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"THREE" nail challenge |
Prvi septembrski dan je tu, izziv pa tudi! Prva tema je "starinska" in najprej sem se domislila barv, zlata je bila prva. Nekaj časa nazaj sem po naključju naletela na tole objavo in zdelo se mi je super, da bi ravno to preizkusila sedaj, čeprav mi ni tako lepo uspelo. Domislila sem se starin, ki jih ravno izkopljejo, in predstavljam si (čeprav tega še nikoli nisem videla), da izgledajo nekako tako.
First day of September is here and so is our challenge! First theme is "antique" and gold colour was the first thing on my mind. A few weeks back I saw this post by coincidence and I thought that was a great idea to try now, even though I didn't manage to get it nearly as perfect. I thought about antiques that are just being discovered and (though I've never seen it in person) I always thought they'd look something like this.
Antique nails with Barry M Dazzle Dust |
Uporabila sem Barry M Gold Foil lak in Barry M Fig Dazzle Dust. Kako se vam zdi?
I used Barry M Gold Foil nail polish and Barry M Fig Dazzle Dust. What do you think?
Antique nails with Barry M Dazzle Dust |
Sophie z Nailing Nail Art je dala super idejo, da si vse sodelujoče sledimo med sabo in spremljamo manikure! Zato skočite pogledat še k ostalim.
Sophie from Nailing Nail Art thought of a great idea that everyone who joined the challenge follow each other so we'll see all the manicures. So go check the others.
Mateji ustvarjata
Purple Glitters
Mimi's Vanity Box
Nailing Nail Art
All Stars Could Be Brighter
Taya (Starts later)
Beauty By Shortylegs
Deja (A bit differently)
Imagination In Colour
Colourful Bottle
Nail Crazy
The Nail Buff
Beauty By Suzi
Gin Shivers
Ina - Hysteria of Decay
aydii* - Girl With Pink Lipstick*
Nails By Tinks
Natalsie - Cats-n-nails
citygirl907 Beautiful Living blog
Manicura de Fantasia (Starts later)
If anyone would still like to join - it's never too late!
Kok kul in preprosto :)Jaz sem preveč komplicirala pri mojem -.-
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! Neee, super si naredla, meni je ful všeč! :D
IzbrišiOh hihi thanks for putting that following thingy under your post.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI really like the look of your nails the first thing I thought was also GOLD.
Guess it just screams antique haha!
I cant wait to see all the mani´s and i kinda feel connected with everyone who joines this challenge!
Gold is the perfect colour for today! :D
Izbrišigreat! :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiOoo tole je pa res super ideja :D in se odlicno izgleda :D moj.motiv je cist simpl ampak bo objavlen sele okol 11ih :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! :D
IzbrišiKomaj čakam, da vidim! :D
of course you did gold...it's what I would have done too =)
Gold = antique, hehe :D
IzbrišiI've never thought of using my dazzle dust on my nails! Lovely look :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks! :) It's a good (and messy!) way to spend Dazzle Dusts quicker XD
IzbrišiKaj pa naj bo drugega kot zlato za starinsko :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiVšeč mi je <3
xo Deja
Deja Zu
Zlata nas je okupirala :D
Izbrišilol, imale smo sličnu ideju, sviđa mi se tvoja manikura :-D
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala, meni pa tvoja! ;)
IzbrišiTudi meni se zdi, da starine nekako izgledajo takole =). Super uporabla dazzle dusta =)!!!! In čudovita manikura =)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! :D Po treba enkrat videt, če so starine res take, ko jih izkopajo :D
IzbrišiVrlo dobro,jednostavno a super efektno,bas mi se dopada!
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala :D
IzbrišiOMG I totally forgot it was the 1st today!! So sorry... Will get to work on my antique mani right away! Love yours, it's gorgeous :) xx
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks. And no problem, I mix days all the time XD
IzbrišiI LOVE THIS!!! so pretty :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI think I failed a bit with mine but oh well :) it was fun
IzbrišiI LOVE your manicure, you're faaaaar from failing! :D
Meni je zelo všeč. Izgleda kot res nekaj starinskega. Super manikura!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThat's lovely)) I've just finished my design, will post it shortly))
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks! :)
IzbrišiCan't wait to see it! :D
Hi girls again! I nominated you on Liebster Blog Award
OdgovoriIzbrišiPreprosto a vseeno super :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiWow this looks so awesome :) I love the idea of gold for "antique". A great idea!
OdgovoriIzbrišiI will go follow everybody else now who is doing this challenge. Goodluck for the next challenge day.
super manikura :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks! :D
IzbrišiExcellent post. I was looking for some inspirations to decorate my pooja room this year for the grand celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi.
OdgovoriIzbrišiANd finally I found a bunch of ideas from your post. Flowers and peacock are the things I liked the most here. Thanks for highlighting so many ideas.
26 Jan Happy Republic day Best wishes quotes in English for Boyfriend
26 Jan Republic Day Message for Friends in English