petek, 13. april 2012

Spomladanski izziv. Spring Challenge

Se še spomnite črno-belega izziva? No, tisti je mimo, prišel je nov, tokrat spomladanski izziv, ki ga organizira Mateja s Purple Glitters bloga. Ker se sliši zelo zanimivo, sva se prijavili, pa da vidimo, kaj bom spacala skupaj. 
Do you remember the Black & white nail challenge? Well, there's another one, Spring challenge, organized by Mateja from Purple Glitters blog. It sounds interesting so we decided to join it and lets see what I'll come up with. 

Tokrat se bo vse vrtelo okrog pomladi, takšna je namreč tematika izziva. In kako bo vse skupaj potekalo? Manikure si bodo sledile v naslednjem vrstnem redu: 
14. 4. Ljubezen in življenje
18. 4. Rože in črte
22. 4. Sadje in pike
26. 4. Žužki
30. 4. Mavrica

Ampak to še ni vse! Uporabiti moramo po eno od štirih kombinacij dveh barv za vsako nalogo. Ko barvi uporabimo, jih ne smemo ponoviti v kateri od drugih nalog. Vsekakor bo zabavno razmišljati o razvrstitvi barv po dnevih. 

Barvne kombinacije pa so te: 
- Roza in zelena
- Modra in vijolična
- Rumena in zelena
- Oranžna in roza
Mavrica pa mora vsebovati vsaj štiri barve.

It's all about spring this time. And what are the rules? Tasks will go in this order:
14. 4. Love and life
18. 4. Flowers and stripes
22. 4. Fruit and dots
26. 4. Bugs
30. 4. Rainbow

But there's a twist - we have to use four combinations of two colors in the first four tasks - and once we use the color combination, we can't use it again. It'll be fun to think which combinations would be the best. 

Those are the colors:
- Pink and green
- Blue and purple
- Yellow and green
- Orange and pink

And the rainbow demands at least four colors. 

Preostale sodelujoče so:
Other participants are: 
Ducky I love pretty colours
Sue Creative Nail Design by Sue
Kat Hooked on polish
Kelly-Ann Nail Art by Kelly-Ann
Riley Pinky to Thumb
Aylin Posh Nail Art
Brianna Welcome To Brianna's World!
Aurora World of Happy Nails
Nail buff
Colorfulbottle Colorful bottle's blog
Thalie Glazed Talons
Hema Rainbow Nails
KawaiiKagura Nailpocalypse
Nail Crazy
Mimi Mimi's Vanity Box

Zagotovo bo zanimiv izziv in se ga že zelo veselim. In kaj bo zame najtežje pri njem? Uporabljale naj bi pastelne barve, jaz jih imam pa bolj malo. 
It will sure be an interesting challenge and I'm looking forward to it. And what will be the most difficult thing for me? We're supposed to use pastel or soft colours as base colours and I don't have many of those. 

Več o izzivu najdete tu: klik.
More about the challenge can be found here: click.

6 komentarjev:

  1. OMG I am so exicted now!!! cause I know something you dont know and it has totally to do with this and I just hope to have right timing haha


  2. This sounds really good! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with :)

    1. Well the first mani is coming a bit late - today. :D

  3. Heii :)

    Lovely Blog, wondeful!
    I follow you now..
    please follow me back. It would be very nice..



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