petek, 13. marec 2015

MakeUp Revolution: Salvation Velvet Lip Lacquer: Velvet Rebel (review)

Mislim, da je sedaj že splošno znano dejstvo, da sem sama naravnost navdušena nad Salvation Velvet lip glosi. 
I think it is a known fact that I am very excited about Salvation Velvet lip glosses.

Velvet Rebel

Tako sem v svojo zbirko dodala še enega, in sicer sem se tokrat odločila za Velvet Rebel.
So I added another one to my collection, this time I decided for Velvet Rebel.

Velvet Rebel
Tako kot ostali glosi iz te "zbirke" je tudi tale super obstojen.
Like other glosses from this "collection" this one is also super durable.

Velvet Rebel
Dovolj je en nanos šminke, saj je barva lepo prekrivna.
You need just one coat of lipstick, because color nicely overlay.

Velvet Rebel

Po nanosu se glos posuši in tako ostane na naših ustnicah več ur. 
After application gloss drys and stays on our lips for several hours.

Velvet Rebel

Če pa vam tale odtenek ni všeč, lahko izbirate še med drugimi odtenki
However, if you do not like this one shade, you can choose among other shades.

Velvet Rebel

Dobite jih na spletni strani za 4,95€.
You can get them on the website for 4.95€.

Velvet Rebel
Ti je všeč?
Do you like it? 

Velvet Rebel


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