torek, 6. januar 2015

Bischofshofen 5. & 6. 1. 2015

V ponedeljek, 5. 1., smo spremljali še zadnje kvalifikacije letošnje novoletne turneje in dobili še zadnje pare:
On Monday 5. 1. we watched last qualification on this year's 4-Hills-Tournament and get the last remaining steam:

Danes pa smo spremljali še zadnjo tekmo 63. novoletne skakalne turneje. Tudi tokrat je bilo vreme skakalcem naklonjeno.
Today we have followed the last match of the 63rd 4-Hills-Tournament. Again the weather was favorable to jumpers.

SJ World Cup Bischofshofen 2015 - Qualification

Na tekmo se je uvrstilo vseh 6 slovenskih skakalcev, v drugo serijo pa jih je prišlo 5. 
The race has ranked all 6 Slovenian jumpers and in the second series five of them.

Nejc Dežman
Zmaga je pripadla Avstrijcu Michaelu Hayboecku, drugi je bil Japonec Noriaki Kasai in tretji Avstrijec Stefan Kraft. Peter Prevc je za stopničkami zaostal le za 0,1 točke! 
The victory went to Austrian Michael Hayboeck, second was a Japanese Noriaki Kasai and third Austrian Stefan Kraft. Peter Prevc left behind the podium by only 0.1 points!

Noriaki Kasai, Michael Hayboeck, Stefan Kraft
Odličen je bil tudi Nejc Dežman, ki je tekmo končal na 11. mestu, Matjaž Pungentar je bil 17., Jernej Damjan 28. in Robert Kranjec 29. Rok Justin je tekmo končal na 44. mestu. 
Excellent was also Nejc Dežman that finished match in 11th place, Matjaž Pungentar was 17., Jernej Damjan 28. and Robert Kranjec 29. Rok Justin's match ended at the 44th place.

Robert Kranjec
Vse ostale rezultate pa si lahko ogledate tule.
All other results you can see here.

Peter Prevc
63. novoletno skakalno turnejo je osvojil Avstrijec Stefan Kraft, drugi je bil Michael Hayboeck in tretji naš Peter Prevc. Iskrene čestitke vsem! :-)
63th 4-Hills-Tournament has won the Austrian Stefan Kraft, second was Michael Hayboeck and our Peter Prevc was third. Congratulations to all! :-)

Michael Hayboeck, Stefan Kraft, Peter Prevc
Tako so avstrijci že sedmo leto zapored osvojili zmago na novoletni turneji. 
So Austrians won the seventh victory on 4-Hills-Tournament in a row.

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