Če me ne bi zaustavila viroza, bi bilo tole objavljeno že prejšnji teden. Ampak zdaj mi že uspe bedet kaj več kot 6 ur. In ne ležim cel dan, bravo jaz! :)
If I didn't get a virus and lay in bed for a few days, this would be written a week ago. But now I finally manage to stay awake for more than 6 hours, yay me. :)
Lime Crime Velvetinčki so nekaj najboljšega na tem svetu! Ampak moje mnenje ni bilo takšno že od začetka …
Lime Crime Velvetines are one of the best things on this planet! But I didn't think so from the beginning …
The new one and the old one |
Kaj sploh so Lime Crime Velvetinčki? Tekoče šminke, ki so ob nanosu posušijo in ustvarijo ooooh lep mat videz ustnic, ki zdrži cel dan. Moj prvi je bil Suedeberry, krasna svetla, koralna rdeča. Še pred enim letom bi rekla, da ni šans, da dam za šminko ali lip gloss več kot 10 €. Zdaj sem pa malo spremenila mnenje. ;)
What are Lime Crime Velvetine? Liquid lipsticks that dry once you apply them and leave the oh so beautiful velvety matte finish, that lasts the whole day. Suedeberry was my first. A beautiful light, coral red. A year ago I'd say I wouldn't pay over 10 € for a lipstick or a lip gloss. Well, I've changed my mind now. ;)
Lime Crime Pink Velvet when it's still liquid. |
Dry Lime Crime Pink Velvet and Suedeberry |
Kako je izgledala moja prva uporaba Velvetinčka? Obupno. :) Ampak naj najprej v njegovo obrambo povem, da sem se takrat držala lip glossov in mi je vsaka šminka povzročala grozne težave, ker je sploh nisem znala natančno nanesti. Zato sem se mučila z nanosom 10 minut in potem za 2 meseca pozabila na Velvetinčka. Ampak če ste vsaj malo bolj sposobne kot jaz, se vam to ne bo zgodilo.
How did it look like when I first used my Velvetine? Horrible. :) But to it's defence - I didn't even use lipsticks much at the time and couldn't even apply those. So I tortured myself with applying it for 10 minutes and then forgot about it for 2 months. But if you're at least a bit less clumsy than I am, you won't have such problems.
Ko sem ga izbrskala po tistih dveh mesecih, je bila namreč zgodba čisto drugačna, ker sem se končno navadila uporabljat šminke. In uf, še dobro, da sem se spet opogumila, ker je še isti dan postal moj najljubši!
When I found it in my drawer again after the two months, the story was totally different because I was finally able to apply lipsticks. And gosh I'm happy I tried again because it became my favourite on that day!
Nanos sploh ni tako težek. :) Mogoče je smešno, ampak jaz ga najlažje in najlepše nanesem, če se na široko nasmejim. :) Krtačka je klasična, kar je super, ker smo takšne najbolj vajene in je zato nanos lažji. Ko se Velvetinčka nanese na ustnice, je tekoč, ampak se ne zliva prek robov ustnic. V minutki ali dveh pa se posuši in postane žametno mat. In ostane vsaj 8 ur. Da ne govorim o barvi! Popolnoma prekriven je s čisto tanko plastjo in res hudih barv - temno rdeč Red Velvet, koralno rdeč Suedeberry in po novem še roza Pink Velvet.
It's really not that hard to apply it. :) Maybe it's funny but I find it the easiest to apply when I smile widely. :) The brush is the classic lip gloss one, which I think is great because we are used to those and it makes everything easier. When you apply the Velvetine on your lips, it's liquid, but it doesn't go over the edges of your lips. It dries in a minute or two and it becomes velvety matte. And stays there for 8 hours. Not to talk about the colour! It fully covers the lips in one thin thin thin layer and the colours are awesome - dark red Red Velvet, coraly red Suedeberry and the new pink Pink Velvet.
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Lime Crime Suedeberry |
Lime Crime Pink Velvet |
Obstojnost je nekaj najboljšega in čisto odtehta ceno - dejansko se ga uporabi enkrat v dnevu, mogoče po kosilu za kakšen popravek in je to to. In to pravim jaz, ki mi šminke izginejo v eni uri. Ni odtisov šminke na kozarcu, po kosilu ostane na ustnicah dosti več kot samo črta na robovih ustnic in v vetru se lasje nikamor ne lepijo in se Velvetinček ne razmaže po polovici obraza.
