ponedeljek, 25. marec 2013

Second-hand giveaway

Giveaway time! 

Brskali sva po najinih predalih in policah in našli kup kozmetike in nakita, ki ga ne uporabljava več. Lepih stvari se pa ne meče proč, zato sva se odločila, da jih podariva! 
We've been going through our drawers and shelves and found a bunch of make-up and jewellery we only used a few times but don't anymore. But you can't throw pretty things away, oh no! So we're giving it to you! 

Tri nagradice (vsaka pa dobi še čisto novo e.l.f. presenečenje):
There are three prizes (and each gets a new e.l.f. surprise):

- e.l.f. Brightening Eye Shadow Butternut
- Beauty UK Purple blusher
- Manhattan Violet eye shadow
- Coastal Scents mini kabuki brush
- Essence white nail art pen
- black eye pencil
- Essence Urban Messages It Peace
- Essence Spicy
- Essence Tint It Turn to Lucky
- lots of jewellery
- a new e.l.f. surprise

- Konad Pastel Blue
- Beauty UK pink polish from Wild Child
- Catrice Poison Me, Poison You
- Beauty UK Glitz & Glam set palette
- e.l.f. Innocence blusher
- Essence Blossoms Naive lip gloss
- Avon brown kajalstick
- lots of jewellery
- a new e.l.f. surprise

- Catrice Big City Life Sydney palette
- Beauty UK red polish from Wild Child
- Beauty UK blue polish from Wild Child
- Essence Vampire's Love True Love
- e.l.f. Shimmering Facial Whip Persimmon
- e.l.f. Studio Single Eye Shadow Butter Cream
- random pink-violet lipstick
- lots of jewellery
- a new e.l.f. surprise

1. Moraš nama slediti prek GFC-ja in pustiti svoj e-mail, da te lahko kontaktirava, ko zmagaš.
2. Vse ostalo je neobvezno.
3. Lahko zapišeš zaporedje daril (na prvem mestu tisto, ki si ga želiš najbolj, tistih, ki si jih ne želiš, pa ne rabiš vključiti), ne moreva pa obljubiti, da bova zaporedje upoštevali.
4. Če si najina redna bralka, imaš več možnosti, da zmagaš. Dodaš lahko tri različne linke do objav, ki si jih komentirala do 25. marca (razen objave o najinem giveawayu za 1. obletnico). 

1. You have to be our GFC follower and you have to leave an e-mail address so we'll be able to contact you when you win. 
2. All the other entries are optional. 
3. You can write which gifts you want in order (and leave out the prize you don't want), but we can't promise you'll get the one you write first. But we will try to consider your wishes.
4. And if you read our blog regularly, you have more chances to win. You can add three different links to three different posts you commented on till March 25th but it can't be a link to the post with our 1st blogoversary giveaway.


Če imaš kakršno koli vprašanje, nama lahko pišeš v komentarjih ali na mail, več pa lahko tudi prebereš v pogojih na dnu Rafflecopterja.
If you have any questions, please ask here or write us an e-mail and you can read more in Terms & Conditions at the bottom of Rafflecopter.

Srečno! :)
Good luck! :) 

14 komentarjev:

  1. lepe nagradice :) upam da mi uspe kakšno dobit :DDDD

  2. do you have three entries that are basically the same thing?


    1. Yes, because you can add three different links to comments you've made. :D

  3. Super nagrade! Najbolj mi je všeč tretji paketek in sicer zaradi lakov <3

    1. Ti lahko pa prišepnem, da sta Catrice v 2. in Essence v 3. paketku skoooraj enaka. ;)

  4. Super nagrade :)
    Upam da bo kaj :)

  5. Zelo mi je všeč koncept giveawaya =). Res super ideja, pa same lepe nagrade so =)
    Hvala vama =)!!!


Hvala za komentar! Z veseljem ga bova prebrali. :)

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