Ker je ena objava povsem premalo za povzetek dogajanja štirih dni v Planici, sledi danes še ena objava. :-)
Andreas Stjernen
Jaz v Planici. // Me in Planica.
Because one post isn't enough for all four days in Planica, I decided to write another one. :-)
Andreas Wank
Jaz v Kranjski Gori. // Me in Kranjska Gora
Tokrat sem zbrala nekaj komentarjev še ostalih navdušencev smučarskih skokov, ki so bili letos z menoj v Planici. :-)
Jernej Damjan
Jaz v Planici. // Me in Planica.
Here you can read some comments about Planica from my friends who were there with me. :-)
Jurij Tepeš
Denis Kornilov
Nina, Domžale: Letos sem šla prvič v Planico tako, da sem spala v Kranjski Gori in bila tam vse štiri dni, namesto da bi se vsak dan peljala od doma gor. Bilo je super, vzdušje je bilo odlično. Vreme tudi, vsaj v četrtek, petek in soboto. V nedeljo je bilo malo hladno, ampak to ne moti velikega duha. :-) Sploh pa, ker so naši fantje pokazali tako odlične predstave, da se na mraz niti ni dalo misliti. :-) Naslednje leto grem torej spet. In čez dve leti spet. In čez tri leta ...
Lukas Hlava
Richard Freitag
It was my first time that I slept in Kranjska Gora instead of driving to Planica every day. It was great, the atmosphere was excellent. Weather was also great from Thursday to Saturday. On Sunday it was cold, but that didn't ruin the mood. :-) Also because our boys did such a good job, so we didn't have time to think about how cold it was. :-) I will go to Planica also next year. And the year after. And year after ...
Peter Prevc
Olli Muotka
Tina, Bilje: Imam prijateljico, ki je velika ljubiteljica vsakoletnega dogodka poletov v Planici. Letos sem se ji pridružila v četrtek in petek in Planico obiskala prvič. Do takrat sem skoke spremljala po televiziji in vedno sem si želela občutiti vso evforijo tudi v živo. Ta dvodnevni "izlet" je poskrbel, da bom zagotovo obiskala Planico tudi naslednje leto. Vzdušje je bilo fenomenalno, všeč mi je bilo, kako zveste navijače imajo naši fantje in da pokažejo, kako jih podpirajo z navdušenim navijanjem in slavljenjem uspeha z njimi - tudi same smo to pokazale. :-) To je dogodek, ki se ga ljudje udeležujejo iz celega sveta, in glede na število obiskovalcev je bilo lepo poskrbljeno za organizacijo. Torej: vidimo se naslednje leto v Planici! :-)
Richard Freitag
I have a friend who is a big fan of ski flying in Planica. I joined her this year on Thursday and Friday and visited Planica for the first time. Until now I was watching competitions on TV and wished to feel that euphoria in live. This two day "trip" makes me want to visit Planica also next year. Atmosphere was awesome, I really liked how loyal fans our boys have and they showed that by loud cheering and celebrating with them - so did we! :-) It is an event were you can meet people from all over the world and according to the number of visitors the organization was great. So: see you next year in Planica! :-)
Stefan Kraft
Tom Hilde
Tea, Domžale:
Ker spremljam smučarske skoke in polete že od malega, sem si veliko tekem že ogledala v živo in tudi letos sem bila v Planici vse štiri dni. Bilo je super! Vreme je bilo sončno, razen v nedeljo nas je malo zeblo, ampak ob dobrih poletih nas to ni motilo. :-) Navdušena sem nad vsemi tekmovalci, nad nekaterimi bolj, drugimi manj, ampak vsi so bili super! Videli smo tudi nekaj padcev, grozno! Ampak ostalo je bilo super, imela sem se imenitno in sem uživala. :-)
Dawid Kubacki
Noriaki Kasai
Because I have been watching ski jumping and ski flying competitions since I was little, I watched a lot of competitions live and I was also in Planica this year for all four days. It was great! Weather was sunny, except on Sunday when it was cold but with that good jumps we didn't mind the cold weather. :-) I'm excited about all ski jumpers, some more, some less, but they are all great! We also saw some falls - horrible! But everything else was great and I had a great time and I enjoyed my time in Planica. :-)
Manuel Fettner
Nicholas Fairall
Maja, Vipava: To je bil moj prvi obisk Planice. Bilo je več kot odlično, tako vzdušje kot vreme, ki je bilo prijetno toplo tako v četrtek, kot petek, ko sem spremljala polete. Zanje me je navdušila sestra, ki jih spremlja že nekaj let. Naslednje leto grem spet z njo.
Stefan Kraft
Antonin Hajek
This was my first visit of Planica. It was more that great. Not just the atmosphere but also the weather which was sunny on Thursday and Friday when I was there. I started watching it because of my sister who's been watching them for a few years now. I will go with her to Planica also next year.
Krzysztof Mietus
Piotr Zyla
Najbolj so mi všeč avtogram kartice Kamila Stocha:
Kamil Stoch
Kamil Stoch
I love the most autograph cards of Kamil Stoch:
Kamil Stoch
Kamil Stoch
Je tu še kdo, ki je obiskal Planico?
Andreas Stjernen
Thomas Morgenstern
Is anyone else here who also visited Planica?
Robert Kranjec
Gregor Deschwanden
Pa še posnetek naših skakalcev, ki so zapeli z Neisho.
And a video of our ski jumpers, singing with Neisha.
I envy those who are brave enough to sky jump. I wouldn't dare! I love watching sky jumping on TV and I wouldn't mind to see them doing it live! You're really lucky :b xoxo
Hehe, it`s really crazy to jump there yes :-P And scarry :-P Oh I know :-) I LOOOOVEEEEE ski jumping competitions and every year can`t wait to go to Planica :-)
Joj, Mateja, slovensko zastavo bi morala imeti v rokah, za naše orle. :P
OdgovoriIzbrišiNimam kaj dodati včerajšnjemu komentarju, bom še malo uživala v fotkah. :)
Sem jo imela vse 3 dni, zadnji dan pa na licu :-P
IzbrišiTi le uživaj, jaz se jih kar ne morem nagledat :-P :-)
really nice! you were a really busy girl this weekend! shame Stoch is taken, he looks sexy in those cards! =)
hehehehehe, I know :-) He`s really cute :-) I think his wife took those photos :-)
IzbrišiVidim, da si se imela fino :) Super fotke! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaaaa, odlično je bilo :-) Hvala :-)
IzbrišiHelloooo!!!! you have an awards in my blog!! XXX
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you :-)
IzbrišiI envy those who are brave enough to sky jump. I wouldn't dare! I love watching sky jumping on TV and I wouldn't mind to see them doing it live! You're really lucky :b
Hehe, it`s really crazy to jump there yes :-P And scarry :-P
IzbrišiOh I know :-) I LOOOOVEEEEE ski jumping competitions and every year can`t wait to go to Planica :-)