Tako, pa je za nami. Zame najboljši vikend v celem letu! Govorim namreč o vikendu, ki sem ga preživela v Planici!
So it is over. For me the best weekend in whole year! I'm talking about the weekend that I spent in Planica!
Planica (Saturday) |
Tudi letos sva si z Matejo ogledali tekmi s pomočjo Zavarovalnice Triglav, ki nama je že tretje leto podarila karte za ogled tekem. Tokrat sva jih dobili za tekmi v soboto in nedeljo! Seveda se Zavarovalnici Triglav najlepše zahvaljujeva in upava, da se zavedajo, kakšno veselje nama pripravijo, ko nama uredijo karte! Resno, kot da bi majhen otrok izvedel, da je božič malo prej!
Planica (Saturday) - cute Union dragon |
This year we once again went to Planica with the help of Triglav Group insurance agency. They gave us tickets to see the competitions third year in a row. This time we've got them for Saturday and Sunday! Of course we are very grateful to Triglav Group and hope that they are aware of what joy they give us when they prepare us the tickets! Seriously, it's as if a little child would get the news that Christmas came early.
Mateja K. in Planica :) |
Ker so bile karte za ogled sobotne tekme razprodane, sva seveda pričakovali grozno gnečo in zastoje na cesti, zato se je bilo treba na pot odpraviti zgodaj. Vstali sva ob 5:00 in se ob 5:40 odpravili na pot. Če je kdaj vredno vstati zgodaj zjutraj … Na srečo na cesti ni bilo nobenih zastojev, saj je bilo za promet dobro poskrbljeno s strani policije in organizatorjev - top! Parkirali sva v Kranjski Gori in se nato s krožnim avtobusom odpravili v Planico.
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Planica (Saturday) |
Since the Saturday's competition was completely sold out, we naturally expected a terrible crowd and looots of traffic problems. That's why we got up at 5 a.m. and went to Planica 40 minutes later. Fortunately, the police and organisers expected it too, so there were zero problems on the road - great job to all of them! We parked in Kranjska Gora, and then headed to Planica with a circular bus.
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Mateja K. in Planica |
Vreme je bilo čudovito in obetala se je zanimiva ekipna tekma. Po prvi seriji je našim fantom (Tepeš, Semenič, Kranjec in Prevc) kazalo odlično, saj so bili v vodstvu pred Avstrijci in Norvežani. Lahko si predstavljate super vzdušje pod letalnico. Še večje navdušenje pa je sledilo, ko so oznanili, da je zaradi premočnega vetra odpovedana druga serija! Slovenija je tako zmagala na zadnji ekipni preizkušnji! Bravo naši orli! :-D Prav nihče se ni razburjal, da tekma ni bila izpeljana čiiisto do konca.
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Cene Prevc (photo by Tea S.) |
The weather was wonderful and we could expect an amazing team competition. After the first series, our guys (Tepeš, Semenič, Kranjec and Prevc) were in the lead against the Austrians and Norwegians. You can imagine the great atmosphere in Planica. Even greater enthusiasm followed when they announced that due to excessive wind, second series was canceled! Slovenia has won the last team competition! Congratulation to our eagles! :-D I don't think anyone was mad we didn't see the whole competition.
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Robert Kranjec |
No, v nedeljo nisva bili tako pridni, saj sva se iz postelje spravili ob 5:25 in se na pot odpravili "šele" ob 6:40, ups. Po poti je ves čas deževalo, ko prideva v Kranjsko Goro pa presenečenjeeeeee! Snežilo je! Mateja D. je umirala od sreče in ponovno razmišljala o selitvi v Krajnsko Goro, Mateja K. pa nisem ravno navdušena nad snegom, ampak okej. Dokler se ne prijemlje ceste, imam raje sneg kot dež. :-P Odpraviva se pod letalnico in ker sva bili še vedno dovolj zgodnji, sva si zagotovili super prostor ob ograji, kjer sva na eni strani odlično videli letalnico, na drugi strani pa so mimo hodili vsi letalci! :-D Ali si lahko navdušenec nad skoki želi še kaj boljšega? :-D (Res, hvala hvala hvala za super nedeljske karte!)
