Vedno je super, ko pride nekaj novega. Tokrat je pa to kar cela znamka. Makeup Revolution!
There's a new brand in town! Makeup Revolution!
Makeup Revolution! |
Ponujajo zelo ugodne, ampak kakovostne izdelke in cel kup takšnih, ki se jih morda še ne najde v vsaki drogeriji. Ker sem mogoče čisto maaalo pretiravala in se je v moji zbirki kar naenkrat znašlo cel kup izdelkov, bo en teden kar Makeup Revolution teden! Na koncu tedna pa vas mogoče čaka še presenečenje, če boste le spremljale. ;)
They offer quality products at great price and a bunch of products you can't really find in every drugstore here. Maybe I overreacted just a little bit and bought too much. So why not make this week a Makeup Revolution week! And just maybe there'll be a surprise at the end of the week, if you'll follow me this week. ;)
In ne morem bolje začeti kot pa s paletkami!
I couldn't start better than with palettes!
Makeup Revolution palettes |