Se spomnite TE objave? Uganite kaj! Prvo točko lahko črtam! ŠLA SEM V LONDON!!!
Remember THIS post? Guess what! I can count the first line out! I WENT TO LONDON!!!
Remember THIS post? Guess what! I can count the first line out! I WENT TO LONDON!!!
Še vedno sem noro navdušena in sem potrebovala en teden, da sem bila sploh sposobna to objavo napisat dokaj mirna. V London sem zaljubljena že vsaj 15 let. Še vedno se spomnim, ko sem listala čez Firbec in zagledala članek o Londonu in sem kar naenkrat vedela, da moram tja. Ampak vedno je bilo nekaj. No. Večinoma nečesa ni bilo - denarja. :)) Ampak včasih je vredno na kaj čakati.
I'm still super enthusiastic and had to take a week to be able to write this post calmly. I've been in love with London for at least 15 years. I still remember going through some teenager magazine when I was in primary school and I saw a picture of London and all of a sudden I felt like I needed to go there. But there was always something. Well. Mainly there was always something missing - money. :)) But some things in life are worth waiting for.
Evo, pa sem načrtovala dopust in skoraj nikomur povedala o tem, ker me je bilo strah, da bo spet vse padlo v vodo. Včasih pa moram biti malo vraževerna. :) Ampak datum se je bližal in joj, kako mi bo uspelo spraviti prtljago za dva v en kufer, pa vseeno pustiti toliko prostora, da lahko grem v konkreten šoping!
So there I was, planning a trip, telling almost nobody about it because I was scared everything will fall apart once more. Yeah, I can be a little superstitious here and there. :) But the date was closer and closer and omg how am I going to be able to pack for two people in one suitcase and still have enough space for a shopping spree!
In prišlo je jutro. 4. september. Odšla sva z letališča v Trstu z RyanAirom, kar je pomenilo, da sva morala prispeti tja iz Velenja. Rezervirala sva GoOpti prevoz in po moji izkušnji so super! Bili so točni, informativni, poceni, z varnimi kombiji in prijazni. Odložili so naju pred vhodom na letališče in čez 6 dni pobrali pred izhodom. Takšna opcija je bila še vedno dosti cenejša kot iti iz Ljubljane z drugim nizkocenovnikom. Če je Slovenija majhna, je očitno tudi 3-krat dražja. :)
Then there was the morning. 4th of September. We went from Trieste airport with RyanAir so that meant we had to arrive there from Velenje. We booked GoOpti and from my experience, they're awesome! They were on time, informative, cheap, safe and kind. And they dropped us off right in front of the airport entrance (and then picked us up in front of the exit 6 days later). That option was still waaaay cheaper than going from Ljubljana airport with another budget airline. Slovenia is small but I guess that means 3 times higher prices. :)
Rain below and sun above the clouds |
Bila sva v EasyHotelu Earl's Court za 5 noči. Gre za poceni hotel na super lokaciji, ampak z zelo majhnimi sobami z le osnovami - treba je plačati čiščenje sobe (eno čiščenje je sicer zastonj, če ostaneš vsaj 5 noči, kot sva midva), dalinjec za TV, dodatne brisače, take zadevščine. Ampak konec koncev, kaj potrebuješ več kot posteljo in čisto kopalnico, če nameravaš v hotelu samo spat! In kdo doma menjuje brisače vsak dan. :) Hotel je bil še boljši, kot sem mislila. Rezervirala sva standardno sobo z oknom (mhm, na voljo so tudi brez okna :)), ki je v bistvu najdražja, pa še vedno poceni in precej udobna! Bila je večja, kot sem mislila (sploh kopalnica), z veliko prostora za kovčke. Vse je bilo čisto in osebje je bilo res prijazno, še posebej punca, ki naju je prijavila in odjavila. Celo dodatno odejo sva dobila zastonj, kar me je sploh presenetilo, glede na to, da je treba npr. plačati za dodatne brisače. :) U, v bližini je 24 ur na dan odprt Tesco, 5 minut, če ne še manj, hoje. Zakon! Še bolj zato, ker sva prispela ob 10. zvečer in potrebovala zajtrk za zjutraj.
We were staying at EasyHotel Earl's Court for 5 nights. It's a budget hotel on great location but with really small rooms with only the necessities - you have to pay for room cleaning (they include one free cleaning if you stay at least 5 nights like we did), remote, extra towels, stuff like that. But heck, what more than a bed and a clean bathroom do you need for sleeping! And c'mon, who changes towels every day at home. :) The hotel was even better than I thought. We booked a standard room with window (yeah, you can get a room without a window :)), which is the priciest but still cheap and it's pretty cosy! It was bigger than I thought (specially the bathroom) with lots of luggage space. It was clean and the staff was extremely nice, specially the girl that checked us in and out. We even got an extra blanket for free, which surprised me, since you have to pay for a towel and all. :) Oh and there was a 24 hours open Tesco about 5 minutes or less away. Awesome! Even more awesome because we arrived around 10 p.m. and we needed food for the morning.