What's the best about it is how long lasting it is and that totally makes you forget about the price - you only have to apply it once a day and maybe touch it up once. That's about it. And that's coming from me - the person that eats all the lipsticks in an hour. There's no annoying glass prints with it, there's much more of it left your your lips after the lunch than just lines on the edges of your lips and when there's wind your hair won't stick to your lips and the Velvet won't get all over your face.
Lime Crime Suedeberry |
Ahh, jaz sem navdušena! In ko je letos prišel še roza Pink Velvet, sem bila kot otrok, ker je idealen odtenek! In nove embalaže so še lepše. Mimogrede, Velvetinčki sploh ne izsušijo ustnic! Jaz pod njimi nanesem čisto tanko plast Crazy Rumors balzama, ker se lepo vpije in ni masten, tako da ne zmanjša obstojnosti. In nosim Velvetinčke tudi vsak dan v tednu brez težav in razpokanih ustnic. :)
Ahh, I love it! And I was like a little child when the Pink Velvet came on the shelves this year, it's just perfect! And the new packaging is even cuter. By the way, Velvetines won't dry out your lips! I use a thin layer of Crazy Rumors lip balm underneath, because it's not greasy and the Velvetines are just as long lasting with it. And I can wear them each day without problems. :)
Lime Crime Pink Velvet |
Lime Crime Pink Velvet |
Res ne najdem niti ene slabe lastnosti. Še na ceno se pozabi, ko se ga preizkusi. A me lahko zdaj kdorkoli prepriča, da res ne rabim še Red Velvet odtenka? :)
I seriously can't find one negative side about it. You even forget about the price when you try it. Can somebody please convince me now that I really don't need the Red Velvet shade too? :)
Na voljo so na Ličila.si po 19,95 € in na uradni Lime Crime spletni strani po 20,00 $.
They are available on the official Lime Crime website at 20,00 $.
I loooooooooove Suedeberry! Amazing shade :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI agree! The perfect bright red! :)
IzbrišiZelo lepi odtenki. In finish je perfekten:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiKje je "super like" gumb, ko ga rabim … :D Noro dobri so :)
IzbrišiNew love of mine! *.*
OdgovoriIzbrišiYou just can't not fall in love with them! :))
IzbrišiOoo, kaj so pa sexy <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiSploh Suedeberry! :)
So sexy ane! :D
Izbrišiiiiii zelo so lepi. Tole bo treba sprobati :9
OdgovoriIzbrišixoxo Nika
Nika, obvezno, ne bo ti žal. :)
Izbrišiah fancy! they're truly beautiful, but you can see any imperfection on the lips... not very forgiving!
True, but there's nothing a little lip peeling can't save :)
IzbrišiAh, definitivno rabim Pink Velvet. Prekrasen je :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSe strinjam s tabo, rabiš ga. :P
IzbrišiPink velvet <3 Pure perfection, res!
OdgovoriIzbrišiMhm, popoln odtenek roza <3
Izbrišiwow, odlično izgledaju oba, ali favoriziram Lime Crime Suedeberry *.*
OdgovoriIzbrišiPrekrasna sta! Na Hrvaškem se jih dobi na Pink Pandi :) http://www.pinkpanda.hr/proizvod/lime-crime-zametni-gloss-velvetine-suedberry-30_2
IzbrišiOba sta mi zelo lepa. Čeprav zdaj imam ustnice v takem stanju, da mat šminka ne bi preveč lepo izgledala. :(
OdgovoriIzbrišiTole vreme ni ravno super za ustnice. :/
IzbrišiČeprav po mojih izkušnjah Sleek mat glosi ali pa kakšna svetla kremna šminka dosti bolj poudarijo nepravilnosti na ustnicah kot pa tale dva. Tema še uspe kaj skriti. :)
uaaau čudovita sta! <3 In krasne ustnice imaš ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! <3 :D
IzbrišiI prefer pink velvet, is just pefect! xx
OdgovoriIzbriši-->THE PINK INNUENDO <--
I agree! :)
IzbrišiNisam još probala, ali mi izgledaju prekrasno. Ljepši mi se čini Lime Crime Pink Velvet. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiČe boš imela možnost, preizkusi - super so! :)
Izbrišičudovite šminkice :D še jaz sem navdušena postala :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiNoro dobre so! :D