Še ena manikura s kamenčki, ki sem jih prejela s spletne strani Born Pretty Store. Anothermanicurewith rhinestones, which I havereceivedfrom the websiteBornPrettyStore.
Kot tretja stvar, ki sem si jo izbrala na spletni strani Born Pretty Store je čudovita cvetlična paletka. V teh spomladanskih dneh imamo lahko nekaj cvetlic tudi na svojih nohtih, ne samo v naravi. :-) Asthe third thingthat Ihave chosen from the websiteBornPrettyStoreisa beautifulflowerstick.In thesespringdayswe can havesomeflowersonournails, not onlyin nature.:-)
Obožujem čokolado in obožujem kokos. Zaželela sem si mafine, ampak se nisem mogla odločiti kakšne naj naredim. Zato sem malce pobrskala po internetu in dobila super recept za kombinacijo obojega; čokolade in kokosa! I lovechocolate andI lovecoconut. I wantedmuffins, butI could not decidewhatto do.Therefore I looked on the internetand got agreatrecipe fora combination of both; chocolateand coconut!
Drug dodatek za nohte, ki sem ga prejela iz spletne strani Born Pretty Store so te luškane, zlate morske deklice. Anotheradd-on nails thatI receivedfrom web pageBornPrettyStore were thesecute, goldenmermaids. Ob pogledu nanje sem se takoj spomnila na moje potepanje po Danski, skoraj tri leta nazaj. Aaaaah, super spomini! At the sight ofit, I immediatelyrememberedmytrip toDenmark,almostthree years ago. Aaaah, great memories!