Danes bom pisala o čaju. Vendar ne o navadnem čaju, ki ga pijemo ob mrzlih zimskih večerih, ampak o enem bolj posebnem čaju. Čaju, ki ga ponavadi dobim, ko grem na obisk k prijatelju, ki obožuje čaje. OK, tega čaja, o katerem bo danes govora, res še nisem pila, vendar vem, da me bo vedno znova presenetil s kakšnim novim okusom čaja. :)
Today I will write about tea. But not about "normal" tea that you drink on cold winter evenings, but about one of the most special teas. Tea, I usually get when I go to visit a friend who loves tea. OK, this tea, which I will be speaking of today, I've never really drank, but I know that he will always surprise me with some new flavours of tea. :)
In kako pripravimo ta poseben čaj?
And how to prepare this special tea?
sreda, 30. november 2011
ponedeljek, 28. november 2011
Essence Little Bakery
Mimo polnega stojala teh streh kremic sem šla vsaj trikrat, ko so jih še imeli v Mullerju. Sem pač mislila, da jih ne potrebujem, da je vonj itak presladek itd. itd. Potem sem prebrala nekaj mnenj, pa sem videla, da so kremice pravzaprav odlične za to ceno, pa tudi vonj ni prehud. Seveda so jih do takrat v vseh Mullerjih že razprodali. In se je začelo čakanje, kdaj jih bodo dobili v DM ali BW … Pozni kot vedno, prišle so prejšnji teden in zdaj so moje!
I passed the display with these handcreams at least three times when they had them in Muller. I thought I don't need them, the smell is too sweet … Then I've read some reviews and learned that they are great for the price, and the smell is nice too. By then they were sold out in Mullers. So the waiting began. When will DM get them? Late as always, they got them last week, and they are miiiiine!
Little Bakery |
nedelja, 27. november 2011
Catrice Big City Life
Čeprav nisem nameravala kupiti ničesar iz te kolekcije, sem včeraj čisto po naključju naletela na stojalo v velenjskem Beauty Worldu. Seveda nisem mogla iti kar mimo ... :P Zaenkrat Big City Life menda prodajajo samo v Beauty Worldih v Velenju, Celju in Mariboru. Pri nas je bilo stojalo še skoraj polno, le Sydneya počasi zmanjkuje - ostala je le še ena paletka.
I wasn't planning on buying anything from the collection, I found it yesterday in a drugstore. Well, I wasn't able to just pass it by ... :P
In kaj sem vzela jaz? Paletko Sydney, kjer so čisto "moje" barve, pa še dva laka - Sydney in Berlin.
So what did I take? Sydney palette, perfectly filled with "my" colors, and two nail polishes - Sydney and Berlin.
sreda, 23. november 2011
Končno. Finally.
V soboto nas čaka prva tekma v novi sezoni smučarskih skokov. Glede na precej visoke temperature za ta letni čas so bile začetke tekme nekaj časa pod vprašajem, vendar se je izkazalo, da so skrbi bile odveč, saj se bo nova sezona začela po urniku.
On Saturday we will have our first game in the new season of ski jumping. Given the relatively high temperature for this time of year, start of the match was in doubt for some time, but it turned out that the concerns were redundant as the new season will start on schedule.
On Saturday we will have our first game in the new season of ski jumping. Given the relatively high temperature for this time of year, start of the match was in doubt for some time, but it turned out that the concerns were redundant as the new season will start on schedule.
sobota, 19. november 2011
Sleek Sunset I-Divine
Moj zadnji Sleek nakup. Ne bi mogla biti bolj zadovoljna z njihovimi paletkami in vedno znova me kakšna premami. Nazadnje je bila to Sunset, ki sem se ji dolgo upirala, ampak jo končno kupila in ... Super je! :) Tokrat naj bo več fotografij kot besed ...
My last Sleek purchase. I couldn't be more satisfied with their palettes and I am always tempted with one ... I have long resisted the Sunset palette, but I finally bought it and ... It's great! :) I'll let the pictures speak this time.
