Last Friday I was surprised by Mateja D. super package which included two new, beautiful lipstick Lip Lava!
Lip Lava - Tremor |
Lip Lava - Tremor |
Zakaj sem ju dobila? No, zaradi dveh precej napornih tednov v službi je bila Mateja mnenja, da si zaslužim malo razvajanja. A ni najboljša??? :-D
Why did I get them? Well for two quite stressful weeks at work, Mateja believed that I deserve a little spoiling. Isn`t she the best??? :-D
Lip Lava - Tremor |
Trenutno mi je uspelo poslikati tole lepotičko - Tremor. Je zelo lušten, bolj svetel odtenek, tako da ga imam lahko tudi za v službo, kar mi je res super.
Currently, I managed to picture this beauty - Tremor. It's very cute, brighter shade so I`m able to wear it to work - it is really great.
Lip Lava - Tremor |
Šminke Lip Lava dobimo zapakirane v škatlici, ki že nakazuje odtenek same šminke. Ta pa se nahaja v tubi in jo je 12 ml.
Lipstick Lip Lava get packed in a box, which already indicates the same shade of lipstick. This is located in a 12 ml tube.
Lip Lava - Tremor |
Nanaša se preko gobice, ki omogoča lahek in enostaven nanos na ustnice.
It concerns over the sponge that provides an easy and simple application to the lips.
Lip Lava - Tremor |
Odtenek mi je zelo všeč. Kaj pa tebi? Imaš že katero šminko iz te zbirke?
I really like the shade. What about you? You already have any lipstick from this collection?
Lip Lava - Tremor |
Lip Lava - Tremor |
Ta in ostale odtenke dobite na spletni strani
You can get them also in Hungary, Croatia and Czech.
Lip Lava - Tremor |
Ful lepo izgleda :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! :-)
IzbrišiSuper odtenek! :)