili za svež začetek. Kdaj je bolj primeren čas kot za novo leto!
Anyways, we have big news. Well, big for us at least! As you might have noticed in the last few weeks (*cough*months*cough*) we weren't here as much as we wanted. *Again, insert a gazillion excuses here*. But we really like blogging and we don't want to just end everything. So we've decided for a fresh start. New year is the right time for that! 

Prenovili bova blog. Najverjetneje bova tudi spremenili ime. Ampak še vedno boste vedele, da sva to midve. ;) Tole ime je namreč še iz časov, ko sva bili prepričani, da bova pisali samo v slovenščini. In res nama gre že na živce tole ozadje, ki bi moralo ostati na blogu le 2 tedna. Ki sta se razvlekla v več kot eno leto.
We're going to refresh the blog. There will probably be a name change. But you'll still know it's us. ;) This name is from the times we were sure we'll only write in Slovene. And we're very much sick of this layout that was just supposed to be here for 2 weeks. It stretched into more than a year. 

Tole je torej giveaway za nove začetke! Trajal bo tako dolgo, kolikor bova potrebovali za prenovo bloga. Ampak to ne bo eno leto. :D Recimo, da en teden. Giveaway je v bistvu podkupnina, da boste potrpežljive, če bo v tem času kaj izgledalo čudno ali pa ne bo delalo, ker pravzaprav nimava pojma, kako sploh uresničiti vse ideje. :)) 
So this is a new beginnings giveaway! It'll last as long as it'll take us to change the blog. It won't last for a year though. :D Lets say a week. And the giveaway is actually a bribe for you to stay patient if things won't work as they should from the beginning, because we actually don't know anything about customising the blog. :)) 

Vse dolgočasne podrobnosti so zapisane v pravilih. Ampak le na hitro: 
- Slediti nama morate prek GFC-ja. 
Vse ostalo je neobvezno. Bova pa zelo veseli, če pustite kakšen komentar. :)
You have all the boring details in the "Terms and conditions" part. Just quick rules:
- You have to be our GFC follower (GFC is back, yay!).
Everything else in not mandatory. But we'll be very happy if you'll write a comment. :) 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

U, ja, nagrade! 
- BH Tropical Matte paletka
- MUA Matte Peachy Keen šminka
- verižica
Oh, and what's the prize! 
- BH Tropical Matte palette
- MUA Matte Peachy Keen lipstick
- a necklace

If you wonder how the palette looks like. ;)

Dve paletki sva dobili z Ličila.si, ostalo pa sva kupili zdaj ali pa nekaj časa nazaj, ampak je vse popolnoma neuporabljeno. :) Aja, od kod govorim v množini, če je pa tule samo ena paletka? Všečkajte in sledite nama še na Facebooku. Mogoče še tam čaka kakšen mini giveaway v naslednjem tednu! ;)
We got two palettes from Ličila.si and we bought other stuff now or a while ago but nothing has ever been used. :) Oh, why am I talking about two palettes, if there's only one? Like & follow us on our Facebook page. There might be more mini giveaways there in the next week too. ;)

petek, 27. december 2013

Let it snow!

Če zunaj še ni snežink, si jih bom pa sama ustvarila...
If there is no snow outside, I will create it myself ...

Barry M Blood Orange, Avon french manicure, Essence - Julia

sreda, 25. december 2013

Vesel božič // Merry Christmas

Upam, da ste imele vse lep božič in je Božiček pod smrekico pustil kaj lepega. :) 
I hope you've had a nice Christmas and Santa left something nice under the tree! :)

Meni se je končno uresničila želja in sem dobila božični pulover! 
I finally got my wish come true and got a Christmas sweater! A pretty one!

torek, 24. december 2013

2 super dneva // 2 great days

V petek popoldne smo imeli v Kopru slovesno podelitev diplom. Pa sem jo le dočakala! :-D 
On Friday we had a ceremony of diplomas in Koper. Finally! :-D

ponedeljek, 23. december 2013

Ljubljana v lučkah // Ljubljana in lights

Če ste se v soboto sprehajale po Ljubljani in naletele na 3 preglasne punce, ki niso opazile nikogar okrog sebe, smo bile verjetno to me tri. :P "Babe" smo se spet dobile, po dooolgem času, ker smo vse tri tako zaposlene, da je že težko najti čas. Ampak vse se da, če se hoče! In v Ljubljano grem vedno rada! Sploh pa v predbožičnem času - lučke so prekrasne! 
If you were in Ljubljana on Saturday and saw 3 too loud girls that didn't notice anyone and anything around them, it was probably us three. :P We finally got the date when all three of us had time! Ljubljana is always beautiful but in the Christmas time everything is just magical!

Pa še tako pridna sem bila, da mi je Božiček že darila prinesel! Hvala Božička Mateja in Božička Urša! :)) 
And I was such a good girl this year that Santa brought my presents early! Thank you Mateja Santa and Urša Santa! :))

nedelja, 22. december 2013

Engelberg 20. - 22. 12.

Smučarji skakalci so bili ta konec tedna v Švici, natančneje v Engelbergu. Tako kot vedno, so v petek potekale kvalifikacije, v soboto in nedeljo pa posamični tekmi.
Ski jumpers were this weekend in Switzerland, Engelberg. As usually they had qualifications on Friday and individual competitions on Saturday and Sunday.

Letzter Weltcup vor Weihnachten, ...
Source. Engelberg

sreda, 18. december 2013

Do you speak love?

Moja sestra je bila na volji za ustvarjanje :-) 
My sister was in a mood for creating. :-)

Essence Do you spek love? and Make it golden.

Nastalo je tole:
This is what she made:

nedelja, 15. december 2013

Titisee - Neustadt 13. - 15. 12. 2013

Smučarski skoki se se tokrat ponovno preselili nazaj v Nemčijo. Ponovno so v petek potekale kvalifikacije, v soboto in nedeljo pa posamični tekmi.
This time ski jumping competition went back to Germany. As usually there was a qualification round on Friday and competitions on Saturday and Sunday.

nedelja, 8. december 2013

Lillehammer 6. - 8. 12.

Tokrat so skoki potekali v Norveškem Lillehammerju. Veter tokrat ni krojih rezultatov tekme, tako kot na prejšnjih tekmovanjih. 
This time there were competitions in Norway Lillehammer. Luckly there were no wind to change the results as in the competitions before.

ponedeljek, 2. december 2013

Kuusamo 28. - 30. 11.

Ta vikend sta potekali dve tekmovanji v Finskem Kuusamu. V petek smo spremljali kvalifikacije in posamično tekmo, druga tekma je potekala v soboto. 
This weekend there were two competition in Finland - Kuusamo. On Friday there were qualification and first competition and on Saturday there was second competition.

Source. Kuusamo

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