My last Sleek purchase. I couldn't be more satisfied with their palettes and I am always tempted with one ... I have long resisted the Sunset palette, but I finally bought it and ... It's great! :) I'll let the pictures speak this time.
Sleek Sunset |
četrtek, 17. november 2011
Skoki. Ski jumping.
Za vse navdušence nad smučarskimi skoki imam veselo novico. Na spletni strani berkutschi.com so pripravili nagradno igro, kjer bodo trem srečnežem podarili knjigo o smučarskih skokih.
For all fans of ski jumping I have good news. The website berkutschi.com has been prepared a prize game, where three lucky participants will win a book about ski jumping.
Več o nagradni igri lahko preberete na spodnji povezavi:
More about the prize game can be found at the link below:
For all fans of ski jumping I have good news. The website berkutschi.com has been prepared a prize game, where three lucky participants will win a book about ski jumping.
More about the prize game can be found at the link below:
torek, 15. november 2011
Sirova lazanja. Cheese Lasagna.
Če mogoče kdo nima ideje, kaj bi jutri skuhal/spekel za kosilo, imam predlog: sirovo lazanjo. :) Na internetu sem dobila različne recepte, ki sem jih potem malo povezala skupaj in dobila ven spet nek tretji, moj recept. :)
If you don`t have ideas about what to cook/bake tomorrow for lunch I have a suggestion: cheese lasagna. :) On the Internet I got a lot of recipes that I have linked together and then got out a third version, my recipe. :)
If you don`t have ideas about what to cook/bake tomorrow for lunch I have a suggestion: cheese lasagna. :) On the Internet I got a lot of recipes that I have linked together and then got out a third version, my recipe. :)
nedelja, 13. november 2011
Essence blushes
Zdaj se pa res že ponavljam, zato samo še enkrat – obožujem Essence blushe. :P Posebno tiste, ki niso v kamnu, v skoraj vsaki trend kolekciji pa izdajo kakšnega, ki ga preprosto moram imeti. ;)
I'm really repeating myself so for the last time – I love Essence blushes. :P In almost every trend edition there's one I have to have. ;)
V tokratni objavi vam zato predstavljam tiste, ki jih trenutno zelo rada uporabljam. Takšni so štirje in vsi iz trend kolekcij.
So here are four of those I love to use, each from trend edition.
Blushes |
sobota, 12. november 2011
Essence store
Včeraj mi je končno uspelo videti to čudo - Essence trgovino v Celju. :) Prihitela sem pol urice pred zaprtjem. In res je super vstopiti v trgovino, napolnjeno z Essence izdelki. Nič zato, če so to večinoma izdelki iz preteklih trend kolekcij - je vsaj mogoče dobiti, kar smo zamudile. ;) Imajo še seveda polno stojalo stalne ponudbe, pa nekaj negovalne kozmetike, vsak obiskovalec (in ne nujno tudi kupec) pa dobi darilce po izbiri. Trgovine sicer ne pustijo fotografirati, se mi zdi, da s tem ohranjajo malo skrivnostnosti. ;) Tole so pa izdelki, ki sem jih jaz kupila - praznih rok vendar nisem mogla oditi:
Yesterday I was finally able to see the wonder - Essence shop in Celje. :) I arrived half hour before closing. And it sure is great to enter into a store, filled with Essence products. It doesn't matter that you can mostly find products from old trend editions - at least you can find the things you've missed before. ;) Of course they have full display of things in permanent collection, some skincare products and every visitor (no need to buy something) can choose a gift. They didn't allow me to photograph the shop, for a sense of secrecy, I think. ;) Those are the products I've bought - couldn't walk out empty handed:
Yesterday I was finally able to see the wonder - Essence shop in Celje. :) I arrived half hour before closing. And it sure is great to enter into a store, filled with Essence products. It doesn't matter that you can mostly find products from old trend editions - at least you can find the things you've missed before. ;) Of course they have full display of things in permanent collection, some skincare products and every visitor (no need to buy something) can choose a gift. They didn't allow me to photograph the shop, for a sense of secrecy, I think. ;) Those are the products I've bought - couldn't walk out empty handed:
Things from Essence store |
petek, 11. november 2011
Levstikova pot
Za vse športne navdušence oz. vsaj tiste, ki radi hodite. :)
For all sports enthusiasts, or. at least those who enjoy walking.
