I'll be totally British today. ;) Two British nail polishes are the kings of my nails today, three if you count the base coat.
Totally British ;) |
I've decided for a very popular manicure with cracle effect nail polish - or as it's called at Beauty UK - shatter polish.
Za podlak sem uporabila Barry M lak v odtenku Burgundy. V Barry M lake sem se popolnoma zaljubila v trenuku, ko sem zagledala njihov oranžen lakec. Ta mi je od vseh njihovih še vedno najljubši, ampak ostali ne zaostajajo kaj preveč. Tokrat pa, kot že rečeno, Burgundy. Zdi se mi zelo eleganten odtenek, predvsem pa mi je všeč, kako dolgo se obdrži na nohtih. Štiri dni brez problema, če se kdo javi za pomivanje posode, pa še kakšen dan več.
As a base nail polish I've decided to go with Barry M Burgundy. I've completely fallen in love with Barry M the moment I saw their Block Orange nail polish. That's still my favorite, but the others are not far behind. But this time - Burgundy. I find it very elegant, but I mostly love how long lasting it is. Four days without a problem, but if someone else does the dishes, a day or two more.
Barry M Burgundy |
To light up a dull and sleepy day I've added Beauty UK Shatter in Punk.
Barry M Burgundy + Beauty UK Punk Shatter |
It shattered differently on my nails. On the right I've applied it sloppy and in thin layers and on the left in thicker layers so it's less shattered.
Barry M Burgundy + Beauty UK Punk Shatter |
Barry M Burgundy + Beauty UK Punk Shatter |
Desna mi je bolj všeč.
I prefer the right.
Pa ve, imate kakšen lak s podobnim učinkom?
Do you have any crackle/shatter polish?
OMG you have Barry M there...I'm jealous! love the look =)
Unfortunately we don't have it in stores. :) But there's a great Slovenian online store, where we can find Barry M and Beauty UK. :) Thankfully! :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiV domžalah je v trgovini tudi Barry M:) ..drugače pa mi ta učinek razpok ni tako všeč..Imam od Depend znamke dva lakca...pa se prehitro sušita in mi ni všeč...(že na čopiču rata suho).
OdgovoriIzbrišiUuu, sem brala, da je bil, pa nisem vedela, če je še. :) Domžale so tako predaleč zame. ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaz imam belega od Depend, pa mi tudi ni tako všeč, imam isti problem kot ti. Nemogoče ga je dobro namazat. Tale je dosti boljši, sploh če ga dobro pretresem prej. :)
you have to tell me about that store xD does it ship outside Slovenia?
It's http://www.licila.si/ but I don't think they ship outside. :) Barry M http://www.barrym.com/ ships outside and they have discounts very often :D Postage to Europe is 5 pounds, so if you buy more things, that's not so much. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks! =)
Nism velika navdušenka nad rdečimi/pink odtenki, ampak tole pa zelo lepo izgleda, super kombinacija lakov :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! Moram ponovit tole kdaj. :)