sobota, 14. januar 2012

Zakaj? Why?

Pred kratkim sem ponovno odkrila "zbirko" mojih pesmi, ki sem jih pisala, ko sem bila še v srednji šoli. Ko sem to omenila nekaterim prijateljem, so me prosili, če bi lahko prebrali katero izmed njih.
I've recently re-discovered a "collection" of my songs that I wrote when I was still in high school. When I mentioned this to some friends, they asked me if they could read one of them.


Tako sem se odločila, da bom z vami delila pesem, ki sem jo napisala približno 5 let nazaj.
So I've decided that I will share with you a song that I wrote about 5 years ago.


Ni nič v stilu Prešerna, Cankarja ... ampak bolj najstniška izpoved. 
Upam, da vam bo všeč.
There is nothing in the style of Prešeren or Cankar ... but more teenage confession.
Hope you like it.


Ne razumem,
zakaj si mi vzbujal lažno upanje,
zakaj si mi govoril, da me imaš rad?
Zakaj si mi govoril, da sem boljša od nje
in ne razumem,
zakaj si me zapustil, brez vsakršnjih besed slovesa...
So bile vse tvoje besede le laž?
Vsi objemi in poljubi le pretvara?
Ali uživaš sedaj, ko vidiš da trpim?
Je bil to tvoj namen...
me videti žalostno in objokano?
Ali bi le rad vedel, da ti je v zelo kratkem času
uspelo pridet v moje srce...
Kajti vse to je res!
Zaradi vseh tvojih besed in vseh dejanj
te sedaj tako presneto pogrešam
in sama v sobi, polni spominov jočem...
...jočem...kajti ostala sem sama!


I do not understand
Why did you give me rise to false hope
why were you telling me that you love me?
Why were you telling me that I'm better than her
and I do not understand
why have you forsaken me, without any words of reputation ...
Were all your words just a lie?
Hugs and kisses all just pretend?
Do you enjoy now, when you see that I suffer?
Was that your purpose ...

to see me sad and crying?
Would just like to know that in a very short time
you managed to come into my heart ...

Because all that is true!
Because all of your words and all acts
now I so damn miss you

and, alone in a room full of memories, I`m crying ...
... crying ... because I remained alone!

We do not own any of the pictures in this blog post.

2 komentarja:

  1. oh the teenage angst! I used to write those kinds of poems too... (no, I do not know where they are now haha)


  2. O, ja, take pesmi imam jaz tudi nekje. Podobna tema, podobne besede...če nič drugega so take stvari vsaj lepi spomini;)


Hvala za komentar! Z veseljem ga bova prebrali. :)

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