torek, 25. junij 2013

Jutranji sprehod // Morning walk

"Le kaj se skriva pod obleko tega mesta" prepeva slovenska pevka Neisha.
"What is hidden under the clothes of this city" is singing our singer Neisha.

Pšenica. // Wheat.

Pa poglejmo. :-)
So lets take a look. :-)

četrtek, 13. junij 2013

petek, 7. junij 2013

FB page #7

Nekaj časa nazaj sem povsem slučajno odkrila nadaljevanko "Arrow" in me je čisto prevzela. Do konca sem pogledala 1. sezono in sedaj komaj čakam na nadaljevanje. Katera je pa trenutno tvoja najljubša nadaljevanka?
A few time ago I discovered a new series Arrow and I couldn`t stop watching it. I just finished watching 1. season and now I can`t wait for a new one to start. Which is currently your favouite series? 


Rada prebiram razne misli in vzpodbudne besede, pa sem naletela na tole:
I like to read some thoughts and words of encouragement and I find this one:


Zadnje čase je bilo res ogromno dežja in zato sem se zadrževala za računalnikom več, kot bi si želela. Naletela sem na te zanimive misli:
There was soooo much rain lately so I was on my computer a bit too much time and I find this nice thoughts:


Kar resnične ane?
Really true, don`t you think?

Ali mogoče katera od vas igra klavir? Tale pesem mi zadnje čase ne gre iz glave, pa sem si poiskala note:
Does any of you play piano? I`m constantly singing this song lately so I find a piano notes:


sreda, 5. junij 2013

Laki Cliche // Nail polishes Cliche

Včeraj sem dobila malce pozno, ampak super darilo za diplomo.
Yesterday I got late, but very nice present for my graduation.

A gift for my graduation.

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