nedelja, 1. april 2012

Rada te imam. I care for you.

Besede, ki jih verjetno vsak rad sliši. A vendar jih je tako težko izgovoriti.
Words that we all like to hear. But are so hard to say.

Malo sem pobrskala po internetu in odkrila zanimiv forum, kjer se je razvil zanimiv pogovor o tem, ali pogosto rečemo nekomu "ljubim te" ali nam je lažje reči "rada te imam". Zanimivo mi je bilo predvsem to, da jih je kar nekaj reklo, da zelo težko rečejo "ljubim te" oz. da tega sploh še nikoli niso nikomur rekli ali pa da se jim zdi ta besedna zveza smešna.
I did some "research" on the internet and found this forum - there was this really interesting conversation about how often we say "I love you" or is it easier to say "I care for you" in Slovene language. It's interesting that some of the people said that for them it`s hard to say "I love you" or that they've never said this to anyone or that this sounds funny to them.

Rada te imam vseeno večkrat rečemo, pa tudi s tem ne pretiravamo in skrbno izbiramo, komu bomo to rekli.
We more often use "I care for you" in Slovene but also we don`t say this too often and we carefully choose who to say this to.

Našla sem tudi meni zelo zanimivo zgodbo, ki se mi zdi vredna branja. Če drugega ne, mislim, da lahko vsi iz te zgodbe razberemo, koliko lahko pomenijo te tri besede.
I also found this interesting story (hopefully Google translate didn't turn it into a mess :D) worth reading. If nothing else, I think we can all see how much those words can mean to somebody.

V današnjem času, ko vsi nekam hitimo, si vzamemo premalo časa za svoje prijatelje, za svoje najdražje. Saj veste kako pravi tisti pregovor: Vzemi si čas za prijatelje, drugače ti bo čas vzel prijatelje.
In this time, when we are all in a hurry we don`t take enough time for our friends. You know how they say: Take time for your friends, otherwise time will take them from you.

Sama dodajam še, da povejmo svojim najbližjim, da jih imamo radi, preden bo prepozno. Nikoli se ne ve. Mogoče pa potrebujejo ravno te 3 besede, da jim polepšamo dan.
I would like to add that it`s nice to say to our friends that we like them and care for them before it`s too late. You never know. Maybe they need just those words to make their day.

In če še vedno zbirate pogum za te tri besede, je tukaj še članek Dobre vile - Maje, ki bo mogoče komu v pomoč. :)
And if you still need some courage, there is this article (again, Google translate ;)) from Good Fairy - Maja for some help.

Povejmo tistim, ki jih imamo radi, da jih imamo radi, preden bo za to prepozno. Ker nam bo mogoče potem žal, da tega nismo storili.
So, lets tell our loved ones how much we care before it`s too late. Because if we don`t we will maybe regret this some day in the future.
Za konec pa še ena lušna pesem.
For the end there is a cute song for you.

We do not own any of the pictures in this blog post.

2 komentarja:

  1. why do I feel like this post is so about me?

    I need learn those phrases in your language...and Happy Easter too =)


    1. I don`t know why :) But it`s actually about me and some mine mistakes I did in my past ;-)
      Happy Easter to you too :))


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