ponedeljek, 21. april 2014

Makeup Revolution Week. Day 5 - Salvation Intense Lip Lacquer (Didn't I Tell You?)

Uf, še en Makeup Revolution super izdelek za ustnice! :) Tale bo predvsem všeč tistim, ki imate lip glosse raje kot šminke. Gre za Makeup Revolution Salvation Intense Lip Lacquer - ali krajše, intenziven lip gloss za ustnice, ki je nekje med šminko in lip glossom. :)
Here we go, another awesome Makeup Revolution lip product! :) You'll really like this one if you prefer lip glosses to lipsticks. It's a Makeup Revolution Salvation Intense Lip Lacquer - or shorter, an intense lip gloss, something between a lipstick and a lip gloss. :)

Makeup Revolution Salvation Intense Lip Lacquer Didn't I Tell You?

nedelja, 20. april 2014

Makeup Revolution Week. Day 4: Amazing Care Lipstick (Electric Love)

Ups, zgrešila sem en dan, ampak lahko razumete - morala sem jesti čokolado! Ni problema, bosta pa danes dve objavi, jupi! 
Oh shoot, I missed a day, but you can understand - I had to eat chocolate! No biggie, there will be two posts today, so yay! :) 

Pri Makeup Revolution imajo res same super izdelke za ustnice! Tele šminke pa so nekaj najboljšega in definitivno popolne za zimo.
Makeup Revolution has some really really reaaaally nice lip products! This is one of the coolest products I saw and will be absolutely perfect for the winter.

Makeup Revolution Amazing Care Lipstick - Electric Love

petek, 18. april 2014

Makeup Revolution Week. Day 3: Vivid Blush Lacquer (O'Boy)

O'Boy je popolno ime za tole rdečilo. O'Boy O'Boy O'Boy so super! Mhm, Makeup Revolution teden se nadaljuje s posebnimi rdečili za lička.
O'Boy totally suits the shade. O'Boy O'Boy O'Boy are these blushes awesome! Oh yeah, Makeup Revolution week continues with some very special blushes. 

Makeup Revolution Vivid Blush Lacquer in O'Boy

Makeup Revolution Week. Day 2: Lipsticks

Makeup Revolucija se nadaljuje! S šminkami! Nikoli jih ni dovolj, vsaj pri meni. Če zagledam oranžni odtenek, pa sploh. Baje je oranžna trenutno in, tako da živimo v popolnem času zame. :P Tile sta padli v mojo košarico. Po navadi itak ne izbiram ravno naravnih odtenkov šmink. :)
Makeup Revolution continues! With lipsticks! There's never enough lipsticks, at least for me. And if I see an orange shade, I'll buy it. Orange is supposed to be in currently, so this is the perfect time for me. :) These two beauties are mine now. And I never choose natural lipsticks anyways. ;)

Makeup Revolution lipsticks

Enchant je krasen vijola-roza odtenek, Scandalous Vice pa prihaja iz omejene Scandalous kolekcije (ki je navdih mogoče našla tudi pri Lime Crime? :)) in je popolna oranžna z malce bolj rumenim podtonom. Mogoče ne izgleda tako na naslednji fotki, ampak pač ni sonca ta teden. :) So pa swatchi boljši.
Enchant is a beautiful purplish-pink shade and Scandalous Vice is from the limited Scandalous edition (which I'd say was also inspired by Lime Crime maybe? :)) and it's the perfect orange with yellow undertones. It doesn't look like yellow on the next photo but of course there's no sun this week. Swatches are way more realistic.

Makeup Revolution lipsticks in Enchant and Scandalous Vice

sreda, 16. april 2014

Makeup Revolution Week. Day 1: Iconic 3 palette

Vedno je super, ko pride nekaj novega. Tokrat je pa to kar cela znamka. Makeup Revolution!
There's a new brand in town! Makeup Revolution!

Makeup Revolution!

Ponujajo zelo ugodne, ampak kakovostne izdelke in cel kup takšnih, ki se jih morda še ne najde v vsaki drogeriji. Ker sem mogoče čisto maaalo pretiravala in se je v moji zbirki kar naenkrat znašlo cel kup izdelkov, bo en teden kar Makeup Revolution teden! Na koncu tedna pa vas mogoče čaka še presenečenje, če boste le spremljale. ;) 
They offer quality products at great price and a bunch of products you can't really find in every drugstore here. Maybe I overreacted just a little bit and bought too much. So why not make this week a Makeup Revolution week! And just maybe there'll be a surprise at the end of the week, if you'll follow me this week. ;)

In ne morem bolje začeti kot pa s paletkami!
I couldn't start better than with palettes!

Makeup Revolution palettes

ponedeljek, 14. april 2014

Izlet // A trip

Uganite, kje sem bila!
Guess where I was!

Mislim, da sem bila nazadnje v živalskem vrtu v osnovni šoli, zato sem se tega "izleta" veselila kot mali otrok. :) 
I think that I wasn't at the zoo for at least 10 years or even more, so I was looking forward to this trip as a little child. :)

nedelja, 13. april 2014

NOTD: Catrice - Forget me not!

V zadnji številki revije Eva sem zraven dobila kot darilce Catrice lak. 
In the last number of Eva magazine I got this Catrice nail polish as a gift. 

Catrice Forget me not!

ponedeljek, 7. april 2014

Pomlad // Spring

Čeprav je poletje moj najljubši letni čas (ja, takrat imam rojstni dan, pa na morje se gre, pa počitnice so ...) imam tudi pomlad rada.
Although summer is my favorite time of the year (yes, it`s my birthday then, we go to the sea and there are holidays...) I also like spring.

Spring time

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