ponedeljek, 25. maj 2015

NOTD: Shiny flower

Včeraj sem imela nekaj časa in "gole" nohte, pa sem začela ustvarjati :-) 
Yesterday I had some free time and "naked" nails, so I started creating :-)

4 ever young & Off to Miami

ponedeljek, 18. maj 2015

Lip Lava - Firestorm

Tole je moj tretji odtenek iz zbirke šmink Lip Lava. 
This is my third shade from the collection of lipsticks Lip Lava.

Lip Lava - Firestorm

Lip Lava - Firestorm

sobota, 16. maj 2015

NOTD: Rhinestone

Še ena manikura s kamenčki, ki sem jih prejela s spletne strani Born Pretty Store
Another manicure with rhinestones, which I have received from the website Born Pretty Store.

Beauty UK & rhinestones

torek, 12. maj 2015

NOTD: Flowers

Kot tretja stvar, ki sem si jo izbrala na spletni strani Born Pretty Store je čudovita cvetlična paletka. V teh spomladanskih dneh imamo lahko nekaj cvetlic tudi na svojih nohtih, ne samo v naravi. :-) 
As the third thing that I have chosen from the website Born Pretty Store is a beautiful flower stick. In these spring days we can have some flowers on our nails, not only in nature. :-)

Essence: True Love & BP56

ponedeljek, 4. maj 2015

Kokosovo-čokoladni mafini // Chocolate-coconut muffins

Obožujem čokolado in obožujem kokos. Zaželela sem si mafine, ampak se nisem mogla odločiti kakšne naj naredim. Zato sem malce pobrskala po internetu in dobila super recept za kombinacijo obojega; čokolade in kokosa!
I love chocolate and I love coconut. I wanted muffins, but I could not decide what to do. Therefore I looked on the internet and got a great recipe for a combination of both; chocolate and coconut!

sobota, 2. maj 2015

NOTD: Mermaids

Drug dodatek za nohte, ki sem ga prejela iz spletne strani Born Pretty Store so te luškane, zlate morske deklice. 
Another add-on nails that I received from web page Born Pretty Store were these cute, golden mermaids.
Ob pogledu nanje sem se takoj spomnila na moje potepanje po Danski, skoraj tri leta nazaj. Aaaaah, super spomini! 
At the sight of it, I immediately remembered my trip to Denmark, almost three years ago. Aaaah, great memories!

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