nedelja, 18. januar 2015

Prvi swap // My First Swap

Ooooojla! Par tednov je bilo res noro zaposlenih (ne samo zaradi gledanja serij) in tale objava je pozna. Ampak bolje pozno kot nikoli! 
Novembrski prvi swap! Še vedno sem polna navdušenja! :)) Moji madžarski sodelavki Eszter sem poslala vzorček mojega najljubšega Revlon Colorstay in ji je bil všeč. Ker ga je tam očitno težje dobiti, sem ji rekla, da ji ga pošljem, potem pa sva prišli do ideje za swap! Super je bilo iskat izdelke zanjo in raziskovati, česa pri njih nimajo, pa je na voljo pri nas. In v zadnjem času sem toliko nakupovala prek spleta, da sploh nisem vedela, kaj vse imamo v drogerijah! 
Potem pa je prišel swap dan in najboljši paket ever:
Hellooo everybody! It's been busy few weeks (not just with watching tv) and this post is really late. But hey, better late than never!  
I did my first swap in November! Swaps are freaking exciting! :)) I sent a sample of my favourite Revlon Colorstay to my awesome Hungarian co-worker Eszter a while ago and she loved it. Apparently it's pretty hard to get there so I said I'd send it to her. And then we came to an idea for a swap! I can't even tell you how exciting it was to search for products to send her and research which brands we have that they don't. And heck, I've been shopping online for so long, I didn't even know what we have in drugstores!
And then the swap day came omg! And I received the awesomest package ever: 

Ogrooomno lepih stvari! Res so mi všeč, evo jih kos za kosom: 
Loooooots of goodies! I love it, but let me show you item by item. First I got these: 

Ni za verjet, ampak dejansko še nisem imela nobene Catrice paletke! Odtenki so super luštni in popolni za vsak dan, pa tudi presenetljivo dobro pigmentirani. 
Not to be believed, but I actually haven't had a Catrice palette before! These shades are super cute, perfect for every day and pretty well pigmented! 

Ta mi je najprej padla v oči! Čudovit teal odtenek, pa da ne govorim o teksturi senčke - kraaaasna! Pigmentirana je odlično - že sama po sebi, sem jo pa preizkusila še z Urban Decay primerjem in pa Makeup Revolution Aqua Seal primerjem - in s tem zadnjim še posebej noro zasije! 
This one first caught my eye! Beautiful teal shade, not to even start talking about the texture - aaaah! Pigmentation is beyond great even on its own, but I've also tried it with Urban Decay primer and Makeup Revolution Aqua Seal primer - and it really shines with that last one! 

Pa še Manhattan perlasta kremna senčka. Bala sem se, da se ne bo dolgo zdržala na mojih mastnih vekah, ampak me je presenetila! 
And the last one - Manhattan pearly cream eyeshadow. I was afraid it won't last long on my oily lids, but it's pretty long lasting actually! 

Dobila sem tudi dva tekoča pudra, oba popolna za mešano in mastno kožo z mat finišem. Max Factor je trenutno malo pretemen zame (mogoče bo v redu poleti), ampak popolno izgleda na Mateji K.! Srednjeprekriven z mat finišem, pa super diši in je res lahek, žametast. Enako velja za L'Oreal - tale odtenek je pa super zame in ga uporabljam, kadar ne rabim makeupa za cel dan (ker ni tako dolgoobstojen kot Revlon).
She also sent me two foundations, both perfect for combination to oily skin with matte finish. Max Factor one is a bit too dark for me (maybe it'd be fine in the summer) but you should see it on Mateja K.! It made her skin perfect. It's medium coverage with a lovely matte finish. It smells SO good and it's really lightweight, velvety. The same goes for L'Oreal - that one is a perfect shade for me and I love to wear it when I know I won't have my makeup on for a whole day (it's lasts less than Revlon). 

Super lep lipgloss za vsak dan (tile so mi všeč, ker zdržijo na mojih ustnicah več kot 5 minut :D ) in pa črtalo v dveh popolnih jesenskih/zimskih odtenkih! 
Super cute lipgloss for every day (I love these, they last on my lips for more than 5 minutes :D ) and a pencil in two perfect autumn/winter shades!