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Jarkko Maeaettae |
Well, on Sunday we weren't that good - we got out of bed at 5:25 and went on the road "only" at 6:40, oops. It was constantly raining, but when we got to Kranjska Gora - surpriiiiiiiiise! It was snowing! Mateja D. was dying of happiness and again considered moving to Krajnska Gora would be a brilliant idea, but I, Mateja K., am not really impressed with the snow, but ok. Until it doesn't sticks to the road I prefer snow. :-P We went to the ski flying hill and because we were still early enough, we guaranteed a great space at the fence, where on one hand, we could see the hill, on the other hand, all the ski jumpers walked right past us! :-D Can a ski jumping enthusiast have something better? :-D (Really, thank you, thank you, thank you for the great Sunday tickets!).
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Roman Koudelka |
Vzdušje je bilo kljub slabšemu vremenu več kot fenomenalno. Vsi smo glasno navijali in spodbujali skakalce k čim boljšim poletom, še najbolj pa naše, slovenske. Vsi skupaj smo do zadnje sekunde trepetali skupaj s Prevcem in Freundom in se spraševali, kateri od njiju bo osvojil veliki kristalni globus. No, ta je na koncu šel v roke Nemca, vsekakor pa si ogromen aplavz in čestitke zasluži tudi naš čudoviti Peter Prevc, ki nas je z izjemnimi rezultati razveseljeval čez celotno sezono! Se že veselimo naslednje!
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Gregor Schlierenzauer |
The atmosphere was awesome despite the gloomier weather. We all cheered loudly and encouraged jumpers to the best possible flights. We trembled till the last seconds along with Prevc and Freund - who will win the crystal globe?! Well Freund had more luck, but a huge applause and congratulations go to our wonderful Peter Prevc with outstanding results throughout the season! We can really look forward to the next one!
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Manuel Fettner |
Čestitke pa si seveda zasluži tudi naš izjemen letalec Jurij Tepeš, ki je osvojil nedeljsko zmago. Na drugem mestu je bil Peter Prevc, tretji pa je bil Norvežan Rune Velta. Prenovljene velikanke tako nismo spustili iz svojih rok!
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Jurij Tepeš |
Big congratulations also go to our outstanding Jurij Tepeš who won Sunday's competition. Peter Prevc was in second place and the third was Norwegian Rune Velta. So we made sure the new hill stayed in Slovenian hands!
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Jurij Tepeš |
Po koncu tekme in razglasitvi vseh zmagovalcev sva z Matejo pridno vztrajali ob ograji in čakali še dobro uro, da je Peter Prevc opravil vse intervjuje in se je nato lahko posvetil še nam, navijačem. Če Mateja D. nečakinji obljubi njegov podpis, se mora nanj pač počakati! ;) Med čakanjem nanj nas je presenetil še Goran Janus, ki je bil izredno prijazen in nasmejan. Z vsemi se je fotografiral, delil avtograme in nas spraševal, kako smo se imeli na tekmi - resnično je bilo lepo videti, kako si je tudi po uradnem zaključku sezone in množici intervjujev še vedno vzel toliko časa za navijače!
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Peter Prevc |
At the end of the competition Mateja and I waited and waited for another hour till Peter Prevc completed all the interviews and was able to take some time for the fans. If Mateja D. promises his autograph to her niece, she has to get it! ;) While waiting for Peter, Goran Janus surprised us. He was extremely friendly and welcoming and took photos, shared autographs and asked us if we had a great time. It was really nice to see how much time he took for the fans after the official end of the season and all the interviews!
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Peter Prevc |
Imeli sva srečo, saj so nas na koncu spustili tudi na letalnico, da sva lahko še tam naredili fotografijo za spomin. In navdušeno skakali po snegu. Vsaj Mateja D.
Privoščili sva si še topel čaj (1001 cvet črni ribez je zakon!), da se malo pogrejeva, nato pa z avtobusom nazaj v Kranjsko Goro na kosilo. Med čakanjem na slastno pico sva videli še Stefana Krafta, ki se je ravno odpravljal domov, ter Severina Freunda, ki je pridno poziral s kristalnim globusom.
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Mateja & Mateja |
We were lucky we could go to the ski flying hill, so we took a picture there. And jump on the snow. At least Mateja D. did.
We got some warm tea to warm up a little (1001 cvet black currant is awesome) and then went back to Kranjska Gora for lunch. While waiting for the delicious pizza we saw Stefan Kraft who was just returning home, and Severin Freund, who was posing with the globe.
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Jernej Damjan |
Letos pa je Zavarovalnica Triglav poskrbela, da smo lahko tudi obiskovalci poleteli na letalnici (no, ne zares :-P ). V Planico so namreč pripeljali simulator za virtualne polete, ki so ga preizkusili tudi skakalci! Vsi tisti, ki pa niste prišli v Planico, ste se v poletih lahko pomerili v soboto in nedeljo v ljubljanskem City Parku. Je šla katera preizkusit?
