And there it is. 60th 4 hills tournament.
Začne se danes s prvimi kvalifikacijami ob 16:30.
It starts today with the first qualification at 16:30.
60. New Year`s Tour
Četrtek ob 16.30: (Thursday) Oberstdorf, kvalifikacije
Petek ob 16.30: (Friday) Oberstdorf, 1. tekma turneje
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Sobota ob 14.00: (Saturday) Garmisch-Partenkichen, kvalifikacije
Nedelja ob 14.00: (Sunday) Garmisch-Partenkichen, 2. tekma turneje
Sreda, 4. januarja, ob 13.45: (Wednesday) Innsbruck, 3. tekma turneje
Četrtek, 5. januarja, ob 16.30: (Thursday) Bischofshofen, kvalifikacije
Petek, 6. januarja, ob 16.30: (Friday) Bischofshofen, 4. tekma turneje
Kot veste, potekajo te tekme malce drugače od ostalih. Tekmovalci tekmujejo "v paru", in sicer prvi in 50. iz kvalifikacij, drugi proti 49., ... V finale se uvrsti tisti, ki dobi več točk. Tako dobimo 25 finalistov. Ostalih 5 finalistov dobimo s tako imenovanimi "srečnimi poraženci" - najboljših 5 med izpadlimi skakalci.
As you know, these competition take place a little differently than the other. Contestants compete "in a couple", the first and last of qualifications, the second against the 49th, ... The finale is put by those who receive more points. This gives the 25 finalists. The remaining five finalists get the so-called "lucky losers" - the top 5 of the foregone jumpers.
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Photo: AFP (Source) |
Ugibanj o zmagovalcu je veliko. Največ možnosti za zmago pripisujejo Avstrijcu Koflerju. Med favoriti lahko najdemo še lanskoletnega zmagovalca Morgensterna, Schlierenzauerja, Norvežana Bardala, Poljaka Stocha, Švicarja Ammanna (kateremu med vsemi prestižnimi zmagami v smučarskih skokih manjka le še zmaga na novoletni turneji).
There is a lot of guessing about the winner. Most chances to win go to Austrian Kofler. Among the favorites can be found last year's winner Morgenstern, Schlierenzauerja, Norwegian Bardal, Poles Stocha, Swiss Ammann (who among all the victories in the prestigious ski jumping he still needs just a victory on New Year's tour).
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Kdo bo po vašem mnenju zmagovalec?
Who do you think will win?
To refresh your memory you can watch this video:
Zmagovalec lanske novoletne turneje Thomas Morgenstern:
The winner of last year`s New Years tour was Thomas Morgenstern:
We do not own any of the pictures in this blog post.
is it called the New Year's Tour? didnt know that! cant wait for next week, Innsbruck is my favourite! =D
OdgovoriIzbrišiI'm guessing Kofler or Schleri to win...probably Kofler if he does top 5 in all 4 stages...