Pictures of one of the new Essence trend editions are out! This one looks great! It comes out in April in Germany, so I guess we'll have it in April or May.
Nekaj lakov za nohte:
Some nail polishes:
Tale izgleda zanimivo, menda bo dišal po jagodah:
This looks great, it's supposed to smell like strawberries:
Komaj čakam, da vidim blush! Ne vem, kaj je z mano in vsemi nepudrastimi blushi.
I can't wait for the blush! I don't know what is it with me and all the non-powdery blushes.
Pa še senčke:
Sorbet eyeshadows:
Dva balzama za ustnice (zanima me, koliko bosta vidna na ustnicah):
Two lip balms (I wonder if they'll be visible on lips):
In sadje za nohte! Tole zgleda luštno!
And nail fruits! These look cute!
Vam je kaj padlo v oči? Mene predvsem zanima blush, jagodni nadlak mi zveni zanimivo, ampak ga bom verjetno pustila na polici, pa tole sadje ne more biti slabo.
Anything that's caught your eye? :) I'm interested in blush, strawberry top coat (but I probably won't buy it) and the fruits look great.
We do not own any of the pictures in this blog post. We found them on Kosmetik Addicted blog.
Te LE pa ne smem spustit :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaz tudi ne! :D Parkrat na leto pri Essence res zadanejo v nulo! :D
IzbrišiI'm curious about the eye sorbets, thats all
I don't think I'll buy those, my eyelids don't like anything that's not powdery XD
IzbrišiTooorej :D Zanimata me oba top coata, nalepkice sigurno. pol mogoče kakšen lakec, mogoče oranžasto senčilo, mogoče rdečilo, boh :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiuff, odkar sem ugotovila, da obstajajo te LE, moja denarnica je vedno lažja :(
lp in lep vikend :D
Jp, enako je z mojo denarnico. ;)
IzbrišiLep vikend tudi tebi! :D
does the topcoat really smells fruit? :p
OdgovoriIzbrišiI didn't buy it in the end, but I've read it does smell fruity or candy-like. :D Maybe not like fresh strawberries though. :D