sreda, 27. marec 2013
Slovenian bloggers 12/2013
Want to know what Slovenian bloggers were up to last week?
Lux wrote a review of MUA: 3 in 1 eXtreme Contour Liner.
Deja did Archie girls weekly makeup tag.
UniqaPoly showed us some of her new accessories.
Nail polish bottles on nails? Why not! Taya did that.
Pumpkin* did a lovely two-colour mani.
Maja made her first frankenpolish!
My stomach can be a baloon, says MajaEna.
Colour-change polishes are definitely still in, just look at Katiee's nails!
We all love Sacher cake, don't we! Well, Maja can make one!
Dee reviewed Balea hair mask.
SoulFishing wrote some great recipes for milkshakes or vitamin smoothies!
Still wondering if you should see Les Miserables? See what's written about it on C'est la vie's blog.
Maja tried a new shampoo!
And Mateja really loves snow.
torek, 26. marec 2013
Planica 2013 - 1. del // part 1
Letošnji smučarski poleti v Planici so trajali od četrtka, 21. 3., do nedelje, 24. 3. 2013. Zavarovalnica Triglav mi je podarila karte za vse štiri dni! Najlepša hvala!
This year ski flying competition in Planica was from Thursday 21st March to 24th March 2013. Insurance company Triglav gave me tickets for all four day! Thank you so much!
Slovesna otvoritev // Opening ceremony |
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Jaka Hvala |
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Jurij Tepeš |
ponedeljek, 25. marec 2013
Second-hand giveaway
Giveaway time!
Brskali sva po najinih predalih in policah in našli kup kozmetike in nakita, ki ga ne uporabljava več. Lepih stvari se pa ne meče proč, zato sva se odločila, da jih podariva!
We've been going through our drawers and shelves and found a bunch of make-up and jewellery we only used a few times but don't anymore. But you can't throw pretty things away, oh no! So we're giving it to you!
Tri nagradice (vsaka pa dobi še čisto novo e.l.f. presenečenje):
There are three prizes (and each gets a new e.l.f. surprise):
- e.l.f. Brightening Eye Shadow Butternut
- Beauty UK Purple blusher
- Manhattan Violet eye shadow
- Coastal Scents mini kabuki brush
- Essence white nail art pen
- black eye pencil
- Essence Urban Messages It Peace
- Essence Spicy
- Essence Tint It Turn to Lucky
- lots of jewellery
- a new e.l.f. surprise
- Konad Pastel Blue
- Beauty UK pink polish from Wild Child
- Catrice Poison Me, Poison You
- Beauty UK Glitz & Glam set palette
- e.l.f. Innocence blusher
- Essence Blossoms Naive lip gloss
- Avon brown kajalstick
- lots of jewellery
- a new e.l.f. surprise
- Catrice Big City Life Sydney palette
- Beauty UK red polish from Wild Child
- Beauty UK blue polish from Wild Child
- Essence Vampire's Love True Love
- e.l.f. Shimmering Facial Whip Persimmon
- e.l.f. Studio Single Eye Shadow Butter Cream
- random pink-violet lipstick
- lots of jewellery
- a new e.l.f. surprise
1. Moraš nama slediti prek GFC-ja in pustiti svoj e-mail, da te lahko kontaktirava, ko zmagaš.
2. Vse ostalo je neobvezno.
3. Lahko zapišeš zaporedje daril (na prvem mestu tisto, ki si ga želiš najbolj, tistih, ki si jih ne želiš, pa ne rabiš vključiti), ne moreva pa obljubiti, da bova zaporedje upoštevali.
4. Če si najina redna bralka, imaš več možnosti, da zmagaš. Dodaš lahko tri različne linke do objav, ki si jih komentirala do 25. marca (razen objave o najinem giveawayu za 1. obletnico).
1. You have to be our GFC follower and you have to leave an e-mail address so we'll be able to contact you when you win.
2. All the other entries are optional.
3. You can write which gifts you want in order (and leave out the prize you don't want), but we can't promise you'll get the one you write first. But we will try to consider your wishes.
4. And if you read our blog regularly, you have more chances to win. You can add three different links to three different posts you commented on till March 25th but it can't be a link to the post with our 1st blogoversary giveaway.
Če imaš kakršno koli vprašanje, nama lahko pišeš v komentarjih ali na mail, več pa lahko tudi prebereš v pogojih na dnu Rafflecopterja.
If you have any questions, please ask here or write us an e-mail and you can read more in Terms & Conditions at the bottom of Rafflecopter.
Srečno! :)
Good luck! :)
sobota, 23. marec 2013
Blebetanje // Babbling #7
Ojla! Upsi, sem malo zanemarjala blog.
O, veliko novih sledilk, hej hej! Se trudiva slediti vsem nazaj, ampak če še ne, prilepite link do bloga v komentarje! :)
Hello! Oh-oh, I've been neglecting the blog lately.
Oh, lots of new followers, hello everybody! We try to follow back but if we missed someone, please put the link to your blog in the comments! :)
Pametne mačje besede, ki me popolnoma opišejo. Pa vedno popacam čisto sveža oblačila. Zdaj veste vse o meni.
