Okej, tole je najboljša Sleek paletka, kar jih imam! Ja, vse so super pigmentirane in obstojne, ampak tale med vsemi mojimi zmaga v pigmentiranosti. Skoraj vse senčke so mat, ampak vseeno ZELO pigmentirane in ravno to je tisto, kar me je pri paletki najbolj navdušilo. Pa še krasno se blenda, meeehka je in barve so mi zelooo všeč.
Okay this is the best Sleek palette of all I have! Yes, they're all super pigmented and long lasting but this one wins when it comes to pigmentation! Almost all the shades are matte but VERY pigmented and that's the best thing about the palette. And it blends perfectly, it's sooo soft and I loooove the colours!
Sleek Supreme |
Sleek Supreme |
Sleek Supreme swatch |
Poskušala sem fotkat, ampak fotoaparat spere vse barve! V živo je res izgledalo super. :P
I tried to do a look but my camera just doesn't do the palette justice! Everything is washed out but it looked great really. :P
Prav take vesele barve so. :) Ne vem, če jo rabim, je pa luštna. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiRabiš! :P
IzbrišiJaz sem čisto zaljubljena. :D
it does look VERY NICE =)
Riiiight! :D