torek, 30. september 2014

NOTD: Cupcakes

Kako je lahko dan vedno par uric prekratek? :) In potem traja cel teden, da spacam polovico objave … Zato danes na hitro en NOTD. Čisto cupcake nohti s cupcake water decals z Born Pretty Store in Cupcake Kiko lakom, ki je odličen! Celo na mojih nohtih zdrži 4 dni, kar je pri meni rekord. ;) 
How can there always be too little hours in a day? :) And then it lasts a week for me to write half a post … So there's a quick NOTD here today. Cupcake nails with cupcake water decals from Born Pretty Store and Cupcake Kiko nail polish that is great! It lasts 4 days on my nails, and that's my record. ;)

četrtek, 18. september 2014

Uspelo mi je // I Did It!

Se spomnite TE objave? Uganite kaj! Prvo točko lahko črtam! ŠLA SEM V LONDON!!!
Remember THIS post? Guess what! I can count the first line out! I WENT TO LONDON!!! 

Še vedno sem noro navdušena in sem potrebovala en teden, da sem bila sploh sposobna to objavo napisat dokaj mirna. V London sem zaljubljena že vsaj 15 let. Še vedno se spomnim, ko sem listala čez Firbec in zagledala članek o Londonu in sem kar naenkrat vedela, da moram tja. Ampak vedno je bilo nekaj. No. Večinoma nečesa ni bilo - denarja. :)) Ampak včasih je vredno na kaj čakati.
I'm still super enthusiastic and had to take a week to be able to write this post calmly. I've been in love with London for at least 15 years. I still remember going through some teenager magazine when I was in primary school and I saw a picture of London and all of a sudden I felt like I needed to go there. But there was always something. Well. Mainly there was always something missing - money. :)) But some things in life are worth waiting for.

Evo, pa sem načrtovala dopust in skoraj nikomur povedala o tem, ker me je bilo strah, da bo spet vse padlo v vodo. Včasih pa moram biti malo vraževerna. :) Ampak datum se je bližal in joj, kako mi bo uspelo spraviti prtljago za dva v en kufer, pa vseeno pustiti toliko prostora, da lahko grem v konkreten šoping!
So there I was, planning a trip, telling almost nobody about it because I was scared everything will fall apart once more. Yeah, I can be a little superstitious here and there. :) But the date was closer and closer and omg how am I going to be able to pack for two people in one suitcase and still have enough space for a shopping spree! 

In prišlo je jutro. 4. september. Odšla sva z letališča v Trstu z RyanAirom, kar je pomenilo, da sva morala prispeti tja iz Velenja. Rezervirala sva GoOpti prevoz in po moji izkušnji so super! Bili so točni, informativni, poceni, z varnimi kombiji in prijazni. Odložili so naju pred vhodom na letališče in čez 6 dni pobrali pred izhodom. Takšna opcija je bila še vedno dosti cenejša kot iti iz Ljubljane z drugim nizkocenovnikom. Če je Slovenija majhna, je očitno tudi 3-krat dražja. :) 
Then there was the morning. 4th of September. We went from Trieste airport with RyanAir so that meant we had to arrive there from Velenje. We booked GoOpti and from my experience, they're awesome! They were on time, informative, cheap, safe and kind. And they dropped us off right in front of the airport entrance (and then picked us up in front of the exit 6 days later). That option was still waaaay cheaper than going from Ljubljana airport with another budget airline. Slovenia is small but I guess that means 3 times higher prices. :) 

Rain below and sun above the clouds

ponedeljek, 15. september 2014

It's my birthday and I can if I want to

Stara sem. Ampak imam rojstni dan na isti dan kot princ Harry, španska kraljica Letizia in Mr. Bean. Ha! 
I'm old. That said, I'm also awesome enough to have my birthday on the same day as prince Harry, Queen Letizia of Spain and Mr. Bean. Ha!

Kakorkoli, tole je pesem zame za naslednje leto:
Anyhows, that's the song of the coming year for me:

Ker se predvaja v moji glavi zadnji mesec in sem gledala video, ki je še vedno starejši od mene, in sem morala poskusit naredit ta makeup. Ker je moj rojstni dan in lahko. Še vedno pa rabim kakšno leto ali dve, da si bom z njim upala ven.
It's just been playing in my head lately and I was watching the video that's still older than I am and then I NEEDED to make the makeup from it. You know. It's my birthday so I can. I'll still need a year or two more to have the courage to go out looking like that.