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The view, the room and the swans they made when they cleaned it up |
Nekdo je moral planirati dneve in sem jih jaz. :) Ker nihče od naju ni preveč zainteresiran za raznorazne muzeje, sem se odločila, da se bova pač potepala po mestu, sploh ker sva bila oba prvič tam. :) Čeprav sta bili tudi dve izjemi, boste videle. ;) Ampak kam sva šla? Povsod. Pa še vedno je ostalo toliko stvari, ki jih nisva videla. Če bi me pred 10 leti kdo vprašal, kam bi najraje šla v Londonu, bi takoj omenila Covent Garden in Harrods. Pa nama je za to dvoje nekako zmanjkalo časa. :) In mi je čisto vseeno. :) Ampak ne bom preveč govorila. Same poglejte ogrooomno fotk v nadaljevanju!
I kind of planned the trip. :) And decided to just explore the city and not spend much time inside the museums since we're not really that much into them and we wanted to see the city because it was our first time there. :) Well, there were some exceptions, you'll see. ;) But where did we go? Everywhere. And still there was so much we didn't see. Funny thing is, if you'd ask me 10 years ago where I'd go in London, I'd say Covent Garden and Harrods. Well, we kind of ran out of time for both of those. :) I so don't mind. :) But I won't talk much, just see it for yourself. Loooots of pictures ahead!
Šla sva na ribo in pomfri s tem razgledom. Kaj je sploh boljšega?!
We ate fish and chips and had that view. I mean, what's better in life than this?!
Look! It's noon! |
Mogoče sem enkrat ali dvakrat preveč fotkala Big Ben … Ampak bil je prva stvar, ki sem jo zagledala na prvi pravi dan tam, v petek, ko sem stopila iz podzemne.
I might have taken a picture or two too many of Big Ben … But it's Big Ben! And it was the first thing I saw on the first real day there, Friday, when I came out of underground.
London Eye and County Hall |
O glej, Big Ben kuka!
Look, Big Ben peeking at Parliament Square!
Look, Big Ben peeking at Parliament Square!
Westminster Abbey |
V petek sva šla do Big Bena, parlamenta, Westminstrske opatije in do trga Trafalgar. Potem sva šla do Buckinghamske palače in čez St. James's park. Ta je takoj postal moj najljubši prostor na svetu (in v ponedeljek ostal na prvem mestu, izenačen s Kensingtonskimi vrtovi). Sam poglejte vse rože in živali, pa se trudite, da se ne zaljubite!
We walked around Big Ben, Westminster Abbey and up to Trafalgar Square on Friday morning and evening. We walked down The Mall to the Buckingham Palace and we went through St. James's Park. That instantly became my favourite place in the world (and then it became tied with Kensington Gardens on Monday). Just look at all the flowers and animals and try not to fall in love!
Njega sem poimenovala Churchill. Enako držo ima:
I named him Churchill. He has the same posture:
I named him Churchill. He has the same posture:
Veverice preprosto skočijo do tebe, da vidijo, če imaš kaj zanje, potem pa jedo iz tvojih rok! Razvajenke. :)
The squirrels just jump up to you to see if you have something for them and then they eat out of your hands! Spoiled little cuties. :)
Potem sva šla še v Green park in Hyde park in nekako prispela na Oxfordsko ulico. Ojoj. Po nakupovanju sva se vrnila do Big Bena in šla na drugo stran Westminstrskega mostu, potem pa do Picadillyja. Veliko hoje, ja. :)
Then we went to Green Park and Hyde Park and somehow got to Oxford Street in the afternoon. Oh my. After shopping we returned to Big Ben, went to the other side of Westminster Bridge and then to Piccadilly. We walked a lot, yeah. :)
Bila sem pridna in kupila samo nekaj Rimmel izdelkov, dve maskari in mat lip gloss.
I was really good and only bought a few Rimmel London products - two mascaras and a matte lip gloss!
Primark je zakon! Nakupila sem kup stvari. Ampak ti pižami sta najbolj luštni! Ujela sem še res super plašč za 22 evrov! Da ne govorim o kavbojkah za 7 evrov!
Oh I love Primark! I bought a lot. But these pajamas are the cutest! And I also got a cute coat for only 18 pounds! Not to talk about the jeans for 5,90 pounds!
Če se mi je zdelo, da veliko hodiva prvi dan … Podzemne postaje v načrtovanem delu ogledov so bile na soboto zaprte zaradi obnove. In sva morala pač veliko hoditi. :D Ampak je bilo super! Najprej sva šla po South Banku ob Temzi. In naletela na nebesa rabljenih knjig.
