Lets go, day 4! White base with some color. I've bought Barry M Racing Green recently, so this was a chance to try it out.
Najprej sem uporabila Beauty UK Frozen Kingdom:
First I used Beauty UK Frozen Kingdom:
Beauty UK Frozen Kingdom |
In še z Barry M Racing Green. Res krasna barva!
And with Barry M's Racing Green. It's such a beautiful color!
Beauty UK Frozen Kingdom and Barry M Racing Green |
Beauty UK Frozen Kingdom and Barry M Racing Green |
Beauty UK Frozen Kingdom and Barry M Racing Green |
Beauty UK Frozen Kingdom and Barry M Racing Green |
Čez tri dni vas pričaka barvna manikura z nečim črnim. Že vem, kaj bom ustvarila. Ve pa medtem hitro odklikajte na tole povezavo, da vidite, kdo še sodeluje.
In three days you'll see some color with something black. I already know, what I'll do. And to see who else is participating in this challenge, click here.
nice, love that green :-D
OdgovoriIzbrišiThe green is the best, and I'm not really into green usually :D
IzbrišiDobro izgleda! Lepa zelena.
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaz sem tudi čisto navdušena nad zeleno. :)
Izbrišihmm...not my fav, sorry =/
Not a problem, always like an honest opinion :D
IzbrišiI love the white!
OdgovoriIzbrišiIt's beautiful! :) You should see all the tiny gold shimmer in it, but it's impossible to capture it on photo.
Izbrišioo tale bel lak je pa res lep, tak ledeni :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiRes je lep. :D