Happy Birthday Mateja D.!

Danes praznuje svoj rojstni dan Mateja D. :-D
Today is Mateja D. birthday! :-D

Mateja, ob tvojem rojstnem dnevu ti želim, da ostaneš še naprej tako super oseba, kot si, da bi čim prej končala magistrski nalogi in da bi me še naprej tako vztrajno prenašala, kot si me do sedaj. :-P
Mateja, for your birthday I wish you, that you stay the same amazing person as you are, to finish your master`s thesis and to get along with me as well as we did in the past. :-P


nedelja, 14. september 2014

NOTD: Yes Love

Tokrat vam predstavljam še drugi Yes Love lakec, ki sem ga dobila za roj. dan od Mateje D. 
This time I would like to show you my second Yes Love nail polish, that I got for my birthday from Mateja D.

Yes Love
Tale je luštne vijola barve. 
It`s really lovely purple colour.

Yes Love
Prav tako je potreben nanos dveh plasti laka.
You need to put on two layers of nail polish.

Yes Love
Barva je res čudovita in primerna, da poživi te turobne in deževne dni. :-)
It`s really lovely colour for this dreadfull and rainy days. :-)

Yes Love

sreda, 10. september 2014

NOTD: Makeup Revolution: Wanted & Key largo

Se še spomnite, kako so me iz strani presenetili s super paketkom? Vseboval je tudi tale 2 čudovita lakca Makeup Revolution.
Do you still remember the package that I got from They send me also those two amazing nail polishes from Makeup Revolution.

Wanted & Key Largo

ponedeljek, 8. september 2014

Portopiccolo & Rilkejeva pot

Tale nedelja je bila res čudovita in po dolgem času smo spet imeli poletne temperature. 
This Sunday we finally had some great day with summer temperatures.



sobota, 6. september 2014

Yes Love: Neon Glitter

Tegale lepotca sem dobila letos za rojstni dan od Mateje D. 
I got this beauty for my birthday from Mateja D. 

Yes Love

petek, 5. september 2014

Sophie Kinsella: Igra parov

Če nimate ideje, katero knjigo bi naslednjo prebrale, imam za vas predlog. Predstavljam vam knjigo, ki sem jo pred kratkim prebrala in mi je bila zelo všeč.

Avtorica: Sophie Kinsella
Naslov: Igra parov
Leto izdaje: 2012
Prevod: Alenka Perger
Založba: Učila
Število strani: 250

Zgodba pripoveduje o bogatem paru Patricku in Caroline, ki sta za konec tedna priredila zabavo s teniškim turnirjem. Vendar Patrick svoji ženi ne pove pravega razloga, zakaj se je odločil prirediti zabavo. 

ponedeljek, 1. september 2014

Would you rather TAG

1.) Would you rather lose all of your mascaras, eyeliners, lipsticks, and lipglosses or lose all of your palettes and eyeshadows?  
All my palettes and eyeshadows.

2.) Would you rather chop off all your hair or never be able to cut it again?
Never be able to cut it again.

3.) Would you rather have a coral cheek or a pink cheek?  

Pink cheek

4.) If you had $1000 to spend, would you rather buy clothes or makeup?

5.) Would you rather apply lipstick as eyeliner, or eyeliner as lipstick?
Lipstick as eyeliner.

6.) Would you rather only shop at MAC or Sephora?

7.) Would you rather only use one eyeshadow colour or one lip colour for the rest of your life?

One lip colour.

8.) Would you rather wear winter clothes in summer or summer clothes in winter?
Winter clothes in summer.

9.) Would you rather have dark nails or bright nails all year round?  
Bright nails.

10.) Would you rather give up your favorite lip product or your favorite eye product?
Lip product.

11.) Would you rather only be able to wear your hair in a ponytail or a messy bun?

12.) Would your rather never be able to paint your nails again or never use lipgloss?
Never use lipgloss.

13.) Would you rather shave your eyebrows and have none at all or sharpie them in everyday?
Sharpie them.

14.) Would you rather live without makeup or nail polish?
Nail polish.

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