And if I thought we walked a lot on the first day … Underground stations around the City were closed for renovation during the weekend. So we had a lot of walking ahead on Saturday. :D But it was nice! First we walked along the Thames in South Bank. And walked into second-hand books heaven.
Vseeno ni bilo treba peš čisto do Tower Bridga. Ampak sem kukala in pozorno spremljala, kdaj ga bom prvič zagledala. A se je še katera, ko je bila majhna, šla tisto igrico s starši v avtu na poti na morje, kdo bo prvi zagledal morje? Tako sem se počutila.
We didn't walk all the way to the Tower Bridge though. But I was peeking and looking all the way from the underground to see it for the first time. Did you ever play that game with your parents when you were little and you were driving to the seaside vacation and looked out to be the first to notice the sea? That's how I felt.
Seveda sva prečkala most in šla do Tower of London. Trenutno imajo "nasajenih" več kot 800.000 keramičnih makovih cvetov, v spomin na žrtve prve svetovne vojne.
Of course we walked over it and to the Tower of London. They have more than 800.000 ceramic poppies planted there now in the memory of all the lives lost in World War I.
Potem sva šla še do katedrale sv. Pavla. Sploh je ni možno fotkati cele!
Then we walked over to St. Paul's Cathedral. It's impossible to take a picture of the whole building!
Is there always a clock missing on the left side? :) |
Tale pogled na katedralo prek Milenijskega mostu mora biti še posebej krasen ponoči!
This view of the Millennium Bridge and St. Paul's must be even prettier in the evening!
Shakespeare's Globe Theatre |
Po noro dobrem kosilo v Nando'su (Nando's, ljubezen mojega življenja, pridi v Slovenijo, prosim!) sva šla do še ene katedrale in nazaj na drugo stran Temze.
After the freakishly delicious lunch at Nando's (Nando's, you're the love of my life, come to Slovenia, please!) we walked by Southwark Cathedral and back to the other side of Thames.
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The most delicious veggie burger I've ever had, and omg those mashed potatoes! |
They have these benches all over London to introduce the children literature about London |
Iiiiiiin sva prispela v kitajsko četrt na petek zvečer! Zakon! Pečene race v izložbah … Ne tako zakon. :D
Aaaaand we were in Chinatown on a Friday night. Awesome! Those roasted ducks in windows … Not so awesome. :D
Potem je prišla nedelja. Poseben dan zame. Ampak najprej sva šla v Britanski muzej. Saj veste. Pozdravit mumije pa to.
Then came Sunday. Oh a very special day for me. But first we went to the British Museum. You know. To say hi to the mummies.
The Making of Harry Potter Warner Bros Studio Tour! Če bi v to objavo dodala še te fotke, bi bila še bolj predolga … Ampak pride posebna objava - če bi jo kdo želel prebrat? :)
The Making of Harry Potter Warner Bros Studio Tour! If I put all the photos from there to this post, it'd be even more too long than it already is … But I'll make another post - if anyone would like it? :)
To je praktično vzelo celo popoldne, ampak je bilo vredno! Že če ste čisto mini fan Harryja Potterja, je ogled obvezen. :)
This practically took a whole afternoon but it was so worth it! If you're just a minor Harry Potter fan, you have to go and check it. :)
Pa je prišel ponedeljek. Čas hitro mineva, če uživaš! Odločila sva se, da greva pogledat menjavo straže. Na ponedeljek pa res ne more biti gužva. Sploh če prispeva pol ure prej.
Then there was Monday. Time passes by quickly when you're having fun! We decided to go check the changing of the guards. You know, it's Monday. There will be less people and we'll arrive half an hour early.
Gosh I love the buildings there. You really know you're someplace else than home. |
Ja … Nabrala se je OGROMNA množica. :) Sploh si ne predstavljam, kako je med vikendi! Zato raje nisva čakala in sva šla dalje in prišla do Wellingtonove vojašnice in ha! To je prostor, od koder pride novi stražar in tudi tam je cela ceremonija! S tako malo ljudmi, da si zlahka v prvi vrsti.
Yeah … There were LOTS of people there. :) I can't even imagine how it looks like during the weekends! So we've decided not to wait and we just walked by and came to Wellington Barracks and guess what! That's the place where the new guard comes from and there's a whole ceremony there also! With so little people that you can watch it in front row.
Neki Anglež se je ustavil ob nas in začel razlagati, kaj vse se dogaja in rekel, da imamo itak boljše mesto ogleda kot tisti pred palačo. In bil je res poln informacij! Pa vsi so tako prijazni in zgovorni! To ni bilo prvič, da se je nekdo kar ustavil in začel razlagati. :)
An English guy stopped by and started telling us what they're doing and how we got better spots than the people in front of the Buckingham Palace. He was really informative! And I love it how talkative and incredibly kind everybody there is! That wasn't the first time someone would stop and just started telling stories. :)
Tole je kapelica poleg vojaščnice. Šla sva jo pogledat. Potem sva šla ven. In jaz sem zgrešila stopnico, se nekako spotaknila čez lastne noge, padla in strgala kavbojke. Ampak čisto stajliš. Zdaj jih moram samo še prerezat na drugi nogi, pa ne vem, kje točno.
