torek, 27. marec 2012

Pomlad. Spring

My grandparent`s garden.
Pa smo jo le dočakali. Pomlad namreč. Letos že 20. namesto 21. marca. Pomladnih temperatur smo bili deležni že nekaj časa pred uradnim začetkom pomladi. 


It finally came. Spring. This year already at
20th March than 21st March. But there were
spring temperatures a few days before the
 official " first spring day". 

Bracelets from Kleo.
Letošnja pomlad bo zelo pisana, tudi kar se oblačil in nakita tiče. Tako da kar pogumno potegnite iz omare tiste rdeče kavbojke, ki so tam samevale celotno zimo. Med nakitom pobrskajte za turkizno zapestnico. Na noge balerinke in že ste pripravljene za sprehod po zeleno obarvani naravi. 

Bracelets from Kleo.

This year you can wear a looot of colors and that goes with clothes or accesories too. So grab your red jeans which were in your closet during the whole winter. Grab a turquoise bracelet. Put your flat shoes on and go for a walk in this beautifull green nature. 

Nadihajte se svežega zraka, s seboj pa ne pozabite vzeti svojega štirinožnega prijatelja, ki se sprehoda 100 % ne bo branil. 
Get some freash air and don't forget to take your pet with you - he sure won't mind the walk. 

Če vam po sprehodu še vedno ostaja energija, pokličite prijateljico in se skupaj nekam zapeljita s kolesom. Med potjo lahko veselo klepetata in čas bo presenetljivo hitro minil. 
If you still have some energy, call your friend and go cycling together. You can chat during cycling and time will just pass by. 

Seveda spomladi ne gre brez alergij. Tako da tisti, ki imate razne alergije,  vsekakor ne pozabite vzeti s seboj vseh potrebnih pripomočkov in zdravil. In naj bodo to pomlad alergije čim blažje. 
Of course there are some allergies during the spring. So don`t forget to take your medicine with you. And I hope allergies won't be too annoying this spring. 

5 komentarjev:

  1. Lušna objava!

    Ja pomlad je pa res že tukaj.In res je vse tako lepo.

  2. jaz se tudi že veselim pomladi... vseh tistih sivih in rjavih oblacil sem ze sita (crnih pa sploh ne nosim). balerinke so pa ze ulaufane ;)

  3. I'm starting to get the impression that bloggers are spring worshippers...I'll be wearing lots of brights, but I also wear some brights in the winter, so...

    and the bugs are already here, which makes me...unhappy =P



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