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"THREE" nail challenge |
Smo že v drugem delu izziva!
And we are in the second part of the challenge!
Včeraj sem bila še zmedena na katero od najljubših pesmi naj naredim manikuro. Če jih je pa toooliko! Ampak ko sem še enkrat pogledala vse videe, sem se odločila za tole:
Yesterday I was still confused to which of my favourite songs should I do the manicure. There are sooo many! But I went through all the videos again and I decided for this one:
Vse te barveee! Moja glavna inspiracija pa je bila še gospa v rdeči obleki.
All those colouuurs! But my main inspiration was also the lady in the red dress.
Sicer sem želela, da bi vse skupaj izpadlo malenkost drugače, ampak so me laki res hecali in po dveh urah igranja z watermarble tehniko sem imela vsega dovolj (khm, pa lak mi je stopil v glavo - kako zdržijo punce v salonih celodnevno lakiranje?!) in sem končala! Nastalo je to:
I planned the watermarble part a bit differently, but after two hours of getting high on nail polish (seriously, I started feeling funny, how can the ladies in salons do manicures the whole day?!) I ended it. This is what came out of it:
Elle me dit manicure |
Uporabila sem tri nove e.l.f.-ove lakce, ki sem jih dobila v njihovi nagradni igri (Coral Dream, Flirty Fuchsia in Smokin Hot), Barry M Black, Catrice Coolibri Twist of Lemon in Essence Soul Sista Mojito Green.
I used three new e.l.f. polishes I got from their giveaway (Coral Dream, Flirty Fuchsia in Smokin Hot), Barry M Black, Catrice Coolibri Twist of Lemon in Essence Soul Sista Mojito Green.
Elle me dit manicure |
Elle me dit manicure |
Ni tisto, kar sem načrtovala, je pa zabavna in barvasta kot pesem!
Not what I planned but it's fun and colourful just like the song!
Poglejte, kaj so naredile ostale:
See what the other girls did:
Purple GlittersMimi's Vanity Box
Nailing Nail Art
All Stars Could Be Brighter
Taya (Starts later)
Beauty By Shortylegs
Deja (A bit differently)
Imagination In Colour
Colourful Bottle
Nail Crazy
The Nail Buff
Beauty By Suzi
Gin Shivers
Ina - Hysteria of Decay
aydii* - Girl With Pink Lipstick*
Nails By Tinks
Natalsie - Cats-n-nails
citygirl907 Beautiful Living blog
Manicura de Fantasia (Starts later)
Loved it!
:-) nice. Good job!
OdgovoriIzbrišihaha. Zadetost je kmalu popustila? :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiDrugače pa lepa manikura! :)
xo Deja
Deja Zu
Se je umirilo počasi. :D Je pa res, da sem danes super spala haha :D
IzbrišiHvala! :D
Super ti je uspelo, sploh sredinec :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! :)
IzbrišiI wanna get high on nail polish too! =D
OdgovoriIzbrišiI think the manicure came out super cute, and I totally see the inspiration in it =)
Thanks! :D <3
IzbrišiJust do watermarble unsuccessfully for two hours and you'll see how it is :P
super manikura, dobra inspiracija :-D
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! :D
IzbrišiZelo lepo =). Pesmi še nisem nikoli slišala, ampak ni slaba. Manikura mi je pa zelo všeč, od barv do water marbla, vse je res lepo =).
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! :D <3
Izbrišivery cool!!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiI know I am behind in the challenge, but I am painting my nails as I type :)Stay tuned!
IzbrišiNo problem if you're a little behind! :D
its so colorfull, i love it!
LOVE THIS :) I love the colors and it is truly fun :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiYou did a great job :)
Thank you! :D <3