Red lips and red nails. Is there anything cutter? :-)
Lady in Red & Smooth Operator. |
Tokrat sem uporabila rdeči lak Work the Colour: Lady in Red, ter rdeče bleščice Makeup Revolution: Smooth Operator.
This time I used red nail polish Work the Colour: Lady in Red and red glitters Makeup Revolution: Smooth Operator.
Lady in Red & Smooth Operator. |
Potem pa sem se odpravila na bližnji hrib, kje sem naredila še nekaj fotografij. :-D
Then I went to the hill near by and did some photos. :-D
Lady in Red & Smooth Operator. |
Lady in Red & Smooth Operator. |
that is a really nice red =)
Tnx :-) :-)
IzbrišiEvo, sama nisem ljubiteljica rdeče barve (na sebi), ampak na vseh vas drugih se mi pa zdi, da tako super izgleda :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaz pa si sploh ne predstavljam več življenja brez rdeče :-P