Na lič sem našla tanajbolj luštne balzame s tanajbolj kul vonji! Malo sem navdušena, ker so mi res všeč in kar naenkrat se jih je kar nekaj znašlo v moji zbirki. Kar je čisto okej, ker imajo rok uporabe vsaj eno leto po odprtju. Samo mini namig: splača se prebrati do konca.
I found the cutest possible lip balms ever that are super awesomely scented! I'm a bit too excited, but I really like them. And suddenly I have a bunch of them. Which is fine, because they last for at least a year after you open them. Just a tiny clue: you should read this till the end.
Najprej - grozno luštni so:
First - they are awesomely cute:Hello cute lip balm! |
Ja, vem, to ne bi bilo dovolj. Na srečo so tudi super negovalni - ustnice super negujejo in zmehčajo, zdržijo po več ur, hkrati pa ne zmastijo ustnic. Sploh poleti mi premastni balzami niso všeč, tile so pa odlični tudi za pod šminke. Po drugi strani pa so dovolj negovalni, da se bodo dobro obnesli tudi pozimi (meni namreč takoj razpokajo ustnice in pred temi balazmi so mi delovali samo Alverde, tile so mi pa še bolj všeč).
Yes, I know, that's not enough. Luckily they are really moisturising and they make lips super soft. They are long lasting (hours!), but they don't make lips greasy. I don't like too greasy balms in the summer but these are perfect even under lipsticks. They are moisturising enough to use them in the winter (my lips get super dry and before these lip balms I could only use Alverde but I think I like these more).
Yes, I know, that's not enough. Luckily they are really moisturising and they make lips super soft. They are long lasting (hours!), but they don't make lips greasy. I don't like too greasy balms in the summer but these are perfect even under lipsticks. They are moisturising enough to use them in the winter (my lips get super dry and before these lip balms I could only use Alverde but I think I like these more).
Crazy Rumors Raspberry Sherbet |
Super velik plus: niso testirani na živalih in so veganski.
Super big plus: they're cruelty free and vegan.
Crazy Rumors Raspberry Sherbet |
Pa še en: čisto naravni so. Kar je odlično, ker so za pojest.
And another one: they are 100 % natural. That's awesome, because they're so good you could eat them.
Crazy Rumors Raspberry Sherbet |
Že imena imajo vabljiva, dišijo pa čisto po njih. Nekateri imajo tudi malo okusa (ali pa se mi to samo zdi zaradi vonja?).
Even the names are great and they totally describe them. Some of them have a little taste, I think (or maybe not and I just think that because of the scent?).
Crazy Rumors Raspberry Sherbet |
Itak nisem mogla ostati pri enem in so že tile v moji zbirki. Apple Spice diši po božiču - resno, čisto tako kot jabolka in cimet. Coffee Bean je za vse ljubitelje kave. Leaping Bunny je trenutno moj najljubši. Sadni vonj po slivah in marelicah, njam! Raspberry Sherbet je pa čisti malinov šerbet, super za poletje!
Of course I couldn't just have one and I've got all these by now. Apple Spice smells like Christmas - seriously, apples and cinnamon. Coffee Bean is perfect for all of you that love coffee. Leaping Bunny is my favourite at the moment. Fruity scent of plum and apricot, yum! Raspberry Sherbet is just that, great for the summer!
Of course I couldn't just have one and I've got all these by now. Apple Spice smells like Christmas - seriously, apples and cinnamon. Coffee Bean is perfect for all of you that love coffee. Leaping Bunny is my favourite at the moment. Fruity scent of plum and apricot, yum! Raspberry Sherbet is just that, great for the summer!
Crazy Rumors lip balms |
Da ne bom samo govorila, imam en Raspberry Sherbet balzam za eno od bralk! ;) Tokrat lahko sodelujete čisto vse, najinim GFC-sledilkam pa se možnost, da dobijo nagrado, zelo zelo poveča.
Aaaand I have one Raspberry Sherbet balm for one of you! ;) Everyone can participate this time, but our GFC-followers get a bigger chance to win.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Nad katerimi balzami ste pa ve tako navdušene kot jaz?
So which lip balms are your favourite?
Imam Apple spice, res diši po zimi in praznikih <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaaa, božič sredi poletja. :D
IzbrišiIm a huge sucker for lip balms at the moment :D I have three favorites right now, two by The Body Shop and one by Yves Rocher :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiOh btw, remember the request you gave me about a makeup look with the color orange? :) It is done and posted :)
I wish we had Body Shop here! :D
IzbrišiOh awesome, I have to check it out, thanks for telling me! :))
Meni so najbolj dišeči Badger pa še organski so! Dišijo kot prava čokolada :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiO kuuul, če so po čokoladi, so za mene! :P
Izbrišithose do look really nice...entered!
Ooo, ful so luštni! Upam, da jih dobim! ;D
OdgovoriIzbrišiMeni je trenutno Hurraw najljubši balzam za ustnice! Oz mi je kr vedno najljubši ;)
Deja Zu
jst jih kupujem na Vedno ko sem jih naročila, sem bila zadovoljna. Hurraw so tudi vredu, ampak trenutno sta limeta pa vanilija moja najljubša od Crazy Rumors. Komaj čakam da poskusim še ostale :) Mojca
IzbrišiDržim pesti za tebe! :D Hurraw moram enkrat sprobat, ampak sem si rekla, da trenutno bo zadost zaloge. :D
IzbrišiJaz sem navdušenka nad Carmexom - med zimo je popravil moje ustnice do neprepoznavnosti :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiUau... sliši se dobro... pa sestavine so mi fuuuul všeč... Mislim, da bi za moje res zahtevne ustnice bili popolni... bo treba sprobat. Hvala za ta post.