četrtek, 25. april 2013

Diploma. Graduation.

Kot nekateri mogoče že veste sem v torek kooončnoooo diplomirala! :-) 
As some of you already know I  finally graduated on Tuesday! :-)

Hvala vsem za čestitke! :-)
Thank you all for all your congrats! :-)

No, Mateja D. pa me je poleg čestitk presenetila še s tem suuuuper darilom!
Well, Mateja D. didn`t surprised me just with congrats but also with this amaziiiiing present! 

A gift.

nedelja, 21. april 2013

Shine bright like a diamond ... on sand

Barry M Textured lakci so mi bili takoj zelo zelo všeč! Sploh tale, ker je malce bolj živ, ne pastelen in ima luštne bleščice!
I was really really excited about Barry M Textured polishes. This one caught my eye the moment I saw them. So prettyyyyy! It's the only one that's not really pastel and it has some lovely glitter in it. 

Barry M Textured Station Road

Barry M Textured Station Road

Efekt mi je res všeč! Pa še dolgoobstojni laki so, čeprav ne uporabljam nadlaka.
I adore the effect! It lasts quite long too even though I don't use top coat with it! 

nedelja, 14. april 2013

FB page #4

Tako kot vsak vikend gre tudi tale počasi h koncu. :-/
Just like every weekend this is going to end soon. :-/


Kaj sva z Matejo počeli ta teden? Objavili nekaj motivacijskih fotografij in lušnih videospotov. :-)
What were I and Mateja doing this week? We posted some motivation pictures and some cute videos. :-)

četrtek, 11. april 2013

Blebetanje // Babbling #9

Mateja K. je ZAKON! Tole sem dobila, ker sem ji pri nečem pomagala. Večkrat moram ponudit pomoč. Čeprav me očitno hoče zredit.
Mateja K. is THE BEST! That's what I got for helping her with something. I'll offer my help more often. Though she obviously wants to make me fat!

ponedeljek, 8. april 2013

Mint Mint Mint!

Moj prvi mint lak! Sploh nisem vedela, da so mi všeč! Bila sem prepričana, da jih ne maram! Ooooh sem se motila!
My first mint polish! I didn't even know I like mint polishes! I thought I didn't like them! Oh I was wroooong!

nedelja, 7. april 2013

FB page #3

V ponedeljek je svoj 32. rojstni dan praznoval norveški smučarski skakalec Bjoern Einar Romoeren! Vse najboljše!
On Monday it was 32nd birthday of Norwegian ski jumper Bjoern Einar Romoeren! Happy Birthday!


Bi kdo malo pice? :-)
Who wants some pizza? :-)

četrtek, 4. april 2013

Blebetanje // Babbling # 8

Pekla sem cupcake!
I baked cupcakes!

Yummy food!

Zdaj ko sem s hrano pritegnila vašo pozornost, si poglejte pa še tole - prijateljica me je prosila, da objavim, in vse vabi, da pridete. 
Now that I have your attention all the Slovenian readers that might read this post in Englist - check this: 

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