sreda, 3. oktober 2012

Skupina Gadi - 2. del. Group Gadi - part 2.

Kar nekaj časa je že minilo od moje prve objave & intervjuja s skupino Gadi.
It`s been a while from my last post & interview with group Gadi.

V tem času so posneli že dva nova videospota in predstavili dve novi pesmi, tako da je res čas, da še kaj napišem o njih. 
During this time they recorded two new videos and presented two new songs, so it`s time to talk about them again. 

Posneli so videospot za pesem Malo, malo še ter pesem Ona ne išče sanj. Na Ptujskem festivalu pa so se predstavili s pesmima Muzikant in Če kdo ve.
They record videos for songs A little bit more and She`s not looking for a dream. On Ptuj festival they were competing with songs Musician and If anyone knows.

Skupina Gadi - Primož, Anže, David

Že kar nekaj časa pa sem si želela dobiti tudi njihove podpise, vendar mi nekako nikoli ne uspe iti na kakšen njihov nastop.
For a while now I was trying to get their autographs but I was never able to go to their performance.

Tako sem fantom pisala sporočilo s prošnjo za avtogram kartice. In veste kaj? Poslali so mi ne le eno, ampak kar tri!
So I just wrote to them and asked if I can get their autogram card. And guess what? They sent me not just one, but tree cards!

Hvalaaaa fantje, res ste super!
Thank you boys, you are really great!

Skupina Gadi - Primož, Anže, David

Poleg vsega tega pa so s skupinama Naveza in Vikend posneli še pesem z naslovom Slovenski narodnjak.
Beside all this they also recorded a song with groups Naveza and Vikend called Slovenian country boy.

Pa še malo za hec: =)
And just for fun: =)

Več o fantih pa najdete tu: Gadi.
You can find more about them here: Gadi.

2 komentarja:

  1. theyre cute, but they sound too folk for me =P


    1. Yes, they are cute :-) And yes, they have folk music but it`s nice to listen it sometimes. =)


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