petek, 4. november 2011

Jabolčni mafini. Apple muffins

Zadnjič je Mateja objavila recept za čokoladne mafine, danes pa bo druga Mateja objavila recept še za jabolčne mafine. ;-)
The last time Mateja wrote about chocolate muffins, today the other Mateja shares the recipe for apple muffins. ;-)

Najprej olupimo in naribamo 3 jabolka.
First, we peel and cut 3 apples.

Jabolkam dodamo 1 jajce, 120g sladkorja, vanilijo, 80 ml olja, 250g naravnega olja in po želji še cimet.
Vse skupaj premešamo. 
We add 1 egg, 120 grams of sugar, vanilla, 80 ml of oil, 250 grams natural oil and if we wish to - cinnamon.
Mix it all together.

V drugi posodi zmešamo 250g moke, pecilni prašek in pol žličke sode bikarbone in to počasi dodajamo masi z jabolki. 
In another bowl we mix 250 grams of flour, baking powder, half a small spoon of baking soda an we slowly add it to the apple mix.

Pečemo jih približno 30 minut na 180 stopinj. 
Bake it for approximately 30 minutes at 180 °C.

Pa dober tek! :)
Bon appetit! :)

P.S.: Še topli so najboljši. :)
P.S.: The warmer the better. :)

All the pictures in this blog post are owned by us.

5 komentarjev:

  1. uhhh mhammm! I need to try that! =D

    have a great weekend! =)


  2. njami muffini in všečen blog! sem se naročila :) počekiraj še moj blog :)

  3. Hvala! :) Skočim še na tvoj blog :D


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