For all sports enthusiasts, or. at least those who enjoy walking.
četrtek, 10. november 2011
Zima. Winter
Če sva z Matejo obljubili, da bo govora tudi o smučarskih skokih, je treba obljubo držati in napisati kaj o tej temi. :)
If I and Mateja also promised to talk about ski-jumping, we will keep that promise and write about it.
If I and Mateja also promised to talk about ski-jumping, we will keep that promise and write about it.
sreda, 9. november 2011
Essence: Vampire's Love
Najnovejša Essence trend kolekcija, ki je že skoraj razprodana po Mullerjih, je Vampire's Love. Najdemo lakce, paletko, puder, parfum in še kaj, jaz pa sem si kupila parfum in rdečilo za lička.
The newest Essence trend edition, almost completely sold in Slovenian Mullers, is Vampire's Love. You can find nail polish, eyeshadow palette, powder, perfume and some other stuff, I've bought myself perfume and blush.
The newest Essence trend edition, almost completely sold in Slovenian Mullers, is Vampire's Love. You can find nail polish, eyeshadow palette, powder, perfume and some other stuff, I've bought myself perfume and blush.
Vampire's Love eau de toilette |
Vampire's Love Blush Gelee |
torek, 8. november 2011
Giveaway 2 ;)
Očitno je že predčasno božič, objavljam namreč link do še enih darilc. ;) Super in zelo prijazna punca s Portugalske podarja namreč božično darilce, kako do njega, pa izveste na linku:
I think it's already Christmas since there's a new link to another giveaway. ;) A great and very nice girl from Portugal is giving away a "Christmas gift" and you can find out how to get it here:
Navodila so v angleščini, tako da so razumljiva za vse, nagrada pa izgleda takole:
Instructions are in English, so everyone can understand them, and the gift looks like that:
Pa da vidimo, če sem bila dovolj pridna in mi kaj uspe dobiti. :D
Let's see if I was nice enough this year and I can win something. :D
I think it's already Christmas since there's a new link to another giveaway. ;) A great and very nice girl from Portugal is giving away a "Christmas gift" and you can find out how to get it here:
Navodila so v angleščini, tako da so razumljiva za vse, nagrada pa izgleda takole:
Instructions are in English, so everyone can understand them, and the gift looks like that:
![]() |
Source: http://tehteh25.blogspot.com/2011/11/sorteio-carta-ao-pai-natalletter-to.html |
Let's see if I was nice enough this year and I can win something. :D
ponedeljek, 7. november 2011
NYX laki za nohte. NYX Nail polish
Imam točno dva NYX laka za nohte in oba odtenka sta krasna! Pri nas se jih, kolikor mi je znano, dobi le v Moji drogeriji, cena je nizka, odtenkov je dosti, obstojnost je pa tudi zadovoljiva - po 3 dneh imam po navadi zlizane konice in okrušek tu in tam. Takrat se pa tako ali tako že naveličam barve in jo je treba zamenjati. Oba sta z malo debelejšim nanosom prekrivna že po eni plasti, jaz pa vedno nanesem dve, ker sem pač bolj nerodna.
I have exactly two NYX nail polishes and I love them both! In Slovenia you can buy them in Moja drogerija online store, the price is low, there are many different shades and the polish lasts enough time - after 3 days tips get chipped. But about then I am already tired of wearing the same color and I need to change it. For both thicker 1 coat is enough, but clumsy me always needs two.
I have exactly two NYX nail polishes and I love them both! In Slovenia you can buy them in Moja drogerija online store, the price is low, there are many different shades and the polish lasts enough time - after 3 days tips get chipped. But about then I am already tired of wearing the same color and I need to change it. For both thicker 1 coat is enough, but clumsy me always needs two.