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Kamil Stoch |
This year, the Triglav Group made sure that we were also able to fly on the hill (well, not really :-P). There was a simulator for virtual flights in Planica which was also tested by the jumpers! All those who could not come to Planica, were able to compete on Saturday and Sunday in the Ljubljana City Park shopping center. Did you try it?
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Nejc Dežman |
Gre za tehnološko napredna očala, ki na videz spominjajo na smučarska očala. Uporabnik se tako spusti po naletu, odskoči z odskočne mize, skoči v doskok in se odpelje v iztek. Končno je prišel čas, ko lahko tudi gledalci (še tisti najbolj boječi) poskusimo, kako je leteti! :-D
You can jump with technologically advanced thingy you put on the head that are similar to the goggles the ski jumpers wear. You can experience the whole jump and try to break the record. So we can finally all try how to fly! No matter how scared you are! :-D
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Richard Freitag |
Ker sva lahko dobili tudi nekaj podpisov skakalcev in ker dobiva kar precej mailov za izmenjavo avtogramov, sva se odločili, da za vas pripraviva tudi nagradno igro, kjer bova podelili nekaj avtogram kartic.
Since we were able to get some autographs from the ski jumpers and because we get lots of e-mails to exchange the cards, we've decided to prepare a little giveaway and the winners will get some autographed cards.
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Piotr Zyla |
Za vse navdušence nad skoki pa še nekaj sočnih izjav, ki sem jih slišala čez vikend (od ljudi, ki so imeli res super akreditacije za odlična mesta v Planici), da se lahko malce nasmejite:
For all the enthusiastic fans here are some juicy statements that I heard over the weekend (from the people that have had really great accreditation for the perfect places in Planica), so you can laugh a bit:
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Rune Velta |
- Med čakanjem na avtobus v Kranjski Gori se je gospa za menoj pogovarjala s prijatelji in izjavila: "Severin Freund, to je on Norvežan, ane?"
- While waiting for the bus in Kranjska Gora, the lady behind me was talking with friends and said: "Severin Freund, he the Norwegian one, right?"
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Johann Andre Forfang |
- Po oznanitvi, da je druga serija v soboto odpovedana, izjavi gospodična zraven mene: "Oh, ali bi morali vsi skočiti še enkrat?"
- Following the announcement that the second series on Saturday was canceled, the miss standing next to me: "Oh, should they all jump again?"
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Michael Neumayer |
- No, med samo tekmo se je ta ista oseba spraševala, kaj sploh pomenijo številke na dresih 1 1, 1 2, 1 3, 1 4, 2 1 ...
- Well, during the competition, the same person was wondering what all the numbers mean 1 1, 1 2, 1 3, 1 4, 2 1 ...
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Anders Fannemel |
- Po koncu ekipne tekme je na velikem ekranu ob fotografiji Gorana Janusa pisalo: "Največji car." Ena izmed obiskovalcev pa se sprašuje: "Kdo sploh je ta Goran Janus?"
- After the team competition there was a photo of Goran Janus on the big screen: "The biggest tsar." One of the visitors asked: "Who even is this Goran Janus?"
Come to Planica with us! |
Zato sva se odločili le za dve stvari, ki sta nujni, da sodelujete v nagradni igri - vpišete svoj mail (da vas lahko kontaktirava, če zmagate) in odgovorite na nagradno vprašanje. Vse drugo je neobvezno, ampak prinaša dodatne možnosti za žreb. :)
So that's why we've decided to make two things mandatory to enter our giveaway - write in your email (so we can contact you if you win) and answer the question. Nothing else is mandatory, but you'll have bigger chance to win if you fill those in too. :)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Planica (Sunday) |
Je bila še katera od vas letos v Planici? Kdaj, kako ste se imeli? :-D
Was any of you in Planica this year? When, did you have a great time? :-D
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Planica (Sunday) |

OMG it's that time again already??? where does time go???
OdgovoriIzbrišiI'd go for the autographs, but I don't have a clue of who Goran Janus is at the moment... I'm really out of shaoe here!
You can always google it :-P
IzbrišiMeni vsako leto spolzi tale Planica. Upam, da bom drugo leto le šla ;) Vzdušje je res TOP!
OdgovoriIzbrišiTi se le potrudi, ker je res suuuuuuper, ko vse tole doživiš v živo! :-D