Oh ti laki! Prekrasni! Vsi, še posebej pa holota se sušita TAKO hitro! Potrebujejo le dve plasti (najbrž bi bila dovolj ena, ampak sem štorasta). In zdržijo 4 dni! Kar je zame rekord, ki sta ga za zdaj držala Barry M in p2! :)
Oh gosh these nail polishes! These are so gorgeous! They all, but specially the holographic ones dry SO fast! I only need two coats for each (one could be enough, but I'm clumsy). And they last 4 days on my nails! Which is a record for me, hold by Barry M, p2 and these! :) 

Naslednja izdelka sta zdaj že dosti bolj prazna, kot sta bila, ko sem fotkala! Dva najboljša izdelka za lase! Prvi izgleda kot škatla steroidov. :D Ampak je najboljša maska/balzam za lase ever. Diši pa kot Šumijeve mlečne karamele, sanjsko! Lasje so po uporabi super mehki in prisežem, da mi je (skupaj z izdelkom za njim) pomagal pri ustavljanju izpadanja las. 
Oh these two products are much more empty now than they were when I took the photos! Two most gorgeous products for hair ever! This first one looks like a box of steroids. :D And it's the best hair mask/conditioner ever. It smells like milky caramel candy and it makes your hair incredibly soft. I swear it also helped stop making my hair fall out - together with the next product. 

Kako nisem za tole vedela že prej! Diši kot malinov sirup in čudovito spere vse ostanke šampona, balzama in podobnega z las, ti pa so potem dišeči, mehki in zelo svetleči! Sem omenila, da nebeško diši?
Oh gosh why did I not know about this one before! It smells like a raspberry syrup and it makes you hair really well washed. It washes out all the residue of shampoo or conditioner and leaves your hair soft and really shiny! Did I mention it smells like heaven? 

Ni še konec! Dobila sem tudi super hranilen losjon za telo. Zelo mi je všeč, ker se takoj vpije v kožo, je pa ne pusti suhe, ampak jo nahrani.
Oh no, that's not the end! I also got a super hydrating body lotion. I love it - it absorbs extra quickly but doesn't leave your skin dry because of that. 

Tale maska je agresivna - ampak na dober način! :) Malenkost me moti le vonj po alkoholu, ampak jo uporabljam enkrat mesečno, ker zelo zgladi kožo in jo pusti mehko.
This mask is aggressive - in a good way! :) The only thing that bothers me a bit is the smell of alcohol, but other than that, I like to use it once a month, because it's super exfoliating and makes my skin soft.

Tega izdelka mi pa še edinega ni uspelo uporabit! Če bi vedela, da bom dobila razredčevalec lakov, ne bi vseh napol suhih mesec pred tem zmetala v smeti! Zdaj pa komaj čakam, da se spet kakšen posuši. :D
This is the only product I haven't been able to use yet! If I'd have known I'd get a nail polish thinner, I wouldn't have thrown away all of my dry nail polishes the month before! Now I can't wait for a nail polish to dry out. :D 

Ah, še en izdelek, ki ga ne morem uporabljati - ne nosim uhanov. Enkrat sem probala. Pa se ni niti približno dobro končalo. :)) Zato sem jih podarila nečakinjama in so jima všeč! :) Res luštni.
Oh this is another product I sadly can't use - I don't wear earrings. Tried it once. Didn't end up well at all. :)) So I gave these to my nieces and they love them! :) Super cute!

Pa še: mrežice za čopiče ali kot jih je poimenovala Eszter - kondomi za čopiče! Pomagajo pri ohranjanju oblike in dejansko se čopiči posušijo hitreje! Pa še mini pilica, ki je vedno z mano v torbici. Na poti se nohti vedno polomijo. :) 
And last but not least: I also got brush guards - or as E called them, brush condoms! They help brushes stay as they are and actually help them dry faster! Love them. And I also got a mini nail file that I carry in my purse - I always break nails on the go. :) 

Eszter je zame našla izdelke, za katere sploh nisem vedela, da jih hočem - in vse mi je zelo všeč! Ne pozabite poklikati do njenega bloga - KLIK in YouTube kanala - KLIK. Mogoče ne boste razumele, kaj govori, je pa tak sonček, da njeni videi takoj polepšajo dan, obljubim! :) 
Eszter got me the products I didn't even know I want - I absolutely adore everything! Don't forget to check Eszter's blog - CLICK and her YouTube channel - CLICK. You might not understand her language, but she's such a sunshine just watching her speak can make your day better, I swear! :)

Ste že preizkusile katerega od teh izdelkov? Kako so vam všeč? :) 
Have you ever tried any of the products I got? What did you think? :) 

5 komentarjev:

  1. Wau same čudovite stvari si dobila :D

    1. Btw po slikah mi je ful znana, a ima ona mogoče čez Madžarsko verzjo Lič Pink panda al kaj je že? :D

    2. Sem bla čist navdušena! Pa joooj, ko bi lahko vonj spravla prek kompa, ker tisti dve stvarci za lase takooo dišita! :D

      Pravo misliš, ja, :D

  2. OMG.... rhose polishes are TO DIE FOR!!!!!


    1. RIGHT! :D And it's impossible to photograph them properly, they just loose the holo effect - it's much stronger in person!


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