Ah, you know that great feeling when get a package from Born Pretty Store? Divine, right? I have received four products, but today I will focus on this beautiful, colorful rhinestones.
Od nekdaj mi je všeč, da se moji nohti svetijo in bleščijo in kaj bi bilo boljšega od bleščečih se kamenčkov, ki super popestrijo vsako manikuro? Dobite jih tule (#18324).
As far as I can remember I like that my nails shine and sparkle, and what would be better than the shiny rhinestones that brighten up any manicure? You can get them here (#18324).
Uporabila sem jih na laku Yes Love: G10-4.
I used them on a nail polish Yes Love: G10-4.
Najboljše je prav to, da dobite v paketu več različnih barv, tako da je izbira res pestra.
The best thing is that, in one package, you get several different colors, so the choice is really diverse.
In ker jih je res ogromno, jih lahko uporabite tudi za popestritev svojega mobitela, da bo tudi ta zasijal v vsem svojem sijaju.
And because there is really a lot of them, you can also use it to spice up your phone which will be shiney in all its glory.
The only "minus" could be that the rhinestones are small and you need some time and patience to get out those colors you want.
Ampak saj veste kako pravijo: "Vse se da, če se hoče!" :-)
But you know what they say: "Everything is possible if you want to!" :-)
Če bo katera od vas tudi kaj naročala iz njihove strani, pa nikakor ne pozabi na najino promo kodo MDX31 za 10% popusta.
If any of you will order something from their site, don`t forget our promo code MDX31 for a 10% discount.
sooooooo CUTE!!!! =D
Tnx! :-))