I think it is a known fact that I am very excited about Salvation Velvet lip glosses.
Velvet Rebel |
Tako sem v svojo zbirko dodala še enega, in sicer sem se tokrat odločila za Velvet Rebel.
So I added another one to my collection, this time I decided for Velvet Rebel.
Velvet Rebel |
Like other glosses from this "collection" this one is also super durable.
Velvet Rebel |
You need just one coat of lipstick, because color nicely overlay.
Velvet Rebel |
Po nanosu se glos posuši in tako ostane na naših ustnicah več ur.
After application gloss drys and stays on our lips for several hours.
Velvet Rebel |
Če pa vam tale odtenek ni všeč, lahko izbirate še med drugimi odtenki.
However, if you do not like this one shade, you can choose among other shades.
Velvet Rebel |
Dobite jih na spletni strani licila.si za 4,95€.
You can get them on the website licila.si for 4.95€.
Velvet Rebel |
Do you like it?
Velvet Rebel |
Waw! Res hud odtenek :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiJe lep ane? :-D
Izbrišiyup. you are an addict
Hehehehe, nooooo :-P