Barry M Textured lakci so mi bili takoj zelo zelo všeč! Sploh tale, ker je malce bolj živ, ne pastelen in ima luštne bleščice!
I was really really excited about Barry M Textured polishes. This one caught my eye the moment I saw them. So prettyyyyy! It's the only one that's not really pastel and it has some lovely glitter in it.
Barry M Textured Station Road |
Barry M Textured Station Road |
Efekt mi je res všeč! Pa še dolgoobstojni laki so, čeprav ne uporabljam nadlaka.
I adore the effect! It lasts quite long too even though I don't use top coat with it!
Barry M Textured Station Road |
Potem sem pa zagledala Mia Glow in the Dark lake! Resno, od otroštva dalje - če se sveti ali pa spreminja barvo, mi bo všeč! Če je oranžno, še toliko bolje.
And then I saw Mia Glow in the Dark polishes! Seriously, since I've been a child - if it glows in the dark or changes colour, I'll love it. And if it's orange - I accept!
Mia Glow in the Dark Orange Pop |
Kot da to ni dovolj - ima vgrajeno lučkoooo!
And as if that's not enough - it has a build in liiiight!
Mia Glow in the Dark Orange Pop |
Mia Glow in the Dark Orange Pop |
Namazala sem ga kar prek Textured laka - dve plasti in res mi je všeč, kako se še vedno vidi malo rumene. Taki luštni veseli živi nohti so.
I just put it over Textured nail polish - two coats here and I kind of like how you can still see some yellow through it. :) It looks bright and happy!
Da efekt deluje, je treba imeti nohte nekaj časa pod lučko. Nočna lučka je super, meni pa deluje tudi že vgrajena lučka - povsem dovolj jo je imeti prižgano med lakiranjem. :) In res dobro svetijo. Še zaspat ne morem, ker jih opazujem. :P Skušala sem jih fotkati, ampak tole je vse, kar je uspelo:
For the effect to work you have to have light on nails for a few seconds. Just put them under a light or just use the build in light - it's enough. :) And they shine really nice. I have trouble going to sleep because I just love looking at my nails. :P I tried to take a picture but it's pretty hard to, this is the best I came up with:Mia Glow in the Dark Orange Pop |
Ste ve tudi tako navdušene nad svetlečimi ni malo drugačnimi nohti?
Are you just as excited about shiny and different nails?
wau lepa lakca <3 kako dolgo pa sveti lakec na nohtih? :) btw, všeč mi je naslov posta :P
OdgovoriIzbrišiHahaha, verjamem, da ti je všeč, ja :P
IzbrišiVedno prej zaspim, ampak do zdaj še nisem vidla, da ne bi svetil - vsaj malo mi ves čas sveti. :D
uaaau odličen je tale glow in the dark :) moram nabaviti :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuuuper je! :) Daj, je ravno znižan :D
Izbrišihaha, nail polish with light? I want it :-D Textured nail polishes are amazing, I have six and three on way :-D I had these by Barry M this week on my blog.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI know, it has a build in light, how awesome is that!! :D
IzbrišiI promise to comment on blogs more often - I've missed sooo many posts. :(
Pretty colors and textured it's so cool :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI agree ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiYeees! :D
IzbrišiHudo! Must have too! :)
IzbrišiRes krasno izgleda na tvojih nohtih ta manikura. :) Glow in the dark lake je pa tudi meni težko poslikati v tei, nič se ne vidi. :/
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! :)
IzbrišiObupni so za fotkat!
well, the glow in the dark was kind of a fail, but the yellow is gorgeous!
I kindo f like the mixture of orange and yellow :D
IzbrišiMia je WOW!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaaa :D
IzbrišiPrvi od Barry M je super! Prav grozna sem, že mesece jih občudujem na različnih blogih, dva imam na WL, pa se še kar nisem spravila naročit :D Drugi pa sicer ni ravno 'my cup of tea' ker na svojih nohtih na maram oranžne, ampak na tebi pa dobro izgleda, tko pomladno in živahno :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSpravi se hiiiiitro naročit! :P
IzbrišiHvala, nohti odsevajo, kako rada imam oranžno :D