torek, 31. marec 2015

NOTD: Be Berry Now

Tokrat sem združila luštne spomladanske odtenke in nekaj bleščic. :-D 
This time I joined cute spring shades and some glitter. :-D

Karl Says Tres Chic & Be Berry now

nedelja, 29. marec 2015

Lip Lava - Shockwave

Spet nova šminka v moji zbirki, ups! :-P Tokrat sem kupila Lip Lava: Shockwave. Gre za tekoče šminke, ki vsebujejo tudi vitamin E. 
Again, a new lipstick in my collection, ups! :-P This time I bought Lip Lava: Shockwave. It is a liquid lipstick, which also contain vitamin E.

Lip Lava: Shockwave

petek, 27. marec 2015

NOTD: Spring

Tokrat sem združila tri različne lake: Yes Love: G10-4, Essence: Only purple maters in pa Kiko: 505.
This time I used 3 different nail polishes: Yes Love: G10-4, Essence: Only purple maters and Kiko: 505.

Yes Love & Essence & Kiko

torek, 24. marec 2015

Planica 2015

Tako, pa je za nami. Zame najboljši vikend v celem letu! Govorim namreč o vikendu, ki sem ga preživela v Planici! 
So it is over. For me the best weekend in whole year! I'm talking about the weekend that I spent in Planica!

Planica (Saturday)

Tudi letos sva si z Matejo ogledali tekmi s pomočjo Zavarovalnice Triglav, ki nama je že tretje leto podarila karte za ogled tekem. Tokrat sva jih dobili za tekmi v soboto in nedeljo! Seveda se Zavarovalnici Triglav najlepše zahvaljujeva in upava, da se zavedajo, kakšno veselje nama pripravijo, ko nama uredijo karte! Resno, kot da bi majhen otrok izvedel, da je božič malo prej!

Planica (Saturday) - cute Union dragon

This year we once again went to Planica with the help of Triglav Group insurance agency. They gave us tickets to see the competitions third year in a row. This time we've got them for Saturday and Sunday! Of course we are very grateful to Triglav Group and hope that they are aware of what joy they give us when they prepare us the tickets! Seriously, it's as if a little child would get the news that Christmas came early.

Mateja K. in Planica :)

torek, 17. marec 2015

I Heart MakeUp: Sunday Girl (review)

Da ne bom imela samih rdečih šmink, sem se tokrat odločila za malce drugačen odtenek. 
So that I wouldn`t have just red lipstick, I decided for a slightly different shade this time.

I Heart MakeUp: Sunday Girl

petek, 13. marec 2015

MakeUp Revolution: Salvation Velvet Lip Lacquer: Velvet Rebel (review)

Mislim, da je sedaj že splošno znano dejstvo, da sem sama naravnost navdušena nad Salvation Velvet lip glosi. 
I think it is a known fact that I am very excited about Salvation Velvet lip glosses.

Velvet Rebel

sobota, 7. marec 2015

Nohti nohti nohti // Nails nails nails

Juhuuu, spet so prispele dobrote z Born Pretty Store
Yaaay, I reaceived a cute package from Born Pretty Store

Čisto prvi so mi padli v oči tile srčki in preizkusila sem jih že v prvih nekaj dneh. Najdete jih TUKAJ (#16760) in so na voljo v različnih barvah, ampak beli so super praktični! Srčki so plastični, ampak dokaj na ozko odrezani, tako da niso moteči - niso pa upogljivi. Brez problema jih lahko uporabljate tudi kot okrasek za telefon ali kaj podobnega. 
The first thing that caught my eye were these little hearts and I tried them as soon as I could. You can find them HERE (#16760) and you get them in different colours, but the white ones are super practical! The hearts are made of plastic, you can't really bend them but they're still comfortable. You can also use them to decorate the phone, by the way.

ponedeljek, 2. marec 2015

NOTD: Catrice: Inner Purple Of Trust

Še en nov Catrice lakec :-) 
Another new Catrice nail polish. :-)
Catrice: Inner Purple Of Trust
Catrice: Inner Purple Of Trust
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