O, veliko novih sledilk, hej hej! Se trudiva slediti vsem nazaj, ampak če še ne, prilepite link do bloga v komentarje! :)
Hello! Oh-oh, I've been neglecting the blog lately.
Oh, lots of new followers, hello everybody! We try to follow back but if we missed someone, please put the link to your blog in the comments! :)
Pametne mačje besede, ki me popolnoma opišejo. Pa vedno popacam čisto sveža oblačila. Zdaj veste vse o meni.
Smart words from Cuddle the Cat that totally describe me. I also always get food and toothpaste stains on my fresh clothes. Always. Now you know everything about me.
četrtek, 21. marec 2013
Slovenian Bloggers 11/2013
Want to know what Slovenian bloggers were up to last week?
Soul Fishing wrote a post about bloggers meeting.
Taya made swatches of four new green Catrice polishes.
Lux's top nail polishes for spring.
Lollistick made a MUA Pretty Pastels review.
Maja G. says goodbye to Google Reader.
Another MUA palette review - this one by UniqaPoly.
Katiee tried new Barry M Textured polishes.
Maja shows you how to make Lemon Poppyseed Donuts.
And another Maja thinks about the end of Google Reader.
Lara wrote about dresses at Viktorji award show.
Dee shows us her February haul.
Mateja wrote about her favourite foundation.
And Deja tells you what to do when you crave sugar.
nedelja, 17. marec 2013
FB page #2
V torek je svoj rojstni dan praznoval smučarski skakalec Dawid Kubacki. Vse najboljše in veliko uspehov še naprej!
On Tuesday it was Dawid Kubacki's birthday. We wish you a Happy Birthday and all the best!
On Tuesday it was Dawid Kubacki's birthday. We wish you a Happy Birthday and all the best!
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Source. |
sreda, 13. marec 2013
Everyday minerals base
Pred kratkim sem si ponovno naročila tale puder na lič Enkrat sem ga že imela. Prepričali so me s testerji, ki so mi jih poslali domov, da sem lahko odkrila svoj odtenek.
Recently I ordered this foundation on I already had it once before. They convinced me with testers that they sent me to find the right shade for me.
torek, 12. marec 2013
Slovenian Bloggers 10/2013
Want to know what Slovenian bloggers were up to last week?
Colorful Harmony did a b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l. stampy mani.
We all know we have to turn to Deja for some health advice.
Oh wow, a delicious Berry Trifle by Maja!
Lux wrote a review of Revlon Lip Butter.
And Mateja told us what she thinks about her new shampoo.
nedelja, 10. marec 2013
FB page #1
Vsak teden z Matejo objaviva veliko zanimivih fotografij na najini facebook strani, tako da sem se odločila, da jih bom tudi tu delila z vami.
Every week I and Mateja post a lot of different pictures on our facebook page so I decided to share some of them also here with all of you.
V petek je bil mednarodni dan žena. Upam, da ste dekleta imela lep dan. :-)
On Friday it was International Women's Day so we hope all of you girls had a lovely day. :-)
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Source. |
četrtek, 7. marec 2013
Slovenian Bloggers 9/2013
Psst, ne pozabite, še vedno lahko v komentarjih na TEJ OBJAVI poveste, ali pridete na srečanje! ;)
Maja showed us her before & after February edition!
Maja G. fell in love with some Catrice LE products.
Lux has a really cute palette to show you!
Mmmm, lets cook some banana oatmeal cookies! Maja has the recipe.
Wanna see Katiee's this week's mani?
Taya did a recap of Once Upon a Time challenge.
Mateja is falling behind in her challenge so she did a 3 in 1!
Zala has a new Essence nail polish from the new collection.
Go HERE to read Dee's Oscar fashion favourites.
So how's Vienna street fashion? Soul Fishing knows.
sreda, 6. marec 2013
Fleur de Sante šampon za mastne lase
S Fleur de Sante sva dobili v test tudi šampon za mastne lase.
We also got shampoo for greasy hair from Fleur de Sante.
Sama sem se tega izdelka najbolj razveselila, saj imam kar probleme s svojimi lasmi. Poskusila sem verjetno že vse šampone na tržišču (za mastne lase). Vendar nekako je pri vseh enako in si moram lase umivati na dva dneva, kar pa vsekakor ni preveč dobro zanje.
I was really excited about that product because I have some problems with my hair. I probably tried almost all the shampoos on the market (for greasy hair). But the result is always the same - I have to wash my hair every two days and that's not good for them.
Essential Hair Care Fleur de Sante shampoo |
Šampon mi je zelo všeč. Po uporabi lasje zelo lepo dišijo. Na začetku sem imela nekaj težav, saj sem verjetno uporabila preveč oz. premalo šampona in sem imela potem precej trde lase in bi potrebovala še balzam za lase.
I really like this shampoo. Your hair smells really nice after using it. At the beginning I had some problems with it because I used to much or. to less of shampoo and I had very stiff hair and should use some conditioner.
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