ponedeljek, 10. februar 2014

Sochi 9. 2. 2014 - winter olympic games


Pa je za nami! Prva tekma v smučarskih skokih na zimskih olimpijskih igrah. Tekma je potekala na mali skakalnici. 
It is behind us! First competition in ski jumping on winter olympic games. The competition was on normall hill. 

Endlich ist es soweit, ...
Source. Sochi.

 V soboto, 8. 2., so potekale kvalifikacije, na katerih je bil najboljši Avstrijec Michael Hayboeck. Na drugem mestu je bil Nemec Andreas Wank in tretji je bil Japonec Reruhi Shimizu.
Naš Jernej Damjan je bil 14. in Jurij Tepeš 31. Peter Prevc in Robert Kranjec sta že bila kvalificirana na tekmo. Žal pa je Robert Kranjec ob pristanku grdo padel in tako je bil njegov nastop na tekmi pod vprašajem.
Qualification round was on Saturday, 8. 2. Austrian Michael Hayboeck was the best, second was German Andreas Wand and third was Japanese Reruhi Shimizu. Our Jernej Damjan was 14. and Jurij Tepeš was 31. Peter Prevc and Robert Kranjec were already qualified. Unfortunatelly our Robert Kranjec fall at the landing so we weren`t sure about his performance on the competition.

Source. Michael Hayboeck.
V nedeljo, 9. 2., je tako poteka tekma na mali skakalnici. Po prvi seriji so si bili skakalci precej blizu in nič še ni bilo dokončno odločeno. Po prvi seriji je vodil Poljak Kamil Stoch, drugi je bil Norvežan Anders Bardal in tretji naš Peter Prevc. Jernej Damjan je bil 11. in Jurij Tepeš 12. Robert Kranjec žal ni nastopil. 
There was a competition on Sunday, 9. 2. After first round there was nothing decided yet. First was Pole Kamil Stoch, second was Norwegian Anders Bardal and third was our Peter Prevc. Jernej Damjan was 11. and Jurij Tepeš 12. Robert Kranjec did not perform.  

Jurij Tepes
Source. Jurij Tepeš
Po finalni seriji na vrhu ni bilo večjih sprememb. Zlato je osvojil Kamil Stoch, Peter Prevc je osvojil srebrno medaljo in Anders Bardal bronasto. Čestitke vsem trem dobitnikom medalj! 
Jernej Damjan je svoj rezultat še izboljšal in pristal na 9. mestu, Jurij Tepeš pa na 26. 
There wasn`t a lot of changes at the final round. Gold went to Kamil Stoch, Peter Prevc got silver and Anders Bardal bronze. Congratulation to all the winners!
Jernej Damjan was 9. at the end and Jurij Tepeš 26.  

Source. Anders Bardal, Kamil Stoch, Peter Prevc
Naslednje kvalifikacije nas čakajo v petek 14. 2. in tekma v soboto 15. 2. 
Next qualifications are gonna be on Friday 14. 2. and the competition will be on Saturday 15. 2.

2 komentarja:

  1. I loveee Winter Olympics! I don't quite follow the skiing sports, but prefer those on ice. My favorite is curling, but speed and figure skating ain't bad either. I see, in skiing sports, Slovenia has a lot of competitive players, so good luck to them!

    1. Yes, we are doing great this year :-) And our Peter Prevc is really amazing! :-)


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