nedelja, 4. januar 2015

Innsbruck 3. & 4. 1. 2015

V soboto 3. 1. 2015 smo spremljali tretje kvalifikacije, kjer smo dobili pare za današnjo tretjo tekmo v novoletni skakalni turneji. Slovenski skakalci so se sicer vsi kvalificirali na tekmo, vendar so bili vsi kot "slabši" v paru.
On Saturday 3. 1. 2015 we were watching the third qualification, where we got couples for today's third match in 4-Hills-Tournament. Slovenian ski jumpers all qualified to the match, but they were all "worse" in a pair.

V nedeljo, 4. 1., pa smo si ogledali tekmo, ki jo je zaznamovalo predvsem nenehno spreminjanje vetrovnih razmer.
On Sunday 4. 1. we watched the match, which was characterized by the constantly changing wind conditions.

SJ World Cup Innsbruck 2015 - Qualification

Največjo srečo z vetrom v obeh serijah je imer Nemec Richard Freitag, drugi je bil Avstrijec Stefan Kraft, tretje mesto pa sta si delila Švicar Simon Ammann in Japonec Noriaki Kasai. 
The greatest luck with the wind in both series had German Richard Freitag, second was Austrian Stefan Kraft, third place were shared between Switzerland's Simon Ammann and Japanese Noriaki Kasai.

Stefan Kraft, Richard Freitag, Simon Ammann, Noriaki Kasai
Kraft, Freitag, Ammann, Kasai
Naš Peter Prevc je tekmo končal kot najboljši Slovenec na 11. mestu, Matjaž Pungentar je bil 19., Nejc Dežman 21. in Jernej Damjan 29. Robert Kranjec in Rok Justin se nista uvrstila v drugo serijo.
Our Peter Prevc finished the match  as the best Slovenian at 11th place, Matjaz Pungentar was 19., Nejc Dežman 21. and Jernej Damjan 29. Robert Kranjec and Rok Justin were not ranked in the second series.

SJ World Cup Innsbruck 2015 - Qualification
Jernej Damjan
Vse rezultate si lahko ogledate tule
All results can be viewed here.

Videli smo tudi nov rekord skakalnice, ki ga je v prvi seriji postavil Stefan Kraft, ki je pristal pri 137m, v drugi seriji pa ga je za 1m preskočil Michael Hayboeck, vendar je pri tem podrsal po tleh.
We also saw a new hill record from Stefan Kraft, who landed at 137m. In the second series Michael Hayboeck landed at 138m but he touched the ground.

Kraft, Freitag
Jutri sledijo še zadnje kvalifikacije, v torek pa še zadnja tekma, kjer bo znan zmagovalec. Trenutno najboljše kaže Avstrijcu Stefanu Kraftu, ki po treh tekmah ostaja v vodstvu. Na drugem mestu je Haybock, naš Prevc pa je trenutno na tretjem mestu. 
Tomorrow there will be the last qualification and on Tuesday the last match, where the winner will be announced. Currently the best shows to Austrian Stefan Kraft, who, after three matches, remains in the lead. In second place is Haybock, our Prevc is currently in third place.

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