ponedeljek, 20. april 2015

NOTD: It`s all about purple

Ah, a veš tisti super občutek, ko te v nabiralniku čaka pošta iz Born Pretty Store? Božanski, ane? Prejela sem štiri izdelke, danes pa se bom posvetila tem čudovitim, pisanim kamenčkom.
Ah, you know that great feeling when get a package from Born Pretty Store? Divine, right? I have received four products, but today I will focus on this beautiful, colorful rhinestones.

sobota, 18. april 2015

Lip Lava - Tremor

Prejšnji petek me je Mateja D. presenetila s super paketkom, ki je vseboval dve novi, čudoviti šminki Lip Lava! 
Last Friday I was surprised by Mateja D. super package which included two new, beautiful lipstick Lip Lava!

Lip Lava - Tremor

Lip Lava - Tremor

ponedeljek, 13. april 2015

sobota, 4. april 2015

NOTD: French kiss

Spet sem malce ustvarjala. To sem si želela že nekaj časa narediti, pa so me vedno prehitele druge ideje. :-D
Again, I'm a little creative. That's what I wanted to do for some time, but I was always overtaken by other ideas. :-D

Kiko 419 & P2: French kiss

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