V soboto, 15. 2., smo lahko spremljali drugo tekmo v smučarskih skokih na zimskih olimpijskih igrah. Tokrat na veliki skakalnici.
On Saturday, 15. 2., we witnessed another match in ski jumping at the Winter Olympics. This time on the large hill.
Source. Sochi. |
On Friday we witnessed qualifications, which were won by Austrian Michael Hayboeck. Jernej Damjan landed as 8th, Jurij Tepes on 15th place. Robert Kranjec and Peter Prevc had the competition already guaranteed.
Source. Michael Hayboeck. |
V soboto so zaradi vetra odpovedali poskusno serijo. Tudi med celotno tekmo je veter krojih rezultate skakalcev.
On Saturday the wind canceled trial series. Even during the entire match the wind had cuts results of the jumpers.
Source. |
Tekma je potekala v spremenljivih vremenskih razmerah. Tudi na tej tekmi se je najbolje od vseh odrezal Poljak Kamil Stoch, ki je prikazal dva res izjemna skoka. Drugi je bil legendarni Japonec Noriaki Kasai, tretji pa naš odlični Peter Prevc. Čestitke vsem!
The match was held in variable weather conditions. Also in this competitions was the best of all Pole Kamil Stoch, who showed two really remarkable jumps. The second was the legendary Japanese Noriaki Kasai and third was our great Peter Prevc. Congratulations to all!
The match was held in variable weather conditions. Also in this competitions was the best of all Pole Kamil Stoch, who showed two really remarkable jumps. The second was the legendary Japanese Noriaki Kasai and third was our great Peter Prevc. Congratulations to all!
Source. Noriaki Kasai, Kamil Stoch, Peter Prevc |
Jernej Damjan je tekmo končal na 17. mestu, Jurij Tepeš pa na 20. mestu. Poškodovanemu Robertu Kranjcu se žal ni uspelo uvrstiti v finalno serijo.
Jernej Damjan ended on the 17th place, Jurij Tepes on 20th. The injured Robert Kranjec unfortunately failed to qualify for the final round.
Source. Jernej Damjan |
Uvrstitve vseh ostalih tekmovalcev, pa si lahko ogledate tu.
You can see charts of all the other contestants here.
You can see charts of all the other contestants here.
Najbol luškan Noriaki, kok je biu vesel :) Končno po 7ih olimpijskih igrah medalja :')
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa, on si jo je pa res zaslužil! Je pa že dost let čakal na to :-)
IzbrišiSlochi has cute mascots haha
OdgovoriIzbrišiI'm not too happy with the Olumpics so far, but I have to admit, you guys (or Prevc...) are doing so well! Congrats!
let's see if you can pull a triple with the team today!
Thank you :-)
IzbrišiWell, we didn`t get any medals yesterday ... but they did well anyway! :-)