The newest Essence trend edition, almost completely sold in Slovenian Mullers, is Vampire's Love. You can find nail polish, eyeshadow palette, powder, perfume and some other stuff, I've bought myself perfume and blush.
Vampire's Love eau de toilette |
Vampire's Love Blush Gelee |
Parfum krasno diši! :) Mene nekoliko spominja na prvega od Christine Aguilere. Na meni je zelo obstojen, vonj ni vsiljiv, nakup se pa splača, sploh če upoštevamo, da stane le okoli 7,5 € za 50 ml. Sama ga niti nisem nameravala kupiti, vendar me je tester takoj prepričal.
Perfume smells great! :) It reminds me of the first Christina Aguilera perfume. It's very long lasting on me, the smell is not intrusive and it's really worth buying, especially considering it costs only around 7,5 € for 50 ml. I didn't even mean to buy it, but tester immediately convinced me.
Vampire's Love eau de toilette |
But the blush caught my eye as soon as I saw the first photos of the edition. Lately I love all the Essence blushes, as long ad they're not pressed, and I'm satisfied with all of them, but this one is the winner!
Vampire's Love Blush |
Rdečilo je gelasto, steklenička ima pumpico, tako da je doziranje enostavno, nanašam ga pa kar s prsti, čeprav ima to stranske učinke, kot boste videle kasneje. Je pa treba paziti, da se ga ne nanese preveč, saj je vsaj na moji koži kar dobro opazen. Obstojnost je super, definitivno najboljša od vseh mojih blushev, saj mi brez problema zdrži cel dan, še posebej če ga prekrijem s prozornim pudrom v prahu.
The blush is jelly textured, the bottle has a pump that's very practical and I apply it with my fingers, despite the side-effects, as you'll see later. But you have to be careful you don't apply it too much, because it's very noticeable, at least on my skin. It's long lasting, I can wear it all day, particularly when covered with translucent powder.
Vampire's Love Blush |
Vampire's Love Blush |
Štorast debelejši nanos na prvi fotki, pa malce lepši na drugi.
Sloppy thicker application on the first picture, but a little better on the second and third.
Vampire's Love Blush |
Vampire's Love Blush |
Vampire's Love Blush |
In kaj je stranski učinek? Tako obarva kožo, da je dobro vidno, s katerim prstom ga nanašate. :) To je vidno tudi na 2. in 3. fotki, kjer je malce temnejši krogec v sredini - tam je poziral na zgornjih fotkah. Jaz ga raje iztisnem na robček ali kaj podobnega, da nimam rdeče še cele dlani. Ampak ker je tako čudovit, mu tega ne zamerim. ;)
And the side effect? It stains the skin so much, everyone can see with which finger you're applying it. :) You can see it in the 2nd and 3rd picture, where you can find a darker circle in the middle - that's where it posed for the upper pictures. I prefer to firstly apply it to a handkerchief or something similar, so my hands are not completely red. But because it's so wonderful, I don't resent it. ;)
It stains the skin ;) |
All the pictures in this blog post are owned by us.
I don't think we have that one yet...the blush looks promising xD
I LOVE the blush. :D
OdgovoriIzbrišija kje se pa da dobit še kej teh parfumov no? jooj
OdgovoriIzbrišiRavno pred kratkim so dobili Vampire's Love v Beauty World, večinoma so še polna stojala in je tudi parfumov še dovolj, sicer pa pridejo enkrat v začetku decembra v DM. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaz sem na vse ostale parfume zdaj kar pozabila, tako mi je všeč, hehe. :D