nedelja, 18. marec 2012

Planica 2012

The most beautiful ski flying hill in the world = Planica!

Pa je konec še ene sezone v smučarskih skokih. Že kar tradicionalno se je sezona končala v Planici z dvema posamičnima in eno ekipno tekmo. 
Another ski jumping season is over. Traditionally it ended in Planica with two individual and one team competition. 

Tom Hilde was giving away some hats.

V skupnem seštevku sezone si je veliki kristalni globus priskočil Norvežan Anders Bardal. Čestitamo! Na drugem mestu je pristal Avstrijec Gregor Schlierenzauer. Tretji je bil Andreas Kofler
Anders Bardal from Norway won the overall title of this season. Congratilations! Austrian  Gregor Schlierenzauer was second and Andreas Kofler third.

Rune Velta
Jure Šinkovec

Mali kristalni globus (za vodilnega v skupnem seštevku smučarskih poletov) pa si je priletel Robert Kranjec, Slovenija. Robi, ponosni smo nate! Drugo mesto je zasedel Avstrijec Martin Koch, tretji pa je bil Švicar Simon Ammann.
Our Robert Kranjec won the overall ski flying World Cup. Robi, we are so proud of you!  Second was Austrian Martin Koch and third Simon Ammann from Switzerland. 

Anders Fannemel

Vreme je bilo do nedelje odlično: sonček & toplo. Le na nedeljo so se začeli zbirati oblaki, bilo je tudi hladneje in med samo tekmo je nagajal veter. 
The weather was great till Sunday: sun & warm. Only on Sunday there were some clouds, it was chillier and there were some problems with wind conditions. 

Davide Bresadola

V petek je bila prva posamična tekma, na kateri je zmagal Robert Kranjec! Drugi je bil Simon Ammann in tretji Martin Koch. 
On Friday there was the first individual match and Robert Kranjec won it! Second was Simon Ammann and Martin Koch the third.

Klemens Muranka
V soboto smo spremljali ekipno tekmo, kjer smo Slovenci (Tepeš, Hvala, Šinkovec, Kranjec) pristali na četrtem mestu. Zmaga je šla v roke Avstrijcev (Morgenstern, Kofler, Schlierenzauer, Koch). Drugi so bili Norvežani (Velta, Fannemel, Romoeren, Bardal) in tretji Nemci (Mechler, Freund, Wank, Freitag).
On Saturday we were able to watch the team competition, where our boys (Tepeš, Hvala, Šinkovec, Kranjec) were forth. The Austrians (Morgenstern, Kofler, Schlierenzauer, Koch) won, Norwegians  (Velta, Fannemel, Romoeren, Bardal) were second and Germany (Mechler, Freund, Wank, Freitag) was third.

Richard Freitag

V nedeljo pa je sledila še zadnja tekma v tej sezoni. Zmaga je šla v roke Martina Kocha, drugo mesto je zasedel Simon Ammann in tretje mesto Robert Kranjec. Tekmo je krojil zelo spremenljiv veter in zato smo lahko spremljali le eno serijo.
And the last competition for this season was on Sunday. Martin Koch won, Simon Ammann was second and our Robert Kranjec was third. There was only one series because of unstable wind.

Planica 2012

Na sobotni tekmi je svojo kariero končal finski smučarski skakalec Matti Hautamaeki. Svoj najdaljši polet je dosegel leta 2005 v Planici - 235,5 m. V svoji karieri je dosegel 16 zmag. 
On Saturday competition Matti Hautamaeki ended his career. He set his personal best in Planica 2005 - 235,5 m. He won 16 times in his career.

Planica 2012

Tudi letos je za "lakoto" poskrbel Manner s svojimi izdelki. Letos so med gledalce delili sladoled Planica (lučko) in njihov najnovejši izdelek Cubi Doo
Manner was responsible for us not to be hungry. They prepared some Planica ice cream and their newest product Cubi Doo.

Mnenja obiskovalcev letošnje Planice:
Opinions of this year's Planica visitors:

Moje mnenje: Letos sem Planico obiskala v petek. Na pot sem se odpravila okrog 12:00 iz Ljubljane. Po poti ni bilo gneče in tudi s parkiranjem v Kranjski Gori nisem imela težav. Iz Kranjske Gore se do Planice vedn odpravim s krožnim avtobusom. Sama tekma je bila super. K temu je pripomoglo tudi odlično vreme (dokler je sonček sijal je bilo res toplo) in seveda je bila odlična tudi zmaga našega Robija! Kot že omenjeno Manner vsako leto poskrbi tudi za obiskovalce, med katere deli svoje izdelke. Pot nazaj je sicer potekala v strnjeni koloni, ampak se splača potrpeti! :) 
Andreas Wank
My opinion: I was in Planica on Friday this year. I started from Ljubljana at 12.00 and there was no major traffic or problems with parking spot in Kranjska Gora. I alway use a bus from Kranjska Gora to Planica. The competition was great. Nice weather had much role in this (it was really warm while the sun was shining) and of course, our Robi won! Manner took care od us if we were hungry. Therewas some traffic on the way home, but it's worth the wait! :)

Andreas Wank
Nina, Domžale: Planica je že tradicionalni športni praznik v Sloveniji. Letos je bilo gledalcev, ki so pričakovali dolge polete, polno, in temu primerno je bilo tudi vzdušje. Bilo je res super in vreme je bilo odlično do nedelje, ko ga je malo zagodlo in druga serija je bila odpovedana. Končni rezultat - zadovoljni gledalci in skakalci! 
Nina, Domžale: Planica is traditional sports holiday in Slovenia. This year there were lots of visitors who expected long jumps and the atmosphere was suiting to that. It was really great and the weather was nice till Sunday when the second round was cancelled. All in all - satisfied visitors and jumpers! 

Jurij Tepeš

Špela, Ljubljana: Bilo je fenomenalno. Vzdušje odlično, družba prava in poleti dolgi.
Špela, Ljubljana: It was awesome. The atmosphere was great, so was the company and jumps were long.

Tom Hilde
Tea, Domžale: V Planici sem bila letos dvakrat in mislim, da je bilo prav super! Mi, slovenski navijači smo bili res najglasnejši in najboljši, pomagalo pa nam je tudi super sončno vreme. Organizacija je bila kar v redu, razen glede parkiranja avtomobilov... to mi ni bilo ravno všeč, drugače pa so se organizatorji res izkazali, kot vsako leto!
Tea, Domžale: I was in Planica for two days this year and I think it was great. Slovenian fans were really the loudest and the best and the sunny weather was helpful. Organisation was fine, except parking ... I didn't like that, but otherwise organizers were good, as every year!

Pa še nekaj avtogram kartic.
And some autograph cards.

Maciej Kot`s autograph
Lukas Hlava`s autograph
Kamil Stoch`s autograph

Andreas Kofler`s autograph

Jure Šinkovec`s autograph
Robert Kranjec`s autograph

Peter Prevc`s autograph
Gregor Schlierenzauer`s autograph
Lukas Müller`s autograph

2 komentarja:

  1. did you get ME any cards? thats the big question!

    I dont like Bardal...he won because of the suit thing...

    congrats to your boys, they were great this year...

    Matti will be missed...


    1. No, I didn`t :-/ Next year you will go with me and get it by yourself ;) :)


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