NYX Sexy Plum |
Gone2RehabBRB's Giveaway ;)
Pri Gone2RehabBRB trenutno poteka giveaway lušnih NYX senčk. ;)
Nyx Pearl Mania Giveaway at Gone2RehabBRB! ;)
Zaenkrat imam samo dva NYX testerja v odtenkih fanta in roza in oba sta super luštna, še posebej pa fanta! :) Lahka za nanašanje, barvi sta lepi, po ličenju pa nista povsod drugje kot pa tam, kjer je njuno mesto. Že s testerji sem zadovoljna, mogoče mi pa uspe kakšen prahec dobiti v tem giveawayu. Če želite sodelovati še ve, skočite na zgornji link. ;)
I only have two NYX testers in fanta and pink and both are super cute, especially fanta! :) They are easy to apply, gorgeous colors, and they are not all around the face after you are finished. I love the testers, but maybe I manage to get an eye shadow in the giveaway. If you'd like to participate, hop to the link above. ;)
Pa moram deliti še dva makeupa, ki sta meni na blogu najbolj všeč. ;)
Oh, and I just have to share two looks I loooove on the blog. ;)
Ko bom velika, se bom tudi jaz znala tako naličiti! :P
When I grow up, I will be able to create something like that! :P
P.S.: Mogoče Božiček kmalu obišče najin blog! ;)
P.S.: Santa might visit our blog soon! ;)
Nyx Pearl Mania Giveaway at Gone2RehabBRB! ;)
Zaenkrat imam samo dva NYX testerja v odtenkih fanta in roza in oba sta super luštna, še posebej pa fanta! :) Lahka za nanašanje, barvi sta lepi, po ličenju pa nista povsod drugje kot pa tam, kjer je njuno mesto. Že s testerji sem zadovoljna, mogoče mi pa uspe kakšen prahec dobiti v tem giveawayu. Če želite sodelovati še ve, skočite na zgornji link. ;)
I only have two NYX testers in fanta and pink and both are super cute, especially fanta! :) They are easy to apply, gorgeous colors, and they are not all around the face after you are finished. I love the testers, but maybe I manage to get an eye shadow in the giveaway. If you'd like to participate, hop to the link above. ;)
Pa moram deliti še dva makeupa, ki sta meni na blogu najbolj všeč. ;)
Oh, and I just have to share two looks I loooove on the blog. ;)
Ko bom velika, se bom tudi jaz znala tako naličiti! :P
When I grow up, I will be able to create something like that! :P
P.S.: Mogoče Božiček kmalu obišče najin blog! ;)
P.S.: Santa might visit our blog soon! ;)
petek, 4. november 2011
Jabolčni mafini. Apple muffins
Zadnjič je Mateja objavila recept za čokoladne mafine, danes pa bo druga Mateja objavila recept še za jabolčne mafine. ;-)
The last time Mateja wrote about chocolate muffins, today the other Mateja shares the recipe for apple muffins. ;-)
Najprej olupimo in naribamo 3 jabolka.
First, we peel and cut 3 apples.
The last time Mateja wrote about chocolate muffins, today the other Mateja shares the recipe for apple muffins. ;-)
Najprej olupimo in naribamo 3 jabolka.
First, we peel and cut 3 apples.
sreda, 2. november 2011
English! =)
Evo, da naju boste lahko brali tudi tisti iz tujine, se bova trudili še s hkratnimi angleškimi zapisi. ;) Ne obljubiva, da bo najina angleščina popolna, verjetno daleč od tega, pa vendar - vsaj vadili bova. ;) TehTeh, zdaj naju boš razumela! :D Prevedli sva tudi pretekle zapise.
We've decided to also write in English so all of you will understand us, not just be able to watch pictures. ;) We can't promise our English will be perfect, probably far from it, but we'll try and practice. ;) TehTeh, now you'll understand us! :D All the previous writings have been translated too.
Oh, and please feel free to correct our mistakes! :)
We've decided to also write in English so all of you will understand us, not just be able to watch pictures. ;) We can't promise our English will be perfect, probably far from it, but we'll try and practice. ;) TehTeh, now you'll understand us! :D All the previous writings have been translated too.
Oh, and please feel free to correct our mistakes! :)
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