Just on time, I'm not too late.
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"THREE" nail challenge |
Včeraj sem vam pokazala cel kup knjig, ki sem jih v zadnjem času prebrala ali pa jih še nameravam. Med njimi pa ni bilo moje najljubše. No, najljubših.
I showed you a bunch of books I've recently read or am planning to. But there wasn't my favourite one. Or seven.
Harry Potter Collection |
Moje najljubše knjige. Sploh ne vem, kolikokrat sem jih prebrala, ampak še vedno uživam v njih. Tale škatla je bila moje darilo meni ob lanskem diplomiranju.
My favourite books of all times. I don't even know how many times I've read them, but I still enjoy reading them. That box set was a graduation gift from me to me last year.
Nisem želela ustvariti manikure v tipično rdeče-zlati kombinaciji, pa sem se spomnila, da sem bila na Pottermoru razvrščena v Ravenclaw. :P Evo, njihovi barvi (modra in bronasta/rjava), prstanec pa malo drugače. ;) Uporabila sem Bourjois 10 Days 18, Essence Soul Sista James's Favorite Brown, e.l.f. Smokin' Hot, Barry M Gold Foil.
I didn't want to create a typical red-gold manicure, so I remembered I was put in Ravenclaw on Pottermore. :P So here are their colours (blue and bronze/brown), but the ring finger is a bit different. ;) I used Bourjois 10 Days 18, Essence Soul Sista James's Favorite Brown, e.l.f. Smokin' Hot, Barry M Gold Foil.
Harry Potter manicure |
In ker je moj rojstni dan, evo bonus sliko ...
And just because it's my birthday, here's a bonus picture ...
Birthday manicure |
Moja rojstnodnevna manikura!
My birthday mani!
(Barry M Gold Foil, Essence Colour & Go Gold Fever, Beauty UK Frozen Kingdom, Beauty UK blue Wild Child & e.l.f. Smokin' Hot)
Poglejte, kaj so naredile ostale:
See what the other girls did:
Mateji ustvarjata
Purple Glitters
Mimi's Vanity Box
Nailing Nail Art
All Stars Could Be Brighter
Taya (Starts later)
Beauty By Shortylegs
Deja (A bit differently)
Imagination In Colour
Colourful Bottle
Nail Crazy
The Nail Buff
Beauty By Suzi
Gin Shivers
Ina - Hysteria of Decay
aydii* - Girl With Pink Lipstick*
Nails By Tinks
Natalsie - Cats-n-nails
citygirl907 Beautiful Living blog
Manicura de Fantasia
Mimi's Vanity Box
Nailing Nail Art
All Stars Could Be Brighter
Taya (Starts later)
Beauty By Shortylegs
Deja (A bit differently)
Imagination In Colour
Colourful Bottle
Nail Crazy
The Nail Buff
Beauty By Suzi
Gin Shivers
Ina - Hysteria of Decay
aydii* - Girl With Pink Lipstick*
Nails By Tinks
Natalsie - Cats-n-nails
citygirl907 Beautiful Living blog
Manicura de Fantasia
Nisem prebrala nobene knjige, priznam, ampak manikura je lepa! :))
OdgovoriIzbrišixo Deja
Deja Zu
popravek. obe sta lepi! :D
IzbrišiHvalaaaa :D
IzbrišiHarry Potter je zakon :) obe manikura sta čudoviti!
OdgovoriIzbrišiTočno tako, zakon je! :D Hvala ;)
IzbrišiHappy birthday! great representation of the books))
OdgovoriIzbrišiI like the accent nails, not a big fan of the rest =P
No problem :P
IzbrišiObe manikuri sta lepi, sploh pa mi je všeč accent :D
OdgovoriIzbrišimeni je harry zakon!
OdgovoriIzbrišikrasne manikure :-D
i sretan ti rođendan još jednom :-D
Hvala in hvala! :D Harry je najboljši! :D
Izbrišigorgious! the lightning bolb is beautiful xx
OdgovoriIzbrišiAh HP :P Lepi manikuri, sploh ona "angleška" :)