That's the Chapel by the Wellington Barracks. We went to check it. Then outside I missed a step, somehow tripped over my own legs, fell and ripped my jeans. Pretty stylishly, I must say. Now I just have to cut them on the other leg but I'm not sure where exactly.
Potem sva šla spet v Primark. :P Potem pa sva šla še v Kensington. In Kensingtonski park/vrtove. Noro lepo! Brez problema bi se usedla na klopco in bila tam cel dan.
Then we went to Primark again. You know. Just because. :P And then we went to Kensington. And Kensington Gardens, mainly. It's so beautiful there! I really wish I was there for a whole day at least.
Pa je prišel torek. Čas, da se poslovim od Londona in grem nazaj domov. Mislim, da nisem bila še nikoli tako žalostna, ker se moram vrnit. :) Ne bi bil problem ostati kakšen mesec. Še bolj sem se zaljubila v London!
Then Tuesday. Time to say goodbye to London and go back home. I don't think I was ever so sad to return home. :) I wouldn't mind staying for a month. Oh London, I've fallen in love with you even more!
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Until I see you again! |
Točno vem kako težko se je posloviti od Londona. V 8. razredu osnovne šole smo imeli možnost iti s šolo za 4 dni...Takrat sem videla vse od znamenitosti in muzejev ka rjih mora vsak videt... Za naprje pa načrtujem da grem enkrat s fantom in kolegico in njenim. Pa verjetno bi šli edino v muzej voščenih figur še enkrat, drugače pa ŠOPING, ŠOPING, ŠOPING, no pa muzej tankov obvezno :D Čestitke da ti je uspelo tako malo kozmetike kupit, jaz bi rabila posebaj kufer samo za to :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiSej sem s cunjami zafilala kufer, sem se morala brzdat pri kozmetiki. :P
IzbrišiJaz grem naslednjič obvezno v London Dungeon, čeprav sem prpa. :D
Ob tej objavi še bolj komaj čakam da grem čez en mesec tja. Super fotke, se vidi da sta se imela res lepo :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! :D Oooo, pozdravi London! :P
IzbrišiČudovito :) Tudi jaz obožujem London, bili smo letos z Gimnazijo in je bilo zakon. Pa Primark je tako super trgovina, škoda da sta najbližji šele v Innsbrucku in na Dunaju :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiAne! Pa ko bi imeli vsaj online store, pa ni! Ker mi je tako žal, da ni blo placa v kovčku za hrček onesie … :D
IzbrišiAh London <3 Jaz tudi že pridno odštevam dneve, samo ''še'' 27 :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiUživaj! :D
IzbrišiZelo lepe fotografije in odlično, da si uživala. Jaz še nisem bila v Londonu, pa bi zagotovo šla. Tista s Chruchillom mi je bila hecna:)).
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! ;)
IzbrišiTa pelikan me ja takoj spomnil na njega. :D
Ooo jaz imam namen v bližnji prihodnosti (parih letih) "preseliti" za eno leto v London, no najprej moram priti iz Portugalske haha :) Bila sem 3 ali pa že 4 leta nazaj tam za 14 dni in sem imela dopoudne šolo popoldne pa dogodivščine po Londonu in je bila isto ljubezen na prvi pogled, hh :) London je res lep, čeprav potem po raziskuješ še ostale države in mesta odkriješ da jih je več takih, ki se mu lahko približajo :P Sicer pa odlične slike in dobra sta izkoristile svoj čas tam :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiAmpak London je moja prva ljubezen pa ga nič ne premaga. :P
IzbrišiOoo, srečno s selitvijo! Se niti jaz ne bi branla za kako leto preselit. ;)
Tudi jaz imam zelo rada London. Sem pa bila samo enkrat pa še to z šolo. Tako da nismo videli vsega tako kot si si ogledala ti. Zdaj vem, da si še imam marsikaj za ogledat. Najbolj pa me je prevzel posajen mak.. Waaa, čudovito... Nisem vedela, da znajo tako okrasiti...
OdgovoriIzbrišiTi cvetovi so res čudoviti! In baje so delani ročno, ogromno časa jim je moralo vzet za izdelavo in postavitev. :)
IzbrišiSuuuuuuper! Hočem v London! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSounds like you had a wonderful time and that you planned your sightseeing very well! Now I know where to go if I go there. :-) I'll definitely go to Harry Potter Studio and the beautiful parks and feed the squirrels