Hey there! :) Today I'll show you some photos of my two Barry M lipsticks.
Barry M lipsticks |
Barry M lipsticks |
Prvo sem si kupila nekje na začetku poletja, ko sem se čisto navdušila nad oranžno barvo in oranžnim make-upom, barva te šminke pa je izgledala popolna. Najprej sem sicer želela imeti glos, vendar so ravno šli iz prodaje, šminka ni pa nič slabši nadomestek. :) Niti sanja se mi ne, kje sem našla pogum za nošenje te barve, ampak na koncu niti ne izpade zelo vpadljivo.
I've bought the first one at the beginning of summer, when I became addicted to orange makeup and the color of this lipstick looked perfect! I wanted to buy lip gloss, but it wasn't sold anymore, and the lipstick is just as great. ;) I have no idea where I found the courage to wear the color, but in the end it's not even so vivid as one might think.
Barry M Orange |
Barry M Orange |
Moja druga Barry M šminka pa je Mulberry. Manj živahna in temnejša, ampak tudi krasna.
My other Barry M lipstick is Mulberry. Less vivid and darker, but just as great!
Barry M Mulberry |
Barry M Mulberry |
Obe sta lepo mazljivi, malo bolj se je treba potruditi z oranžno, sta obstojni, z malo glosa pa popolnoma nosljivi vsak dan. :)
Both of the lipsticks are easy to put on, you just have to be careful a little bit more with the orange, they last quite long and are perfect even for every day with a little bit of lip gloss. :)
Barry M Orange |
Barry M Mulberry |
Imate kakšno Barry M šminko ali pa šminko podobnih barv? :)
Do you have any Barry M lipstick or a lipstick in similar color? :)
P.S. Ne pozabite - giveaway še vedno poteka do 20. 12. in lahko dobite dva luštna lakca. Več tukaj: http://mateji.blogspot.com/2011/12/ti-je-vsec-you-like-v-najinem-giveawayu.html
P.S. Don't forget - there's still a giveaway till 20. 12. and you can win two cute nail polishes. Click here: http://mateji.blogspot.com/2011/12/ti-je-vsec-you-like-v-najinem-giveawayu.html
likey likey...mostly the orange, the other one doesnt seem as pigmented but looks good on you...
oh yeah, and I do have something similar...its one from the Basic brand from Schlecker...04 if I'm correct
It's not as pigmented on my lips, but that's good coz I'd look too pale. :D Orange is my favorite too. ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiMeni pa je osebno bolj všeč druga. Se dosti bolj navdušujem nad malinastimi odtenki. Čeprav ponavadi nosim bolj nude odtenke.
OdgovoriIzbrišiNimam pa nobene šminke od Barry M.
Meni je tale druga super predvsem zdaj jeseni. :) Kar je boljše pri njej je to, da jo je lažje nanesti, ker je bolj kremasta. :)