As some of you already know I finally graduated on Tuesday! :-)
Hvala vsem za čestitke! :-)
Thank you all for all your congrats! :-)
No, Mateja D. pa me je poleg čestitk presenetila še s tem suuuuper darilom!
Well, Mateja D. didn`t surprised me just with congrats but also with this amaziiiiing present!
A gift. |
HVALAAA Mateja! Najboljša si! :-)
THANK YOU Mateja! You are the best! :-)
Poleg res čudovitega šala, sem dobila še ta prečudovit komplet prstana in uhanov:
Besides this beautifull scarf I also got this amazing set of a ring and earings:
Ring and earings. |
Pa te lepe nalepke za na nohte, o katerih sem ji ravno čez vikend nekaj govorila :-p
And this stickers for nails which I was talking about with her last weekend :-P
Stickers for nails. |
Seveda brez ličil ne gre :-P 2 luškana lakca in pa balzam za ustnice :-)
Of couse there were also make-up :-P 2 cute nail polishes and a lip balm :-)
Nail polishes and lip balm. |
Mogoče pa vas v prihodnje tudi jaz presenetim s kakšno objavo teh luštnih lakov :-)
Maybe I will also surprise you with some post about those nail polishes :-)
I wanna see those! I also have some new nail polish, I've been posting on them =)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI graduate in June, although the official graduation week is in two weeks, which is MEGA weird!
anyway, congrats «3
Thank you :-)
Čestitke!! In krasna darila :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala :-) Jaaa, res so čudovita! :-)
Izbrišislatki pokloni... čestitam još jednom, to je postignuće kojim se treba pohvaliti :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvalaaaa :-)
Izbrišicongrats, Mateja!
OdgovoriIzbrišiČestitke še z moje strani. To ni kar tako (:
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala :-) Ja, je res potrebnega kar neki truda in dela :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiWonderful gifts :) I really like the earrings and the ring :)
Would be lovely to see the nail polishes on your nails :)
Thank you :-)
IzbrišiOk then I will try and post a blog about it :-P
Čestitam! pa super darila :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala :-)
IzbrišiJa, res so zakon :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiMy nail polish blog
Hvala :-)
IzbrišiČestitala sem že, kdaj pa še mojo napišeš? :P Sj js tut dobim darila od Mateje, ko diplomiram :P
OdgovoriIzbrišiSe bova ta teden zmenile, zdej bom malo bolj fraj :-P