torek, 20. december 2011

Gratinirane testenine. Pasta au gratin.

Danes bom z vami delila še en recept za zelo okusno in hitro pripravljeno kosilo.
Today I will share with you yet another recipe for a delicious and quickly prepared lunch.

Potrebujemo: testenine, sir, šunko, jajce, maslo.
We need: pasta, cheese, ham, egg, butter.

Najprej skuhamo testenine.
First, cook the pasta.

Medtem ko se testenine kuhajo narežemo šunko na manjše koščke in naribamo sir.
While the pasta is cooking cut ham into small pieces and grate cheese.

Ko so testenine kuhane jim dodamo 1 jajce, košček masla, 3/4 naribanega sira in šunko. Vse skupaj dobro premešamo in damo v posodo, ki jo pred tem namažemo z maslom. Ostalo četrtino sira potrosimo po vrhu (ali pa uporabimo sir za toast).
When the pasta is cooked, add them one egg, a piece of butter, 3/4 of grated cheese and ham. Stir and place in a container that had previously been spread with butter. Spend 1/4 of the cheese over the top (or use cheese for toast).

Pečemo nekje 20-25 minut pri 180 stopinjah.
Bake 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees.

Pa dober tek! =)

All the pictures in this blog post are owned by us.

4 komentarji:

  1. I don't really like cheese or ham, but it looks yummy, so I'd be willing to try =)


  2. I have just spent an hour reading all your recipes - so yummy and simple!!! I will have to make them))


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