nedelja, 4. december 2011

Ski jumping review

Prejšnjo nedeljo smo si lahko v Finskem Kuusamu ogledali prvi dve tekmi v letošnji sezoni smučarskih skokov. Kako, da sta bili kar dve tekmi na nedeljo? V soboto so ekipno tekmo odpovedali zaradi slabega vremena (premočnega vetra) in tako so prvo ekipno tekmo izpeljali v nedeljo. Ta je minila brez večjih presenečenj na vrhu. Po pričakovanjih so zmagali Avstrijci. Ostala razvrstitev pa je bila zame kar presenetljiva. Japonci drugi, Rusi tretji ... naši na kar dobrem petem mestu. Razočarali pa so me Norvežani, ki so pristali na, zanje skromnem, osmem mestu.
Last Sunday we were able to watch first two games at this seasons ski jumping at Finlands Kuusamu. How's that there were two games on Sunday? On Saturday, team match was abandoned due to bad weather (wind was too strong) so it was carried out on Sunday. It was passed without any major surprises at the top. As expected, the Austrians won. Other classification was surprising to me. Japanese second, Russians third ... our team was good at fifth place. I was disappointed by the Norwegians, who were at eighth place.

Po ekipni tekmi je sledila še prva posamična tekma. Tudi tu na vrhu ni bilo presenečenj. Zmago si je priskočil Andreas Kofler, drugi je bil Gregor Schlierenzauer in tretji Thomas Morgenstern. Kaj pa naši fantje? Peter Prevc je bil 16., Jernej Damjan 23., Robert Kranjec 27., Dejan Judež 28., Jurij Tepeš 35. in Jure Šinkovec 36.
Kaj pa ostali "top" fantje? Simon Ammann na tekmi ni nastopil. Kamil Stoch je po lanski sezoni še vedno v dobri formi in je bil 4., Tom Hilde je bil najboljši Norvežan na 8. mestu, Janne Happonen pa najboljši Finec na 10. mestu.
Team match was followed by the first individual race. Even here at the top was no surprise. Victory was taken by Andreas Kofler, the second was Gregor Schlierenzauer and third Thomas Morgenstern.
What about our guys? Peter Prevc was 16th, Jernej Damjan 23rd, Robert Kranjec 27th, Dejan Judež 28th, Jurij Tepeš 35th and Jure Šinkovec 36th.
What about the other "top" guys? Simon Ammann did not occur at the match. Kamil Stoch is after last season still in good shape and was fourth, Tom Hilde was eighth which was the best Norwegian place and Janne Happonen best Finn in 10th place.


Ta vikend sta bili na sporedu dve tekmi v Norveškem Lillehammerju. Včeraj je bitka potekala na manjši skakalnici (HS100). Zmago si je ponovno priskakal Avstrijec Andreas Kofler. 2. je bil Richard Freitag in tretji Kamil Stoch. Od naših je bil najboljši Jernej Damjan na 10. mestu. Po prvi seriji mu je sicer kazalo bolje, vendar mu žal v drugo ni uspel enako dober skok.
Simon Ammann je na svoji prvi tekmi dosegel 9. mesto. S slabo uvrstitvijo sta "presenetila" Thomas Morgenstern, ki je pristal na 12. mestu in Tom Hilde, ki je pristal na 30. mestu.
This weekend they were having two competitions in Lillehammer, Norway. Yesterday, the battle took place on a small hill (HS100). Austrian Andreas Kofler won again. Second was Richard Freitag and third Kamil Stoch. Our best was Jernej Damjan on the 10th place. After the first round he was better, but unfortunately he failed another equally good jump.
Simon Ammanns first competitions reached its ninth place. With poor classification "surprised" us Thomas Morgenstern, who landed on the 12th place and Tom Hilde, who has landed on the 30th place.

Photo from Nordic Focus via Source
Današnja tekma je bila ponovno izziv za sodnike, saj se je veter skozi celotno tekmo spreminjal. Zmago na sosednji skakalnici (HS138) si je ponovno priskakal Avstrijec Andreas Kofler, ki tako po treh tekmah ostaja nepremagljiv in kraljuje na vrhu s 300 točkami. Drugi je bil Severin Freund in tretji Anders Bardal, ki je tako prinesel vsaj nekaj veselja norveškim navijačem.
Odlično priložnost za dobro uvrstitev sta po prvi seriji imela naš Jurij Tepeš (1.) in naš sosed Andrea Morassi (2.). Žal pa v drugi seriji tega uspeha nista ponovila in tako pristala na 8. (Morassi) in 9. (Tepeš) mestu.
Znova je razočaral Tom Hilde, ki se sploh ni uvrstil v finalno serijo. Simon Ammann je po slabši prvi seriji z odličnim drugim skokom napredoval na 13. mesto.
Today's race was once again a challenge for the judges, as the wind changed through the whole game. Victory on the adjacent hill (HS138) went to Austrian Andreas Kofler who, after three matches, remains invincible and reigns at the top with 300 points. Severin Freund was second and third was Anders Bardal, which, at least, brought some joy for Norwegians fans.
Jurij Tepes had excellent opportunity for a good ranking after the first series (he was first) and our neighbor Andrea Morassi (2nd). Unfortunately, in the second series, this success was not repeated, and so they  landed in eighth (Morassi) and ninth (Tepes) place.
Again Tom Hilde disappointed. He did not qualify for the final series. Simon Ammann was, after not so good first round ended, with an excellent second jump, at 13th place.

Za konec pa si privoščite še ogled filmčka o Koflerju. =)
At the end, treat yourself by watching the movie about Kofler. =)

We do not own any of the pictures in this blog post. 

2 komentarja:

  1. Kofler's in great shape this year...I would enjoy it very much if he won the crystal globe this year...

    Morgi is not quite right...kinda weird, I think he's doing a Daiki Ito...not good

    And I also think the Norweagians got Finland's bad luck's a Nordic thing xD

    you forgot to mention the first ever ladies was amazing!!!


  2. Hihi, Kofler je največja faca. =) Ko pristane in ga kamera začne snemati od blizu, ima že par let takšne smešne face in grimase, da mi je prav prirasel k srcu. =)


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